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SMI SIS Virtual social hour - June 11th from 5:30 to 6:30 EDT

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Rachel E. Beattie

Jun 8, 2021, 9:53:47 AM6/8/21
to ACA's Sound and Moving Image SIS
Hi all,

We wanted to let you know about a social hour we are planning on the last day of the conference.  On June 11th from 5:30 to 6:30 EDT we will be getting together to say hi and connect since we won't really be able to see each other at the conference.   

This starts 30 mins after the closing plenary and 30 mins before the trivia night so if you want to do all of those things you should be able to make it.  

A zoom link will follow but in the meantime, if you are able/interested in attending could you respond to this post?  Just so we have an idea of what kind of interest there is.

Hope to see you on Friday!


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