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Archival Screening Night at ACA 19 in Toronto - selection?

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Rachel E. Beattie

Mar 21, 2019, 2:51:49 PM3/21/19
to ACA's Sound and Moving Image SIS
Hi all,

Hope everyone is well!  The deadline for proposals for the Archival Screening Night at ACA is tomorrow (Friday).  So far we have 11 submissions, which is great!!  I don't expect we'll get that many more between now and tomorrow night.  So I know we had talked about a selection committee BUT 11 clips at 5 mins is only 55 minutes.  I was thinking we should just accept all of the people who applied.  Does anyone have a problem with this?  If you'd like to see the responses before you decide, let me know and I can do a report and send it around after the deadline closes.  But honestly, I would feel a bit weird about saying no to someone when we have loads of time.  

Also, depending on whether we get more entries today and tomorrow or not, we could talk about starting a bit later (I know that was a concern raised that it started too early).  I will have to talk to Julia on the Host Committee to see if it's possible to change the time when registration is already open.  

Anyway, please get in touch as soon as you can if you are against just saying yes to everyone who sent a proposal, otherwise, I will assume you're okay with it.  



Rachel E. Beattie

Mar 27, 2019, 10:07:48 AM3/27/19
to ACA's Sound and Moving Image SIS
Hi all,

So we have 14 proposals for the Archival Screening night.  I think this is perfect. It's 70 mins which leaves us a good amount of time for intro and for any spaces between the films.  And it guarantees we'll have at least 14 people attend!  

I am going to go ahead and get in touch with everyone to let them know they are in for the screening night.  

Starting to get excited about the night!



Rachel E. Beattie

Pronouns: She/her

Toronto is situated on the traditional land of the Huron-Wendat, the Seneca, and the Mississaugas of the Credit River. I am grateful to have the opportunity to live and work on this land.   

Shyla Seller

Mar 27, 2019, 7:37:02 PM3/27/19
to Rachel E. Beattie, ACA's Sound and Moving Image SIS
Great news, congratulations everyone!

Christina Stewart

Mar 28, 2019, 8:12:00 AM3/28/19
to Shyla Seller, Rachel E. Beattie, ACA's Sound and Moving Image SIS
Excellent news!!


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Jonathan Wise

Mar 28, 2019, 9:34:53 AM3/28/19
to Rachel E. Beattie, ACA's Sound and Moving Image SIS, Christina Stewart, Shyla Seller

Thanks Rachel, that’s great news. I’m looking forward to it! 😊


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