Un mal notitia

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Josu Lavin

Jan 7, 2015, 4:12:57 PM1/7/15
to academiaprointerlingua

Car amicos,
Io ha un mal notitia. Piet Cleij ha morite iste matino.
Io amava multo iste grandissime homine laboriose.
Le pace de Deo sia con ille.
Plorante, Josu Lavin

Ferdinand Cesarano

Jan 7, 2015, 4:31:53 PM1/7/15
to academiapro...@googlegroups.com

Mi condolentias a tote le amates de iste grandissme campion de Interlingua.

Ferdinand Cesarano

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Osmund Aukland

Jan 7, 2015, 4:57:08 PM1/7/15
to academiapro...@googlegroups.com
Anque mi condolentias.
Piet Cleij era un pioner pro interlingua.
Åsmund Knutson Aukland

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Pierre Morin

Jan 7, 2015, 5:07:41 PM1/7/15
to academiapro...@googlegroups.com
Car amicos.
Le morte del sr Cleij me attrista multo!
Mi sympathia a vos tote.
Pierre Morin
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Georg Schmid

Jan 10, 2015, 10:33:28 AM1/10/15
to academiapro...@googlegroups.com
le universo es infinite

Gratias por omne tu labor pro Interlingua e le communication
international, Piet! Era un grande opra pro le pace mundial.

Quasi in le misme hora quando Piet ha salite de su vita terrestre un
hijo mio nasceva hic in Valencia/Venezuela ubi io vive juncte con mi
sposa venezulan. Interlingua va continuar a vivir! E crescer! E

salutationes a totes georg schmid
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