Hello Lauren,
Firstly thank you for a very quick reply. So ACH01_1.fq.gz and ACH01_2.fq.gz are F and R raw reads and
k95_reads_2.fq.gz are leftover unmerged reads that konnector could not merge (they are a few hundred megabytes large, before the gunzipping, (although they are not the same size which was a little odd)).
I used k=95 for konnector pair merging. I am sending you assembly statistics for untigs, contigs, scaffolds stage of each assembly.
As for further sequencing with longer reads, I would very much love to have that data, but I think that it won't happen in the near future. As for how repetitive the genome is, how informative can a closely related species genome be helpful with that? The data I am working on is Aquila heliaca and there is a chromosome level assembly of Aquila chrysaetos. Could its genome be helpful with scaffolding or resolving some uncertain regions?
abyss-fac ACH01_abyss_69-unitigs.fa ACH01_abyss_69-contigs.fa ACH01_abyss_69-scaffolds.fa |tee ACH01_abyss_69-stats.tab
n n:500 L50 min N75 N50 N25 E-size max sum name
1455448 152296 25844 500 7402 13626 22870 16940 105156 1.168e9 ACH01_abyss_69-unitigs.fa
1239815 67084 10008 500 19065 35372 60288 44825 295068 1.192e9 ACH01_abyss_69-contigs.fa
1169123 35922 4568 500 39426 76236 133473 98583 780728 1.196e9 ACH01_abyss_69-scaffolds.fa
abyss-fac ACH01_abyss_79-unitigs.fa ACH01_abyss_79-contigs.fa ACH01_abyss_79-scaffolds.fa |tee ACH01_abyss_79-stats.tab
n n:500 L50 min N75 N50 N25 E-size max sum name
1121854 124446 20119 500 9430 17454 29456 21917 151514 1.174e9 ACH01_abyss_79-unitigs.fa
985312 61772 9007 500 21251 39468 66613 49524 385127 1.189e9 ACH01_abyss_79-contigs.fa
916489 30935 3600 500 48840 95807 168852 123747 806307 1.192e9 ACH01_abyss_79-scaffolds.fa
abyss-fac ACH01_abyss_89-unitigs.fa ACH01_abyss_89-contigs.fa ACH01_abyss_89-scaffolds.fa |tee ACH01_abyss_89-stats.tab
n n:500 L50 min N75 N50 N25 E-size max sum name
904927 116149 18142 500 10300 19320 32686 24318 169967 1.177e9 ACH01_abyss_89-unitigs.fa
808154 63455 9124 500 20796 38689 66045 48632 320585 1.187e9 ACH01_abyss_89-contigs.fa
733825 29529 3281 500 53768 104471 185035 135435 958488 1.19e9 ACH01_abyss_89-scaffolds.fa
abyss-fac ACH01_abyss_99-unitigs.fa ACH01_abyss_99-contigs.fa ACH01_abyss_99-scaffolds.fa |tee ACH01_abyss_99-stats.tab
n n:500 L50 min N75 N50 N25 E-size max sum name
766979 116570 18015 500 10336 19406 33068 24573 214013 1.179e9 ACH01_abyss_99-unitigs.fa
691604 66516 9591 500 19713 36880 62595 46197 288764 1.186e9 ACH01_abyss_99-contigs.fa
610357 29148 3167 500 56070 109390 192459 140203 981356 1.188e9 ACH01_abyss_99-scaffolds.fa
abyss-fac ACH01_abyss_109-unitigs.fa ACH01_abyss_109-contigs.fa ACH01_abyss_109-scaffolds.fa |tee ACH01_abyss_109-stats.tab
n n:500 L50 min N75 N50 N25 E-size max sum name
668763 126913 19591 500 9370 17717 30544 22652 167456 1.179e9 ACH01_abyss_109-unitigs.fa
601667 72845 10527 500 17840 33447 57032 42146 269613 1.186e9 ACH01_abyss_109-contigs.fa
510987 29948 3211 500 55726 107529 191111 138094 751714 1.188e9 ACH01_abyss_109-scaffolds.fa
n n:200 L50 min N75 N50 N25 E-size max sum name
541770 264685 14218 200 12246 24865 44072 32499 242779 1.231e9 ACH01_abyss_k119_3-6.fa *k=119 run didn't finish all the way through it stoped on contigs stage
abyss-fac ACH01_abyss_k99-unitigs.fa ACH01_abyss_k99-contigs.fa ACH01_abyss_k99-scaffolds.fa |tee ACH01_abyss_k99-stats.tab *merged pairs
n n:500 L50 min N75 N50 N25 E-size max sum name
1522528 220381 40930 500 4842 8721 14302 10597 64413 1.162e9 ACH01_abyss_k99-unitigs.fa
1265907 112637 17918 500 10729 19904 33336 24695 195268 1.184e9 ACH01_abyss_k99-contigs.fa
1114044 43155 5280 500 34787 66368 114968 84482 700626 1.189e9 ACH01_abyss_k99-scaffolds.fa
abyss-fac ACH01_abyss_k95-unitigs.fa ACH01_abyss_k95-contigs.fa ACH01_abyss_k95-scaffolds.fa |tee ACH01_abyss_k95-stats.tab *merged pairs
n n:500 L50 min N75 N50 N25 E-size max sum name
1593678 225390 42004 500 4713 8472 13939 10324 77844 1.161e9 ACH01_abyss_k95-unitigs.fa
1323310 112747 18004 500 10721 19779 33160 24697 174015 1.185e9 ACH01_abyss_k95-contigs.fa
1172362 43763 5419 500 34143 64748 111937 81861 503470 1.19e9 ACH01_abyss_k95-scaffolds.fa