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heroku deployment issue with acl9 gem

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erik scheirer

Sep 27, 2010, 9:22:24 AM9/27/10
to acl9-discuss
Hi all -

Great gem, just getting started working it; I think its going to be a
nice relationship ;-)

I have installed them gem locally, and everything works fine.

Heroku is another story, just wondering if anyone has run into this.

The exception I Get:

Unable to load plugin: some_plugin: undefined method
`mattr_reader' for Acl9:Module

and in the console, I get an error because the Role model is not being
loaded, or because if I make User the auth subject class then I get an
exception on User::Role.

Does any of this ring a bell? It just looks like the gem is not
getting loaded at all, at runtime.

Rails 2.3.5 with acl9 listed in their .gems file. I can see heroku
loading the gem.

oleg dashevskii

Sep 27, 2010, 10:46:26 PM9/27/10
to acl9-discuss
Hi erik,

This mattr_reader thing is defined in activesupport. Does it get
loaded before acl9?
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