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Prof. David Morley

Jun 14, 2008, 6:39:21 AM6/14/08
to acde-2008-onlin...@googlegroups.com, Hilary Heine
Dear Terry, I think you will find that relatively few students can get regular access to the internet and certainly this is the case away from major centres.
For this reason TALC has been distributing free CDs for health workers in Africa. TALC has distributed around 100,000. They provide a wide range of carefully selected material from the Lancet, BMJ, Africa Health, Archives Diseases of Children, World Anaesthesia, PLOS Medicine, Footsteps, WHO, UNICEF, and much that is more suited to community level.
Will ask TALC to airmail you two samples and also a CD about TALC, you might like to lift pictures form this for your presentation, most people find that the use of images in talks are much appreciated in Africa.
TALC also has a range of other free CDs chosen by and sent to those ordering book from the TALC Catalogue on www.talcuk.org 
Hope this helps. David.
Prof. David. C.Morley.  MD. CBE.
51 Eastmoor Park,
AL5  1BN.   UK.
Phone/Fax 44 (0) 1582 712199

Omo Oaiya

Jun 14, 2008, 10:29:51 AM6/14/08
to acde-2008-onlin...@googlegroups.com
Dear David/All,

Very useful offerings from TALC but my experience is that just as many students in the developing world have issues with access to computers as well so the arguments for CD's do not stretch all the way. 

We could look at the CD's as OER (Terry's first way of use) if the content license is open as one would find in the typical OER project. A possible approach to surmount some of these PC/Internet access challenges is to employ telecentre models that have had some success around Africa. These centers would have sufficient internet access to download these materials for localized usage.  Learners would then have a local source of the content which can be redistributed via offline media and also be able to engage with the teachers and other learners F2F and online.

In the Peoples-Uni model, these centers could be organizations/institutions who co-develop/co-badge or simply partner to use to teach and certify their students.  The Nigerian OU for instance has centres distributed around the country which theoretically would fit the bill and this could apply as well to standalone centers even in rural areas.

Omo Oaiya
Mobile: 08051064095, 07028034569
Skype: kodion
Message has been deleted

Yetunde Ofulue

Jun 15, 2008, 12:54:17 AM6/15/08
to acde-2008-onlin...@googlegroups.com
It is interesting to note that the World Bank Step-B project is coming up in the discussion on how to facilitate access to OeRs via strategic deployment of technological infrastructure.

This conference had actually approached the project for support for this conference for the very reasons identified by Dr. Ekekwe. Unfortunately, the proposal was turned down. With Dr. Ekekwe's involvement in the Step B project and in this conference, perhaps the apparent disconnect can be eliminated and possible collaborations can ensue.

Christine Ofulue

--- On Sat, 6/14/08, NDUBUISI J EKEKWE <neke...@jhu.edu> wrote:

> From: NDUBUISI J EKEKWE <neke...@jhu.edu>
> Subject: World Bank/FME Stepb-Nigerian grant could help
> To: acde-2008-onlin...@googlegroups.com
> Date: Saturday, June 14, 2008, 9:47 AM
> Hello:
> I am Ndubuisi Ekekwe- about completing my 7th degree and
> 2nd PhD specializing in microelectronics and robotics
> engineering in the Johns Hopkins University, USA. I
> founded www.neocircuit.org and have been helping African
> schools integrate cutting-edge microelectronics and
> robotics programs in their programs. I worked in the
> NASA Jet Propulsion projects and hold patents.
> The discussions on this forum have been exciting; however,
> we are not addressing the main issue- broadband
> communication and Internet.
> Until Nigeria develops the infrastructural capabilities on
> telecoms, we cannot elevate the Distance Education
> model. The World Bank and Federal Ministry of Education
> have provided great opportunities to overcome
> some of these challenges through the Stepbnigeria.org
> grants. NOU (Nigeria Open University) should
> write a grant for regional ICT centers as Omo Oaiya noted.
> These centers will be complete Internet
> Virtual Classroom and Lab centers which will enable
> collaborations and managed as parks. NOU students
> can get in there and connect with other researchers
> anywhere.
> Right now, I am helping one of our federal universities
> develop a world class Microelectronics Institute
> courtesy of this grant. What we noticed that the world see
> opportunities in Nigeria and are ready to
> assist if we provide the leadership. Three major chip
> (integrated circuit) makers offered their development
> computer aided design (CAD) tools while Europractice
> accepted the school willingly. Markets are expanding
> and MNCs want to make their design platforms teaching
> standards in our schools.
> I have a paper in cthis onference and will be showing a
> DEMO on TruSync- Internet Virtual Classroom and Lab
> package I developed targeting
> electronic/computer/electrical students. Our plan is to use
> this package to
> connect with Nigerians in Diaspora to lead lectures in
> Nigerian schools while living abroad.
> Let NOU start working on a grant through STEPB-Project; I
> will be happy to lead it. I am sure World Bank
> will see it as a noble venture and fund it. Why? With ICT
> parks, they can reach more Nigerians easily.
> Let's start doing and stop too muck talking. Where are
> the engineers in this conference, let's get
> together and help NOU develop a winning proposal. That is
> how it is done in America.
> Ndubuisi Ekekwe
> Balimore, USA

