Caroline's response appears not to have gone to the google group for some reason, so it was as follows:
What about hosting the ACA’s inaugural archival screening night? It could be based on AMIA’s successful and longstanding activity of the same name. Yesterday, while on tour at the Canadian Museum of History, Jonathan Wise and I discussed such an idea.
Perhaps limiting the screening to less than ten films each with a two minute intro by an archivist, could keep the screening to under 1.5 hrs. Do you think that this may be too complicated to coordinate?
Any other suggestions?
Caroline Forcier Holloway
Archiviste principale, Collection audio-visuelle, Direction générale des Archives
Bibliothèque et Archives Canada / Gouvernement du Canada / Tél. : 819-934-7260
Senior Archivist, Audiovisual Collection, Archives Branch
Library and Archives Canada / Government of Canada / Tel: 819-934-7260"
Great idea! Let’s hope we can make this happen!
Jonathan Wise
Spécialiste en information des collections, archives
Musée canadien de l’histoire
Collections Information Specialist, Archives
Canadian Museum of History
100, rue Laurier Street, Gatineau, QC K1A 0M8
Tél: 819 776-8466
Hi all,
Apologies for not getting to this sooner but as a reminder, we are doing an archival screening night for the ACA Conference. I was thinking we should come up with an email for the ACA listserv to get people to submit films - maybe we should get this out in early February so we have lots of time to get the responses and decide on films? So to get the ball rolling, I just came up with a really really rough draft for the email. There are a few things we need to sort out – like should we create a form for submissions? Should we just ask them to describe their clip? Do people have thoughts on this? I can make a Google form for people to fill out? We can ask things like length of clip, sound or silent, colour or b&w, what it’s about. Or does anyone have a better suggestion for submissions? Also, I’m not sure I described the whole concept that well – I know what it is so I am having trouble finding the words to explain to someone who’s never been to one. Anyway, here’s the draft, please make any or all changes that will make it better:
Archival Screening Night at ACA 2019
Hello archival colleagues with audio visual documents! The Sound and Moving Image Special Interest Section in association with the Local Arrangements Committee is organizing an archival screening night for the 2019 ACA conference In Toronto. The screening will take place on the evening of Thursday, June ? at the Media Commons Theatre, Robarts Library, University of Toronto. We will present a program of short clips (no longer than 5 minutes) from archives across Canada. We need your help! If you have a digitized film you’d like to contribute please get in touch using this form (insert form link here). Please tell us about your clip and why it should be included in our program. Depending on how many entries we get, we may not be able to screen all of the films, but we will try to screen as many as we can. And so we can screen as many films as possible there will be a time limit of 5 minutes (including your introduction). If your submission is chosen, we would like a digital copy (via file sharing) of it in advance so we can make sure it works on our system. We hope to hear from you! If you have any questions about the screening night please email (I am fine with putting my email – does anyone else want to put theirs?)
Archival Screening Night at ACA 2019
Hello archival colleagues with audio visual documents!
The Sound and Moving Image Special Interest Section in association with the Local Arrangements Committee is organizing an archival screening night for the 2019 ACA conference In Toronto. The screening will take place on the evening of Thursday, June ? at the Media Commons Theatre, Robarts Library, University of Toronto. We will be presenting a program of short video and film clips (no longer than 5 minutes) from archives across Canada. We need your help! If you have a digitized film you’d like to see screened as part of this program please submit an application by [submission deadline] via this form (insert form link here). Please tell us about your clip and why it should be included in our program. If your submission is chosen, we will require a high quality digital copy (via file sharing) of it to be screened.
We hope to hear from you! If you have any questions about the screening night please email (I am fine with putting my email – does anyone else want to put theirs?)
I'm happy to have my email listed as a contact or have both of us listed if you want.
For the form, I think we should ask:
what archive the submission is from
clip title
clip length
silent or sound
digital file format
resolution of digitized copy
aspect ratio (if known)
copyright status / owner
why you want your film included in the screening / why you think your film is a good fit for an archives night screening at ACA.
Thanks Rachel and Krista!
