ICETE News from ACTEA/COHETA (February/février 2011)

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Stephanie Black

Feb 28, 2011, 8:06:05 AM2/28/11

ACTEA is one of eight continental/regional associations of theological schools which sponsor the International Council for Evangelical Theological Education (ICETE). ACTEA is pleased to offer our email subscribers this month's edition of the ICETE News.


Le COHETA est une des huit associations continentales/régionales des écoles théologiques qui sponsorisent le Conseil International pour l'Enseignement Théologique Evangélique (CIETE). Le COHETA est dans la joie d'offrir à ses abonnés email cette édition du mois relative aux nouvelles du CIETE.



Newsletter—February 2011




       ICETE is pleased to announce that the next ICETE International Consultation for Theological Educators will take place 15-19 October 2012. The provisional venue is Nairobi, Kenya. ICETE International Consultations are the only events of their kind gathering leaders in evangelical theological education from all parts of the world for professional interaction and reflection. The 2012 Consultation will begin the fourth decade for ICETE’s international consultations. The first was held in High Leigh, UK, in 1980; the most recent one was held in Sopron, Hungary, in 2009. Delegates are invited to attend the 2012 event from any theological school linked with one of the ICETE member associations (ATA, ACTEA, AETAL, ABHE, EEAA, E-AAA, CETA, SPAEC), or from any of the other entities associated with ICETE. Further details about the 2012 Consultation will be forthcoming. Meanwhile, be sure to record the dates.



       In follow-up to the first ICETE Doctoral Consultation, held in March 2010 in Beirut, Lebanon, ICETE will be holding the second ICETE Doctoral Consultation in Bangalore, India, 11-14 October 2011. Participants in the Beirut event represented emerging doctoral programmes in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The ICETE doctoral project is designed to provide such programmes with ongoing relational space, and to enable dialogue and collaboration in pursuing quality leadership formation at the highest levels. The 2010 Consultation developed and unanimously adopted the Beirut Benchmarks, a statement of ‘best practice’ for emerging doctoral programmes in the evangelical majority world (available at: The Beirut Benchmarks have subsequently been endorsed by the ICETE governing board, Langham Partnership International, Overseas Council International, and various regional associations, including the Asia Theological Association, the Association for Evangelical Theological Education in Latin America, and the Euro-Asia Accrediting Association. The 2011 Consultation will meet in Bangalore on the campus of the South Asia Institute of Advanced Christian Studies (SAIACS). It will focus on issues affecting deployment of doctoral programmes in the evangelical majority world, including some left over from the Beirut sessions. Both the Beirut and the Bangalore sessions are designed as planning events in preparation for a larger gathering of interested parties to be held in conjunction with the ICETE International Consultation in 2012. ICETE’s doctoral project is co-sponsored by Langham Partnership International and Overseas Council International.



       ICETE co-hosted three special dialogue sessions for theological educators during the Lausanne 2010 Congress in Cape Town, South Africa last October. The overall theme for the sessions was: Every Paul Needs an Apollos. The first dialogue session, led by Chris Wright of Langham Partnership International, focused on ‘Theological Education as Missional’ The second session, led by David Baer of Overseas Council International, addressed ‘Missional Theological Education as Viable’ The third, led by Paul Sanders, ICETE’s International Director, considered: ‘Missional Theological Education as Global’ A copy of the presentation by Paul Sanders is now available on the web at:  Doug Birdsall, Lausanne’s Executive Chair, has referred to ICETE as “among the most important networks serving within global evangelicalism, because it is helping to train leaders in the regions of the world from which evangelicalism's leadership will arise for the 21st century.”



       ICETE’s Executive Committee and administrative staff met in September 2010 in Medellín Colombia, in the facilities of the Seminario Biblico de Colombia. This meeting was immediately followed at the same location by the General Assembly of the Latin America Association for Evangelical Theological Education (AETAL). The continental event was led by AETAL’s President, Márcio Matta (Brazil), and AETAL’s General Secretary, Pablo Sywulka (Guatemala). The theme was Beyond our Vision. Paul Sanders and other ICETE leaders were among the principal speakers. In attendance were 68 theological educators, from 40 theological institutions, in 20 countries. Further information on AETAL is available at:


 “ICETE plays a critical role in meeting the immense need of the global church

for strengthening and deepening theological education.”

Geoff Tunnicliffe

International Director

World Evangelical Alliance (WEA)


About ICETE. ICETE is a global community, sponsored by eight regional associations of theological schools, to facilitate collaboration worldwide for excellence and renewal in evangelical theological education. The eight sponsoring associations together cover all parts of the world, with a combined constituency of more than 872 evangelical theological schools in 113 countries. This represents globally a student population in excess of a hundred thousand persons presently in preparation for church leadership roles, predominantly in the majority world. ICETE was established in 1980, and functions as a Global Partner within the World Evangelical Alliance.


ICETE Sponsoring Associations: ACTEA (Africa); ATA (Asia); CETA (the Caribbean); EEAA (Europe);

E-AAA (Euro-Asia); AETAL (Latin America); ABHE (North America); SPAEC (South Pacific)


ICETE Officers—Chair: Joe Simfukwe (Zambia); Director: Paul Sanders (France/Lebanon);

Associate Director: Douglas Carew (Kenya); Deputy Director: Paul Bowers (USA/Africa)


ICETE Council of Reference—Rolf Hille (Germany); Emilio Nuñez (Guatemala); Chris Wright (UK);

Wilson Chow (Hong Kong); Doug Birdsall (USA); Daniel Bourdanné (Chad); Peter Kuzmič (Croatia)


for further information about ICETE, go to:



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