> > sip:o...@forum.org.ng <sip%3A...@forum.org.ng>

> > > *Prof. David. C.Morley. MD. CBE.*

Message has been deleted

ACDE 2008 Conference

Jun 15, 2008, 12:42:46 PM6/15/08
to acde-2008-onlin...@googlegroups.com
Thanks for the ideas and possibilities, Dr. Ekekwe. They can be explored further by the University's Regional Training Institute for Distance Learning (RETRIDAL).
Over to you, RETRIDAL team.

On 6/15/08, NDUBUISI J EKEKWE <neke...@jhu.edu> wrote:

Hi Dr Ofulue,

Certainly, the grants do not cover conferences. The guidelines
are very clear on what the grants can be used for. There are
different components in the funding categories. Specifically, I
recommend Component 2-the Center of Excellence ($7m  cap).

Again, when you develop the proposal, ensure it
has a diversified team. The one I am leading has
people from IBM, Intel, Mckinsey, US University VP
& Cadence. This makes it extremely appealing
to World Bank.

My suggestion is to model your proposal within the same
frameworks University of Phoenix Online(UPO) operates in the
US. UPO is a for-profit university in the US scattered around
all the major cities. They partner with some community
colleges to use their locations to set up ICT centers.

We can also use the Strayer University (USA) model and
develop a center of excellence at NOU headquarters. This
will be Component IB.

There are many reasons to send another grant. You can make it happen.
We will approach it from broad perspectives and fresh ideas from
how they do it in the US. If you give me a team and focus, I
will develop a winning proposal for NOU.

Ndubuisi Ekekwe
Johns Hopkins University, USA

Christine Ofulue, Ph.D
Conference Secretariat Manager
National Open University of Nigeria
14/16 Ahmadu Bello Way
PMB 80067,Victoria Island
Lagos, Nigeria
Tel: +234-1-8542732 , +234-8075074911
Fax: +234-1-2712665;
E-mail: acde...@nou.edu.ng;  yeto...@yahoo.com

Tunde Ipaye

Jun 15, 2008, 1:12:10 PM6/15/08
to acde-2008-onlin...@googlegroups.com
Dear Ndubuisi,
Did I hear you say you will be coming for the ACDE2008 If yes, could we meet by 10.00 a.m.  on the 8th of July while the workshops are going on.  Alternatively we could meet in the night of July 9 after the dinner. I shall arange a team of 4 - 5 from NOUN to meet and discuss with you.  We are aware of the need for a proposal to access the STEP-B funds and we have somethings drafted already.  Following explanations from STep_B, we also understood, as explained by Christine,  that their funds do not cover conferences.  We are still willing to partner with them in other areas. NOUN is set to be the pace setter and centre of excellence in ODL and particualry in the application of technoology in mediating teaching and learning in Africa and we are prepared to partner with major organisations in this area. In fact this is one of the reasons we tried our best to bring Intel into this conference but things had not worked the way we planned it.  Let me say that we still have the slot for Intel open even till the eleventh hour.
Professor Babatunde Ipaye
Chair, Local Organising Committee, ACDE 2008.
On Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 3:57 PM, NDUBUISI J EKEKWE <neke...@jhu.edu> wrote:

Hi Dr Ofulue,

Certainly, the grants do not cover conferences. The guidelines
are very clear on what the grants can be used for. There are
different components in the funding categories. Specifically, I
recommend Component 2-the Center of Excellence ($7m  cap).

