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preparing for ACA 2019

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Krista Jamieson

Jun 15, 2018, 1:46:57 PM6/15/18
to ACA's Sound and Moving Image SIS
Hi all!

I wanted to send out a bit of a de-brief post ACA, since we did not actually manage to have a meeting this year. 

In lieu of a meeting SMISIS joined with the Personal Archiving SIS to see a lecture by a U of A film prof about the ethics of re-use of AV materials in filmmaking (her examples were experimental films, rather than documentaries, which was quite interesting). It was an interesting talk, but between food, the talk, and the question period, we didn't actually have time to meet. 

Q1: Did others enjoy the talk? Would you be interested in such things in future or was it just too busy and you'd prefer to have a lunch & meeting instead?

We held a human library session at the conference. It was last session on the friday, which is always the least attended session, but we had about 20 people show up, which is actually the perfect size for a human library. We had some great conversations and hopefully people have taken our contact info home with them so they have someone to ask in the future! Most people didn't have very specific questions other than how to get more training and what resources they could use (stuff like, What questions do I ask a vendor to know if they are a good choice?)

Q2: Any additional follow up about the human library?

Q3: Does anyone have suggestions about something put in for next year's conference? (In Toronto, FYI)

Finally, I have volunteered to co-chair the SMI SIS with Rachel.

Q4: Does anyone object to my becoming co-chair or would anyone else like to volunteer?

Thanks all!


Krista Jamieson, BA, MLIS, MA
​Digital Initiatives / ​
University of Alberta Archives

University of Alberta 
​2-10 Cameron Library, University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB, Canada T6G 2J8
​Tel: ​

Jonathan Wise

Jun 15, 2018, 3:19:37 PM6/15/18
to Krista Jamieson, ACA's Sound and Moving Image SIS

Hi Krista, et. al.


Thank you for all the work you and everyone else did for this year’s ACA conference! I had a great time at the sessions, meeting up with old friends, making new friends, and attending Dr. Jamie Baron’s lecture. I was sorry we didn’t have more time to meet and discuss issues related to sound and moving image collections.


Q1: I enjoyed the talk. My background is in art history, so it was interesting to see examples of where experimental film and archives intersect. Generally I like to have my cake and eat it too, so I think it would be ideal if we can organize more talks like that and meet up as well.


Q2: The human library format was interesting and I had some great conversations, but a few people I spoke to afterward were expecting a more formal presentation. It was perfect for general conversation but I wasn’t able to get into deeper issues.


Q3: There’s lots to talk about and there are some critical issues that are often overlooked by archivists. I liked the panel approach and would be happy to work on a proposal for next year. I’m also pondering something more ambitious—a guide to media archives for Canadian archivists.


Q4: No objection here, keep up the great work!


All the best,



Jonathan Wise

Spécialiste en information des collections, archives

Musée canadien de l’histoire

Collections Information Specialist, Archives

Canadian Museum of History

100, rue Laurier Street, Gatineau, QC  K1A 0M8

Tél: 819 776-8466

Christina Stewart

Jun 21, 2018, 10:44:00 AM6/21/18
to Krista Jamieson, ACA's Sound and Moving Image SIS
Hello Everyone,

I wasn't able to attend this year, because I was presenting at another conference, but I am ready to gear up for next year here in Toronto.

Q1: I like the idea of continuing the lunch & meeting so we can have a sit-down round table to catch up and meet new people in person. I would also like have something a bit more dynamic as well.

Q2: I've talked with one person who went to the human library, and while they enjoyed it, they expressed similar concerns over not being able to get too in-depth with their questions due to time constraints. They actually left with more questions than answers. We all know that discussing a/v that this takes more time to talk about, because of the complexities and variables of the formats.

Q3: I would love to see tours of media archives in the city, Media Commons in particular :-), but also to have a panel made up of representatives of those archives to discuss, not only their archive and highlights, but to also tailor the discussion to the theme of the conference. Then maybe also with those same archives (or others if we want), have an archival screening night to show off preservation projects. We have a theatre in MC's that we can probably use. Another idea, is to have either a panel or workshop tailored to acquainting traditional archivists to the basic handling and identification of a/v materials.

Q4: I have no problem with this, Krista. Keep up the good work.  


Shyla Seller

Jun 21, 2018, 6:00:54 PM6/21/18
to Krista Jamieson, ACA's Sound and Moving Image SIS
hi everyone,
I enjoyed the UofA film prof's presentation quite a bit -- thank you for organizing that. Missed the panel but heard positive things from someone who did attend it. It would have been nice to get together and have more of an informal opportunity to chat about what we've been working on, but there wasn't a lot of downtime. 

Not sure I will be able to make it to Toronto next year, but I am thinking of going to AMIA in Portland in November. If anyone else might be there and would like to get together, let me know. 

Thanks to Krista and Rachel for chairing the group!


Rachel E. Beattie

Jun 27, 2018, 8:01:50 PM6/27/18
to Shyla Seller, Krista Jamieson, ACA's Sound and Moving Image SIS
Thanks so much for stepping up Krista! 

So glad to hear that things went well in Edmonton!! 

Those are super ideas and feedback Christina! I would love to see an Archival screening night!! And the panel is a great idea. Does anyone know what the theme is for 2019? I can't find anything on the website that says what it is. 



Rachel E. Beattie

Oct 26, 2018, 11:42:53 AM10/26/18
to Krista Jamieson,
Hi all,

Just wanted to give an update on how the Local Arrangements Committee meeting went last night.  I presented our case for doing an archival screening night instead of the other proposal to screen films.   The committee was overwhelmingly in favour of our archival screening night idea.  I've been tasked with leading this event for the committee.  So we still have lots of time but we have a date: Thursday, June 7th and I've already booked the Media Commons Theatre.  The committee liked the idea of combing the screening with a tour of the MC - so people could tour the Media Commons and then stay for the screening.  We still need to think about how we will handle submissions for the night and details like that, but we have lots of time to work out those details.  I just wanted to let everyone know for now  that the Archival  Screening night is a go!  



Rachel E. Beattie

Pronouns: She/her

Toronto is situated on the traditional land of the Huron-Wendat, the Seneca, and most recently, the Mississaugas of the Credit River. I am grateful to have the opportunity to live and work on this land.   

Krista Jamieson

Oct 26, 2018, 11:52:12 AM10/26/18
to Rachel E. Beattie,
That's great news! Thanks Rachel! Super excited about this.
The University of Alberta is situated on traditional Treaty 6 territory and homeland of the Métis peoples.
Amiskwaciwâskahikan / ᐊᒥᐢᑲᐧᒋᕀᐋᐧᐢᑲᐦᐃᑲᐣ / Edmonton

Jonathan Wise

Oct 26, 2018, 3:23:30 PM10/26/18
to Rachel E. Beattie,, Krista Jamieson

Me too! Good work Rachel!! 😊



Jonathan Wise

Spécialiste en information des collections, archives

Musée canadien de l’histoire

Collections Information Specialist, Archives

Canadian Museum of History

100, rue Laurier Street, Gatineau, QC  K1A 0M8

Tél: 819 776-8466


Christina Stewart

Oct 29, 2018, 9:33:46 AM10/29/18
to Jonathan Wise, Rachel E. Beattie,, Krista Jamieson
Such great news! Thanks so much Rachel!
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