How do I add a descriptive name?

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Phillip Blanton

Apr 11, 2017, 11:13:51 PM4/11/17
to ACMESharp
I now have two certificates installed on my IIS and they appear identical. How do I add in a descriptive name so that I can tell them apart?

Screenshot of my quandry...


Eugene Bekker

Aug 1, 2017, 11:48:59 AM8/1/17
to ACMESharp
There isn't a way to do this in the ACMESharp client or library.  But in the Windows cert store you can add a "Friendly Name" attribute to a cert that will be displayed in the "Name" column of your screenshot.

You can tell the actual certs apart by the timestamp in your example -- one of them is created almost 2 hours after the first.

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