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Can't find ABYSS-P after compiling

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Nov 24, 2017, 5:08:42 PM11/24/17
to ABySS

I am unable to find ABYSS-P after compiling ABYSS and OpenMPI.

Please advise. Thank you for your guidance.


Ben Vandervalk

Nov 24, 2017, 5:56:34 PM11/24/17
to Vid, ABySS
Hi Vid,

When ABYSS-P is missing, it means that the `configure` script could not find an OpenMPI library on your system.

Two of the most common reason for this are:
(1) You haven't instead the OpenMPI header files on your system (typically the package is named something like `openmpi-dev`)
(2) You have installed OpenMPI in a non-standard location

In the case of (2), you can supply the `--with-openmpi=<DIRECTORY>` flag to tell `configure` where your OpenMPI library is located.  <DIRECTORY> is a directory that contains `include` and `lib` subdirectories underneath it, containing the OpenMPI header files (*.h) and shared library files (*.so.*), respectively.

You can look at the output of the `configure` command to confirm that it was able to find OpenMPI, before recompiling ABySS.


- Ben

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Ben Vandervalk

Nov 24, 2017, 5:57:16 PM11/24/17
to Vid, ABySS

On Fri, Nov 24, 2017 at 2:56 PM, Ben Vandervalk <> wrote:
Hi Vid,

When ABYSS-P is missing, it means that the `configure` script could not find an OpenMPI library on your system.

Two of the most common reason for this are:
(1) You haven't instead* the OpenMPI header files on your system (typically the package is named something like `openmpi-dev`)
(2) You have installed OpenMPI in a non-standard location

In the case of (2), you can supply the `--with-openmpi=<DIRECTORY>` flag to tell `configure` where your OpenMPI library is located.  <DIRECTORY> is a directory that contains `include` and `lib` subdirectories underneath it, containing the OpenMPI header files (*.h) and shared library files (*.so.*), respectively.

You can look at the output of the `configure` command to confirm that it was able to find OpenMPI, before recompiling ABySS.


- Ben
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