Question: Multiple users with password login..

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Nov 5, 2018, 3:39:07 AM11/5/18
Hi Dan,

Is it possible to add multiple user login to this amazing software in your next update?
I mean that the users who login with their own passwords to the system can change and edit the tasks only they created. 
But they can see, search, filter and change the status of all tasks if they are allowed. (Change the status = Mark as complete)
Also admin can change and edit all tasks created from all users.
I think it's very hard work and takes to much time but if so, this software would be the best one ever made.



Nov 6, 2018, 4:16:15 AM11/6/18
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Sorry trigovina, but I just don't think that the current architecture could be massaged into supporting this sort of functionality.

I've been asked this a few times over the years and have had ample opportunity to consider how I might achieve this, and, TBH, I'm no closer to figuring it out.
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