Again, when you develop the proposal, ensure it
has a diversified team. The one I am leading has
people from IBM, Intel, Mckinsey, US University VP
& Cadence. This makes it extremely appealing
to World Bank.

My suggestion is to model your proposal within the same
frameworks University of Phoenix Online(UPO) operates in the
US. UPO is a for-profit university in the US scattered around
all the major cities. They partner with some community
colleges to use their locations to set up ICT centers.

We can also use the Strayer University (USA) model and
develop a center of excellence at NOU headquarters. This
will be Component IB.

There are many reasons to send another grant. You can make it happen.
We will approach it from broad perspectives and fresh ideas from
how they do it in the US. If you give me a team and focus, I
will develop a winning proposal for NOU.

Ndubuisi Ekekwe
Johns Hopkins University, USA

----- Original Message -----
From: Yetunde Ofulue <yeto...@yahoo.com>
Date: Sunday, June 15, 2008 0:54 am

Professor Babatunde Ipaye
Educo-Health Project
Message has been deleted

Omo Oaiya

Jun 15, 2008, 6:23:36 PM6/15/08
to acde-2008-onlin...@googlegroups.com, Aminu Ibrahim
Peoples-Uni is also connected with the Nigerian ICT Forum of Partnership Institutions  who amongst other things are the new hosts of the African Bandwidth Consortium so there might be synergies to explore here.


On Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 6:54 PM, NDUBUISI J EKEKWE <neke...@jhu.edu> wrote:


I must commend the ACDE 2008 team for a job done brilliantly.
You guys have put in a conference that I must confess is one
of the best I am seeing in recent Nigeria. I am a microelectronics
engineer, but through this Google Forum, I have gotten pretty much
nice ideas.

Intel makes chips (integrated circuits) and it is not visible how
their business model will fit into ODL. I think there may be an inertia
from them committing resources since it does not seem to benefit
them directly. However, CISCO, will benefit from ODL since
ODL is about networking and telecomms connection. I see a strategic
alliance between ODL and CISCO. Even HP and Dell will
get much from NOUN than Intel.

Maybe next time, we will get them on-board. We have the contacts.
I have a paper and would be coming. But we can start discussion
privately nonetheless. The next call for proposal comes out in July.


Omo Oaiya
Mobile: 08051064095, 07028034569
Skype: kodion

Richard Heller

Jun 16, 2008, 2:21:07 AM6/16/08
to acde-2008-onlin...@googlegroups.com

Peoples-uni and the ACDE Virtual Forum

Omo and I have been delighted with the discussions in the Virtual
Forum relating to Peoples-uni and the forthcoming pre-conference
workshop on July 8th. We welcome you all to attend this.

We will continue the discussions, started here, on the two major
issues to emerge from the discussions so far:

1. How can OERs be best used for Public Health capacity building in
the context of Africa, and can the Peoples-uni help?
During the virtual forum we have discussed the potential and been
heartened by the enthusiasm shown, but also appreciate the potential
problems - including Internet access. A number of solutions have been
proposed, and further suggestions and advice for Peoples-uni
development and delivery in Africa we hope will emerge from the
pre-conference workshop and the conference itself.

2. How can Peoples-uni partner African organisations?
This is a key goal, and is important for accreditation, course
delivery and ensuring local relevance, as well as for helping to build
capacity within the organisations themselves. The forum has identified
many of these issues, and we hope that by the end of the
pre-conference workshop and the conference itself, to have identified
real steps in developing partnerships with universities, NGOs and
other relevant organisations.

Thanks for the input so far, and we look forward to meeting you all on
July 8th and at the conference.