This is great! I’ve been in touch with Becca Hall from the Chicago Film Society who organized last year’s AMIA’s screening night. She has kindly shared these docs with us to help get things rolling:
"Archival Screening Night at ACA 2019
Hello Archival Colleagues with Audio Visual Documents!
The Sound and Moving Image Special Interest Section in association with the Local Arrangements Committee is organizing an archival screening night for the 2019 ACA conference in Toronto. For our inaugural screening event, we are presenting a program of preserved short video and/or film clips (5 minutes or less) from archives across Canada. We are calling on fellow archivists to submit a recent discovery or preservation effort. The screening will take place on the evening of Thursday, June 6th at the Media Commons Theatre, Robarts Library, University of Toronto. We want to hear from you! "If you have a digitized film you’d like to see screened as part of this program please submit an application by [submission deadline] via this form (insert form link here). Please tell us about your clip and why it should be included in our program. If your submission is chosen, we will require a high quality digital copy (via file sharing) of it to be screened.
We hope to hear from you! If you have any questions about the screening night please email ( You can also include my email: )"
Rachel and Krista,
Thanks for kicking off the discussion about our proposed archival screening night. The following are a few suggestions/comments/questions I’d like to share with the group.
1. Just as those presenting a paper or other, I think that we should encourage participants of this activity to consider how their film/video might suit this year’s conference theme: Archival Origins. I suppose that participants could speak to the “origins of the records” (see explanation below) by providing content about their film and perhaps context around why it was created (to mark a particular occasion, etc.), by whom, etc.
“LET’S START AT THE BEGINNING: ARCHIVAL ORIGINS - ACA Toronto 2019, June 6th to June 8th. In June 2019, let’s talk about origins: origins of the profession, origins of the theories and practices we follow, but also the origins of records themselves. Bringing a new record into the world creates a manifestation that encodes responsibility – on the part of the creator as well as the archivist/records manager. We need to ensure that at the moments they are created and shared, records are endowed with the qualities essential to their survival.”
2. How long should the activity run – 2 hrs max? And for how long can the room be booked?
3. Fees or expenses – will the ACA have to incur any costs? We should indicate that there is no fee to participate in the screening and that entrance to the screening is free of charge for any ACA conference-goers.
4. No Power Points allowed. The speaker can prepare speaking notes to introduce the film they will be screening. Speaking over a silent film is permitted.
5. Should we allow a montage of clips from the same film that total 5 mins or just run a clip from the film? I think AMIA is strict about this, so as to be respectful of the film’s (and filmmaker’s) integrity.
I added three fields to the form info below. Otherwise, I think it’s fairly complete.
I don’t mind being a contact.
All the best,
Caroline Forcier Holloway
Archiviste principale, Collection audio-visuelle, Direction générale des Archives
Bibliothèque et Archives Canada / Gouvernement du Canada / Tél. : 819-934-7260
Senior Archivist, Audiovisual Collection, Archives Branch
Library and Archives Canada / Government of Canada / Tel: 819-934-7260
From: <> On Behalf Of Krista Jamieson
Sent: January-22-19 1:54 PM
To: Rachel E. Beattie <>
Cc: Christina Stewart <>; Jonathan Wise <>; Shyla Seller <>; ACA's Sound and Moving Image SIS <>
Subject: Re: 2019 ACA archival screening night
Thanks for this Rachel! I agree, we should try to get a call out early so we have time to pull together a program.
Here is my suggested edit for such a call:
Archival Screening Night at ACA 2019
Hello archival colleagues with audio visual documents!
The Sound and Moving Image Special Interest Section in association with the Local Arrangements Committee is organizing an archival screening night for the 2019 ACA conference In Toronto. The screening will take place on the evening of Thursday, June ? at the Media Commons Theatre, Robarts Library, University of Toronto. We will be presenting a program of short video and film clips (no longer than 5 minutes) from archives across Canada. We need your help! If you have a digitized film you’d like to see screened as part of this program please submit an application by [submission deadline] via this form (insert form link here). Please tell us about your clip and why it should be included in our program. If your submission is chosen, we will require a high quality digital copy (via file sharing) of it to be screened.
