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SMI SIS - would anyone like to be a co-chair

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Rachel E. Beattie

Mar 3, 2022, 8:52:58 AM3/3/22
to ACA's Sound and Moving Image SIS
Hi all,

Hope everyone is doing well.  I'm emailing because Christina and I have both become incredibly overwhelmed with various things and neither of us can continue as co-chair.  We wanted to put out a message here to see if there was any interest in anyone from the group to take over?  I think things go better when there are two co-chairs but if there is one brave soul who wants to take over being chair, that's great too.  

I know that everyone is busy right now but if you are interested but unsure, please get in touch with me or Christina and we can explain what all being a chair of a SIS entails. 

Thanks and hope everyone is well!



Samantha Greco

Mar 3, 2022, 8:55:45 AM3/3/22
to Rachel E. Beattie, ACA's Sound and Moving Image SIS
Hi Rachel,

I’m interested but could you explain more what being co-chair entails? 

Hope you’re doing well! 


Samantha Greco 

From: <> on behalf of Rachel E. Beattie <>
Sent: Thursday, March 3, 2022 8:52:58 AM
To: ACA's Sound and Moving Image SIS <>
Subject: SMI SIS - would anyone like to be a co-chair
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