ICETE News from ACTEA/COHETA (September/septembre 2010)

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Sep 17, 2010, 2:33:11 AM9/17/10

ACTEA is one of eight continental/regional associations of theological schools which sponsor the International Council for Evangelical Theological Education (ICETE). ACTEA is pleased to offer our email subscribers this month's edition of the ICETE News.


Le COHETA est une des huit associations continentales/régionales des écoles théologiques qui sponsorisent le Conseil International pour l'Enseignement Théologique Evangélique (CIETE). Le COHETA est dans la joie d'offrir à ses abonnés email cette édition du mois relative aux nouvelles du CIETE.



The next ACTEA/COHETA eNews will be sent on 15 October 2010. If you have announcements or notices to be considered for inclusion in the upcoming English or French editions of eNews, please send them to by Thursday 30 September. Thank you!


La prochaine circulaire par courrielle de l'ACTEA/COHETA sera posté le 15 octobre 2010. Si vous avez des annonces à être inclus dans les prochaines éditions circulaires en anglais ou en français, veuillez les envoyer à au plus tard jeudi le 30 septembre. Merci!





Newsletter — September 2010




       ICETE is co-hosting three special dialogue sessions for theological educators next month during the historic Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization in Cape Town, South Africa. Theological educators attending the Congress are cordially invited to take part in these sessions.

       The overall theme for the sessions is: Every Paul Needs an Apollos. The sessions are scheduled in the Congress programme for the afternoons of Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. The location will be announced in Congress information provided to participants.

       Within the context of the Congress, the first dialogue session will focus on “Theological Education: Is It Missional?” The second session will consider “Theological Education: Is It Viable?” The third will address: “Theological Education: Is It Global?” ICETE is co-sponsoring these occasions with Langham Partnership International (LPI), and with Overseas Council International (OCI). Chris Wright of LPI, David Baer of OCI, and Paul Sanders of ICETE will be principal presenters. A sizeable portion of each session will be dedicated to interaction among participants.

       The Lausanne 2010 Congress is bringing together over 4,000 leaders from more than 200 countries to engage with the critical issues affecting the future of the Church and world evangelization in our time. More information on the Congress is available at:



       The ICETE constituency is reminded that one need not be present in Cape Town in order to participate in and benefit from the Congress. Individuals and institutions can get closely involved both before and during the event in two specific ways.

       First is the Congress’s innovative GlobaLink. This scheme enables registered institutions to host remote web-based interactive participation during the Congress, as well as before and after. Full information and instructions for registration are available at:

       Second is the Congress’s highly active Global Conversation. This facility enables individual teaching staff and students at ICETE-related institutions to participate in a global conversation already in progress on the themes of the Congress. Participants can read and contribute to ongoing interaction, suggestions, strategising, and evaluations. Full information and instructions are available at:

       ICETE encourages all constituency theological schools around the world to take advantage of these exceptional opportunities to participate in this historic global event. Institutions are also encouraged to bring these opportunities to the notice of their students.



       Individuals from ICETE’s global constituency who are attending the Congress are encouraged to connect through a virtual ‘Meeting Point’ facility that ICETE has set up within the Congress website. For instructions on gaining access, send an email request to  Mention your name, plus your institution and its linkage to one of the ICETE member associations (ACTEA, ATA, AETAL, ABHE, CETA, EEAA, E-AAA, or SPABC), or your linkage to one of the ICETE Partner, Associate or Affiliate bodies. The ICETE virtual ‘Meeting Point’ is meant for sharing of information and comment before and during the Congress among those from the ICETE family who are attending, and for arranging personal contacts as needed.


About ICETE. ICETE is a global community, sponsored by eight regional associations of theological schools, to facilitate collaboration worldwide for excellence and renewal in evangelical theological education. The eight sponsoring associations together cover all parts of the world, with a combined constituency of more than 872 evangelical theological schools in 113 countries. This represents globally a combined student population in excess of a hundred thousand persons in preparation for church leadership roles, predominantly in the majority world. ICETE was established in 1980, and functions as a Global Partner in the World Evangelical Alliance.



“ICETE is among the most important networks within global evangelicalism, because it is helping to train leaders in the regions of the Church's greatest growth, and those are the regions from which evangelicalism's leadership will arise for the 21st century.”

Doug Birdsall, Executive Chair

Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization (LCWE)



ICETE Sponsoring Associations: ACTEA (Africa); ATA (Asia); CETA (the Caribbean); EEAA (Europe);

E-AAA (Euro-Asia); AETAL (Latin America); ABHE (North America); SPABC (South Pacific)


ICETE Officers—Chair: Joe Simfukwe (Zambia); Director: Paul Sanders (France/Lebanon);

Associate Director: Douglas Carew (Kenya); Deputy Director: Paul Bowers (USA/Africa)


ICETE Council of Reference—Rolf Hille (Germany); Emilio Nuñez (Guatemala); Chris Wright (UK);

Wilson Chow (Hong Kong); Doug Birdsall (USA); Daniel Bourdanné (Chad); Peter Kuzmič (Croatia)


for further information about ICETE, go to:

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