Dick Heller
Coordinator, Peoples-uni

Titilola Adisa

Jun 16, 2008, 4:30:21 AM6/16/08
to acde-2008-onlin...@googlegroups.com, NDUBUISI J EKEKWE
Dear Ndubuisi Ekekwe and Prof Ipaye

I am Titilola Adisa, Chief Computer Programmer/ Analyst in the ICT Dept of
NOUN. I have been following the contributions made to the forum but my
interest is in the information given by Ndubusi and I agree with him that
NOUN will benefit greatly by partnering with Cisco, HP and Dell on ODL
Infrastructure. But in my view I still believe that it is not to late to
start to contact them now, you never know they may have representative in
Africa. They may even participate in the virtual forum.

Titilola Adisa

Toyin Oloniteru

Jun 16, 2008, 6:41:02 AM6/16/08
to acde-2008-onlin...@googlegroups.com
Do majority of students use or browse these CDs? Have they desktop or
laptop to use for this purpose and at work frequency? Can we add
survey questionnaires as follow up when these media are distributed to
ascertain their level of use. It is not just enough to distribute the
CDs! We need to be sure they are being used. And more importantly, are
we sure these students have the right environment in terms of hardware
and software requirements to use these CDs effectively? These are the
soft issues that we must address along the line. I am talking from
experience here and engage in survey activities/feedback on students
that engage in e-education of one kind or the other. So let us take
note of this.

Online participation is what we try to promote because it is the
nearest to a face-to-face classroom scenario where people can
interact. It is these interactions that bring about exchange of ideas.
Sincerely speaking, most people don't read and they also do the same
when they have CDs.


Olutoyin J. Oloniteru.

2008/6/14 Prof. David Morley <da...@morleydc.demon.co.uk>:

Toyin Oloniteru
Lagos, Nigeria
Email: toyin.o...@gmail.com

Toyin Oloniteru

Jun 16, 2008, 7:49:37 AM6/16/08
to acde-2008-onlin...@googlegroups.com
Dear All/Ndubuisi,

I am glad to have you on this forum and also find interesting the
progress you have made this far and also your comment. It is true that
we can work together to help the Nigerian environment. However, I
believe this forum is a first - start in the sense that without having
it going on right now it will be impossible to meet someone like you
and also many others that are have contributed in these forum.

Next, we seem to have concentrated too much on issues that are being
addressed by other relevant agencies and sector in Nigeria.
Telecommunications infrastructure in Nigeria is growing and improving
day-in-day-out. I am in Nigeria and have local knowledge of what is
going on. USPF (Universal Service Provision Fund - www.uspf.gov.ng)
was established to promote universal access to telecommunications
service (Internet and telephones etc) and this is ongoing. Also the
local operators, MTN, Globacom, Starcomms, Celtel, Telkom-Multlink,
Etisalat and many others are expanding rapidly their network across
different locality in the country. In the area of quality of service
(QoS) this is constantly being addressed. So, I don't think we should
spend our useful time too much in this area. We can help out where
required but it should not be our main focus.

The other infrastructure area is electricity, which is very poor in
Nigeria in terms of availability. This is a major issue in Nigeria
today and it is going to be addressed. In fact, in the next few weeks,
power emergency will be declared in Nigeria. While I don't want to go
into the politics of that, what I am trying to highlight is that
everybody in Nigeria today know that power is a major challenge and it
will be addressed anyhow.

You talked about ICT Parks, this is a good suggestion but my comment
on that is its sustainability! Most development oriented projects in
Nigeria and also many other African countries fail because they are
not sustainable. The funds only help to give livelihood to NGOs with
nothing much achieved.

The real solution from my view point is to have a model, which is
business-like that allows for sustainability (in terms of
profitability and revenue generation among others) of the ICT
parks/e-learning centers. What I suggest is that we can work with NOUN
and similar organizations as we can see in this forum to come up with
such model. One, Franchising can be done in which case we build a
select number of model ICT E-Learning Centers and make them standards
for local entrepreneurs to adopt. Such business people should be
available in almost every communities and appropriate pricing for such
services (e-learning services etc) should be charged. We should leave
the business aspect of sourcing for power and other infrastructure to
the local business guys and concentrate on the OER, E-Learning content
development, delivery, pedagogies and other technologies to enhance
them and make them available via the Internet to all these sites
whether owned by the Forum/NOUN and Partner institutions or the local
business guys. All that we need to do is set the requirement,
standards and ensure compliances. This is the way we can achieve our

