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Intro to AV workshops in French

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Rachel E. Beattie

Dec 3, 2020, 2:20:45 PM12/3/20
to ACA's Sound and Moving Image SIS
Hi all,

Hope everyone is doing okay in these uncertain times.  We just completed our first three intro workshops in AV (film, magnetic video, and audio) today.  At the Audio workshop today there were some questions about whether there would be French translation.  Since we literally have a budget of 0$ for the workshops we couldn't do that.  So Christina and I were talking about trying to run intro workshops in French.  Neither of us are fluent French speakers though.  

So I wondered - do any of you speak French well enough to do an intro workshop in film, magnetic video or audio?  It would be awesome if we could do the three workshops again but in French.  If you're very comfortable speaking in French but not so comfortable with doing an AV archives workshop we can help you with some suggestions about what to talk about, etc.  

Please let us know asap if you are interested.  This would happen sometime in 2021.  I feel bad about shutting out half of the country's language users but also my French is terrible.  

Thanks and hope everyone if well!


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