1.82 released

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Andy Lester

Apr 13, 2008, 12:47:22 PM4/13/08
to ack-...@googlegroups.com, ack-an...@googlegroups.com
Big reason I pushed this out now was that I was tired of the 1.80
failure notices. :-)

1.82 Sun Apr 13 11:36:56 CDT 2008

Added --pager/--nopager to the --help text

Redirecting output makes ack not set up the pager. The following
does not make sense:

ack foo --pager=more > save.txt

so now ack will ignore the --pager and ACK_PAGER.

Added extensions for Ruby's new Rails format and tcsh.

Added a new Debugging section to the docs.

Pointed to Phil Jackson's Emacs extension and Pedro Melo's
TextMate extension.


Andy Lester => an...@petdance.com => www.petdance.com => AIM:petdance

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