INTERAC Online for Moneris

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Feb 21, 2007, 12:54:08 AM2/21/07
to Active Merchant
Woooo! 100th member.

Anyways, I've just been dabbling around with Moneris' INTERAC Online
(Canada) integration method today. It was quite the process, going
through their testing and certification phases (whew!) however, I
added a few things to the Moneris gateway to handle the actions
idebit_purchase and idebit_refund (required to capture or refund the
amount) and a form helper to create the form required to post to

I still have yet to add a required bit of validation for what gets
posted back from Interac, as well I just noticed the entire
Integration::FormHelper stuff in the new version of AM and would be up
for converting my lame form helper into a similar method to ChronoPay,
Paypal, etc.

I guess I'm just wondering, is anybody actually interested in seeing
this functionality in ActiveMerchant?


Tobias Lütke

Feb 22, 2007, 9:48:09 AM2/22/07
Very nice,

Is it possible to implement the interact part in such a way that to use it you would just pass in a DebitCard object to the existing moneris purchase / credit methods instead of a credit card object?  This would broaden the unified UI even to debit cards, definitely something to investigate.

Remember: Active Merchant is all about offering the biggest possible support for online crediting with the least amount of different api calls so that application which are written against one gateway work with every other one as well.
Tobi       - modern e-commerce software - Open source weblog engine - Technical weblog

Cody Fauser

Feb 22, 2007, 11:20:54 AM2/22/07

We'd love to support INTERAC Online in Shopify. Does Moneris provide
an easy way of testing the INTERAC online system?

PayPal Express is probably something useful to look at in the
ActiveMerchant code, as it is also a hyrid of direct payment with some
required redirection.

Cody Fauser - e-commerce done right - blog - RJS Templates for Rails

Feb 22, 2007, 2:31:54 PM2/22/07
to Active Merchant
Hey guys,

For the longest time I was under the assumption that it would be just
a matter of creating a DebitCard object, unfortunately after delving
into the documentation I learned this was not the case. The way they
have it set up re-directs the user to a website where they choose
their financial institution (Currently supporting TD Canada Trust,
Royal Bank, and ScotiaBank) and then they login to their bank account
to 'preauth' the funds. The INTERAC site then re-directs the user back
to my application which commits the 'capture' (Moneris calls this an

In regards to testing, INTERAC provides a testing site where you input
fake bank information and send it back to your app to handle it. Then,
you would utilize the same Moneris test terminal (located at to make sure any captures or refunds
were executed properly.

I'm slowly getting into the PayPal methods, however it's quite
intimidating at first considering how many different account types and
services they provide. However, it sounds like INTERAC Online is quite
similar to PayPal Express.

Anyways, just wanted to see if there was any interest. Not sure when
I'll actually find the time to write up some AM patches to support it,
however I definitely want to give back to this awesome project which
has helped me out a ton.


On Feb 22, 9:20 am, "Cody Fauser" <> wrote:
> Chuck,
> We'd love to support INTERAC Online in Shopify. Does Moneris provide
> an easy way of testing the INTERAC online system?
> PayPal Express is probably something useful to look at in the
> ActiveMerchant code, as it is also a hyrid of direct payment with some
> required redirection.

Cody Fauser

Feb 22, 2007, 2:43:19 PM2/22/07

I'm definitely interested and I think there may be more services like
this, especially in Europe. The only problem is finding the correct
way of actually integrating these weird hyprid integrations into

Kenneth Hippolite

Oct 31, 2016, 5:55:00 PM10/31/16
to Active Merchant,
" the user to a website where they choose
their financial institution ...  and then they login to their bank account

to 'preauth' the funds. The INTERAC site then re-directs the user back
to my application which commits the 'capture' (Moneris calls this an

I might be missing a document, but I'm having the darndest time figuring out that Interac URL to forward the user to.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?
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