As seen in my attachement I still have these bugged dropdown boxes ONLY in "Search views" and "Share dropdown menu" in the example!
So any other dropdown box works perfectly. I tried this with the ActionbarSherlock ! I've cleaned the project multiple times, tried deleting the reference of the DLL and reattaching it.
The DLL is from the downloaded from the website..
1: I reference it
using Xamarin.ActionbarSherlockBinding.Views;
using IMenu = Xamarin.ActionbarSherlockBinding.Views.IMenu;
using IMenuItem = Xamarin.ActionbarSherlockBinding.Views.IMenuItem;
using MenuItem = Xamarin.ActionbarSherlockBinding.Views.MenuItem;
using ISubMenu = Xamarin.ActionbarSherlockBinding.Views.ISubMenu;
LokalGemsDetailActivity (where i use the share dropdown menu) :
using Xamarin.ActionbarSherlockBinding;
using Xamarin.ActionbarSherlockBinding.Views;
using SherlockActionBar = Xamarin.ActionbarSherlockBinding.App.ActionBar;
using ShareActionProvider = Xamarin.ActionbarSherlockBinding.Widget.ShareActionProvider;
public override bool OnCreateOptionsMenu (IMenu menu)
// Inflate your menu.
SupportMenuInflater.Inflate (Resource.Menu.share_action_provider, menu);
// Set file with share history to the provider and set the share intent.
var actionItem = menu.FindItem (Resource.Id.menu_item_share_action_provider_action_bar);
var actionProvider = (ShareActionProvider)actionItem.ActionProvider;
actionProvider.SetShareHistoryFileName (ShareActionProvider.DefaultShareHistoryFileName);
// Note that you can set/change the intent any time,
// say when the user has selected an image.
actionProvider.SetShareIntent (CreateShareIntent ());
return true;
using all the drawables (hdpi, ldpi etc folders) from the zip downloaded from the site in my project, setting the Style of my project to:
And everything works exept those 2 things (search view (in examples shows strange 9 patch aswell)
how come it works everywhere but those 2 ?
PS: i have cleaned / built / rebuilt my app numerous times... but i just can't figure it out!