Week 77 Actions - You got this!

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Actions for Americans

Jun 25, 2018, 8:25:30 PM6/25/18
to Actions for Americans
Hi all,

It's been another intense week, but our collective pressure has forced some change, though much more is needed. If you're feeling overwhelmed, know that you're not alone. Ask for help if you need it, take a break when you need one, but do not let up now. It's likely going to be a very busy next few months as the Trump administration and Congress try to push through as many policies as they can ahead of the midterms. We got this!

Useful resource for finding your elected officials (save the numbers in your phone!!): myreps.datamade.us
Tips on effective communication with elected officials, see Chapter 4 Advocacy Tactics: Indivisible Guide: Local Advocacy Tactics that Work

1. Show up for immigrant families on June 30th at your local #FamiliesBelongTogether event
Although Trump issued an executive order last week to stop separating families, they US government can only legally detain children for up to 20 days. An actual, long term solution would be for the Trump administration to stop their "zero tolerance" policy that requires every single immigrant coming into this country to be detained until their immigration hearing, which can take months. This policy is the legal equivalent of putting everyone with a parking ticket in jail and taking away their kids. It has to stop.

For moreNPR: What We Know: Family Separation and 'Zero Tolerance' at the Border
Find an event near youFamilies Belong Together Events
Call your MoCs to end the "zero tolerance" policy: "Hi, I'm a constituent of Senator/Representative ______ and I'm calling to ask them to publicly oppose Jeff Sessions' "zero tolerance" policy. Not only is it cruel and unnecessary - illegally crossing a border is a similar level offense as a parking violation - it also incurs unnecessary costs to the American taxpayer. Please urge the Senator/Representative to push to stop this awful policy. My zip code is ______."
Donate or VolunteerTexas Tribune: Here's a List of Organizations Mobilizing to Help Immigrant Children ; I'd also recommend donating to the Texas Tribune. Their coverage of this crisis has been superb.

2. Keep calling your MoCs on immigration reform
Last week, thanks to pressure from your calls and actions, the Tea Party backed immigration bill was voted down. This week, the Paul Ryan immigration bill may come to the floor for a vote. It includes mandatory and indefinite detention for immigrant children, eliminates many types of family sponsored visas, funds the wall, and more. Immigration is great for so many reasons. Make sure your MoCs know their constituents oppose xenophobic legislation.

For moreIndivisible: Paul Ryan's Anti-Immigrant Immigration Bill
ReadVOX: House Delays "Compromise" Immigration Bill Vote
SayIndivisible Script (scroll down to the House script)

3. Call your Senators to oppose work requirements for SNAP
Today the House passed a farm bill that imposes strict work requirements on SNAP (fka "food stamps") recipients. If people are already able to find employment, they shouldn't need food assistance (although they often do because minimum wage is not a living wage in this country). The Senate's current version of the bill does not include these new work requirements. Call your Senators to make sure they know their constituents do not support adding such requirements to the SNAP program. We live in the wealthiest country on the planet. Our neighbors should not go hungry.

ReadPolitico: House Passes Farm Bill
For moreCBPP.org: Policy Basics of SNAP
SayIndivisible: Farm Bill Script

4. Call your Representative to oppose a budget that repeals the ACA and drastically cuts Medicare and Medicaid
After the incredible public pushback when Congress tried to repeal the ACA last year, it's easy to understand why they're doing it: they need to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations that they passed last year. But it's hard to understand why they think repealing the ACA a different way would be popular. Maybe they think we won't realize what they're doing? Wrong! Get on the phones and tell your friends and family members to do the same. We do not want to go back to the time when Americans had to choose between life saving care or bankruptcy.

For moreWashington Post: House GOP Plan would Cut Medicare and Medicaid to Balance Budget
Say: "Hi, I'm a constituent of Representative ______ and I'm calling today to urge them to oppose cutting Medicare, Medicaid, or trying to repeal the ACA in the most recent House budget proposal. I understand that our government is facing massive budget shortfalls, but Congress should have thought of that BEFORE passing huge tax breaks to corporations and the wealthy. If Representative _____ votes in favor of this budget, it will be clear that they are prioritizing their wealthy donors' interests over their constituents and we will vote them out in November. My zip code is ______."

5. Donate to Beto O'Rourke and flippable Texas House seats
The response to the current immigration crisis from the majority of the Texas delegation has been subpar at best. One Texas Representative that has been showing up and doing meaningful work is Representative Beto O'Rourke who's running for Senate to unseat Ted Cruz in November. Let's make sure he knows that Americans support his work on immigration, and help get him elected in the fall!

DonateDonate to Beto O'Rourke and Wall-of-Us or Beto O'Rourke Campaign
Buy some Beto Swagstore.betofortexas.com

That's it for this week. Keep up the calls!

Much love,
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