We hope to hear from you! If you have any questions about the screening night please email (I am fine with putting my email – does anyone else want to put theirs?)
I'm happy to have my email listed as a contact or have both of us listed if you want.
For the form, I think we should ask:
Institution and work title
Contact information
I agree with everything you’ve all said. I would add a space for notes or something so that the submitter can tell you something extra. They may want to give more details about one of the other entries like about the presenter or a special thing about the clip.
From: <>
On Behalf Of Rachel E. Beattie
Sent: January 24, 2019 9:11 AM
To: Christina Stewart <>
Cc: Krista Jamieson <>; Forcier-Holloway, Caroline (BAC/LAC) <>; Jonathan Wise <>; Shyla Seller <>; ACA's Sound and Moving Image SIS <>
Subject: Re: 2019 ACA archival screening night
Thanks for all the awesome thoughts, Christina!! I agree about the person submitting. Also, I wonder about having the person presenting listing in the program - sometimes with these things one person plans to present but have to get another to do it at the last minute. I think we can ask for this info but I just wonder about putting it in the program - thoughts?
The form looks awesome! Just two suggestions on my part – perhaps mentioning “inaugural” in the title and including a link to the ACA’s “Archival Origins” blurb, to make it easier for those filling out the form.
Caroline Forcier Holloway
Archiviste principale, Collection audio-visuelle, Direction générale des Archives
Bibliothèque et Archives Canada / Gouvernement du Canada / Tél. : 819-934-7260
Senior Archivist, Audiovisual Collection, Archives Branch
Library and Archives Canada / Government of Canada / Tel: 819-934-7260
Caroline - I'm assuming this was meant for all and hit 'reply' instead of 'reply-all' by accident. In any case, I think we should talk about it. I have no idea how many submissions we will get. We could be swamped and we could be desperate for stuff. I would encourage all of you to submit something - we should probably talk about how we deal with the ethical implications (maybe the person who submitted is not allowed to weigh in on whether to program their clip?) I think we can wait and see how many entries we get, if we get a tonne of entries from geographically diverse archives (it would look bad if all our films were from one area especially if that area is Toronto) than perhaps we should step aside and let people who aren't organizing the night to present. My concern is that we might not get enough entries and in that case I would be very grateful if you all submitted something. Sorry this is a bit rambling but hopefully it makes a bit of sense. Do others have thoughts on this?
Caroline's message:
Actually, while I think of it, I hope to submit and present a short film at the screening night but I wonder if we should give priority to the conference-goers? I may not be attending the ACA conference but I am interested in helping out with the inaugural screening night, as well as presenting at our event. Don’t know if anyone else was thinking of submitting an entry? I think that specialists working in the field, who are mostly SMISIS members, should submit to incite others to participate however, if this is problematic, I’m ready to just help our with the screening night.
Caroline Forcier Holloway
Archiviste principale, Collection audio-visuelle, Direction générale des Archives
Bibliothèque et Archives Canada / Gouvernement du Canada / Tél. : 819-934-7260
Senior Archivist, Audiovisual Collection, Archives Branch
Library and Archives Canada / Government of Canada / Tel: 819-934-7260
Hi all,
Sorry for chiming in a little late here. Things are coming together wonderfully! I think Caroline’s suggestion to have a thematic connection is a good one, but perhaps we should wait to see how many submissions we get first. It may be preferable not to restrict ourselves (or others) too much at this stage. Besides, one of things I enjoy about AMIA’s screening night is how random content appears to be. I also agree with Christina to give ourselves plenty of time to receive, organize, and test the files. This will be a technically challenging event so we should be prepared if/when things don’t quite go according to plan...
Thanks everyone! A+
Jonathan Wise
Spécialiste en information des collections, archives
Musée canadien de l’histoire
Collections Information Specialist, Archives
Canadian Museum of History
100, rue Laurier Street, Gatineau, QC K1A 0M8
Tél: 819 776-8466