ALA FIL Free Pass Program, Don't miss the opportunity!

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Gruzynski, Vicki

Mar 15, 2024, 2:17:15 PMMar 15
Hello all,

Check out this amazing opportunity below! If you do collection development in Spanish, this fair is definitely worth attending. And it's subsidized by ALA!

Vicki Gruzynski
Librarian, Teaching and Learning
Worcester State University

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jazmín Orozco <>
Date: Fri, Mar 15, 2024 at 12:07 PM
Subject: [EXT] ALA FIL Free Pass Program, Don't miss the opportunity!
To: Jazmín Orozco <>






Involved with Spanish books acquisitions?


The ALA Free Pass Program is officially open. If you are involved with Spanish books acquisitions and have a budget to buy books, the Guadalajara International Book Fair (FIL) is the place you got to visit. Enjoy the finest selection of books and preserve the cultural traditions for your Spanish speaking readers. You can find more than 300,000 titles for children, academics, young adults and more.


This special program developed by FIL Guadalajara and the American Library Association is directed to all librarians’ members of ALA. You will meet colleagues from different libraries around the world and share experiences in the Annual Gala Dinner, sponsored by publishing houses and distributors. You will also share the exhibition floor with more than 17,000 professionals of the publishing industry.


Register now and obtain the following benefits:


·         FIL 2024 registration fee

·         3 nights of hotel accommodation in single occupancy or 5 nights in double occupancy.

·         $100 USD contribution for airfare, courtesy of ALA.

·         Additional $100 USD or $1800 Mexican pesos reimbursement towards airfare costs, courtesy of FIL (for the first 100 registrations who send their purchased ticket BEFORE October 4th)

·         Publication of data in the Professionals catalog

·         Access to services in the Business Center for professionals




Deadline to register September 27th














Jazmin Orozco /



La Universidad de Guadalajara (en adelante UdeG), con domicilio en Avenida Juárez 976, colonia Centro, código postal 44100, en Guadalajara, Jalisco, hace de su conocimiento que se considerará como información confidencial aquella que se encuentre contemplada en los artículos 3, fracciones IX y X de la LPDPPSOEJM; 21 de la LTAIPEJM; Lineamientos Cuadragésimo Octavo y Cuadragésimo Noveno de los Lineamientos de Clasificación; Lineamientos Décimo Sexto, Décimo Séptimo y Quincuagésimo Octavo de los Lineamientos de Protección, así como aquellos datos de una persona física identificada o identificable y la inherente a las personas jurídicas, los cuales podrán ser sometidos a tratamiento y serán única y exclusivamente utilizados para los fines que fueron proporcionados, de acuerdo con las finalidades y atribuciones establecidas en los artículos 1, 5 y 6 de la Ley Orgánica, así como 2 y 3 del Estatuto General, ambas legislaciones de la UdeG, de igual forma, para la prestación de los servicios que la misma ofrece conforme a las facultades y prerrogativas de la entidad universitaria correspondiente y estarán a resguardo y protección de la misma.

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