**We have a special announcement that effective April 25, 2021, we will be formally archiving the Accelo Community Google Group (which will still be viewable in a read-only format for historical posts) and will be moving to a new and exciting Accelo Community with a dedicated Knowledge Base and Support Forum at community.accelo.com - if you'd like to get a head-start, please join the new Community and begin posting under the various topics on the Knowledge Base Forum OR questions on the Support Forum category for our team to see!**
Welcome to the Accelo Community! A place where you can connect with like-minded professionals and coworkers, exchange ideas and tips, and help each other out professionally.
While there’s certain to be a bunch of Accelo related conversations, the important thing is that this Community is yours - we’re just here to help and facilitate.
The way this group works is that any email sent to accelo-community@googlegroups.
As always, we’d love to hear your feedback on how we can make things even better - but those suggestions are better logged at ideas.accelo.com :-)
- The Accelo Team