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New Co-Chair Introductions

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Jul 2, 2022, 4:38:37 PM7/2/22
to ACA's Sound and Moving Image SIS

Hello SMI SIS-ers,

Katrina and I would like to start this email with a note of appreciation for Rachel Beattie's and Christina Stewart's work as co-chairs of the SMISIS. We have big shoes to fill and look forward to continuing their work of community building through events like the archival screening night – we didn’t have a chance to run it this year, but hope to host one during next year’s SIS AGM in mid-May. We also hope to host the following events and would love your participation (and feedback!):

  • Online meeting 1 “Coffee chat – DIY and vendor digitization of audiovisual material” (mid-September)
  • Online meeting 2 “SMISIS unconference” with ignite and brainstorming sessions (November)
  • Online meeting 3 “Coffee chat” the theme will be based on SIS feedback (mid-January)

A little bit about your new co-chairs:

Katrina Cohen-Palacios is an archivist at the York University Libraries Clara Thomas Archives and Special Collections which has over 15,000 audiovisual items in its holdings. She holds a Master of Information and Master of Museum Studies from the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Information. She previously served as the co-chair of the AAO’s Professional Development Committee, as an executive member of the Toronto Area Archivists Group, and as a member of the AAO’s Diversity and Inclusion Working Group. She can be reached at

Kira Razzo is currently a second year student in UBC's iSchool, working on dual degrees in Archival and Library Science. She is an Executive member of UBC's ACA chapter, and co-chairs two other groups. This includes a newly created AMIA student chapter, which she started in January. Kira is passionate about film preservation, and beyond being involved in AMIA, she is also a member of UBC's Film Society, and has previous experience working with film from student positions with the Kelowna Museum and the University of Victoria. She can be reached at

We hope to see you at future events!


Kira and Katrina


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