Note that we will never achieve much if we want to make everything
free. Nothing is free. And don't assume that people don't have money
to pay for these service. They do. All that is required is having the
right model that works and its exist. Learn from the telecoms
providers' model in Nigeria where prepaid cards where developed for
telephone services. Today, everybody have access to telephone at least
to make calls when they need to. This is what we should adopt. This is
the same thing in online registration. Today, every WAEC or NECO
candidate know how to access their examination results via the
Internet using prepaid card. So, they figure out available cafes to
use. I have also seen many students of NOUN using cybercafe for the
online registration. So, it is not as we imagine. I am saying all
these from my experience on the ground.

And for the avoidance of doubt, I have personally undergone two online
programme from Nigeria at postgraduate level. 1. Nettel@Africa
Programme in ICT Policy & Regulation, with University of Lagos Akoka
as my home institution (http://www.netttelafrica.org;
http:/kng.nettelafrica.org) and 2. FOSS GIS (Free/Libre Open Source
Geographic Information System) at the University of Massachusetts,
Amherst, USA (Department of Natural Resource Conservation and Centre
for Public Policy & Administration). I did these programmes from
Nigeria and there are other students too from where we can share our
experience. Some of our lecturers in these courses are outside
Nigeria. So things are happening.

What I expect from these forum are solutions to the silent/soft issues
in terms of content development, human capital formation and capacity
building (e-champions) that are capable to maintain online
communities, carry out online assessment of students and learners,
serve as moderators, respond to online learners' problem and many
other soft issues. I believe with our experience and knowledge so far
coupled with those available and possessed by others will lead us


Olutoyin J. Oloniteru.
School of Postgraduate Studies
Nettel@Africa Programme, Department of System Engineering
University of Lagos, Akoka

Director, Knowledge Age Africa Ltd
Email: toyin.o...@knowledgeageafrica.com
Mobile: +2348022920006

2008/6/14 NDUBUISI J EKEKWE <neke...@jhu.edu>:

>> sip:o...@forum.org.ng <sip%3A...@forum.org.ng>

>> On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 11:39 AM, Prof. David Morley <
>> da...@morleydc.demon.co.uk> wrote:
>> > Dear Terry, I think you will find that relatively few students can
>> get
>> > regular access to the internet and certainly this is the case away from
>> > major centres.
>> >
>> > For this reason TALC has been distributing free CDs for health
>> workers in
>> > Africa. TALC has distributed around 100,000. They provide a wide
>> range of
>> > carefully selected material from the Lancet, BMJ, Africa Health, Archives
>> > Diseases of Children, World Anaesthesia, PLOS Medicine, Footsteps, WHO,
>> > UNICEF, and much that is more suited to community level.
>> >
>> > Will ask TALC to airmail you two samples and also a CD about TALC, you
>> > might like to lift pictures form this for your presentation, most people
>> > find that the use of images in talks are much appreciated in Africa.
>> >
>> > TALC also has a range of other free CDs chosen by and sent to those
>> > ordering book from the TALC Catalogue on www.talcuk.org
>> >
>> > Hope this helps. David.
>> >
>> >

>> > *Prof. David. C.Morley. MD. CBE.*

>> > 51 Eastmoor Park,
>> > Harpenden.
>> > AL5 1BN. UK.
>> > Phone/Fax 44 (0) 1582 712199
>> >
>> >
>> > >
>> >
>> >
> >


Prof. David Morley

Jun 16, 2008, 9:19:48 AM6/16/08
to acde-2008-onlin...@googlegroups.com
Dear Outlying, TALC did undertake a postal questionnaire study in'04 on
its CDs. This is available on CD7 (the red one ) under TALC in the list
of contents.
If you would like to see this let me have our postal address and I will
get a copy sent to you or, or if you can get it down I have put it as
an attachment to this.


Prof. David. C.Morley. MD. CBE.
51 Eastmoor Park,
AL5 1BN. UK.
Phone/Fax 44 (0) 1582 712199

Further amend ments 17.1.05.doc
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