Question: How To bring a ToDoList application window in front / foreground

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Jul 28, 2017, 6:38:47 AM7/28/17

I use an external menu tool ( named "Quick Access Popup" by Jean Lalonde [1] ) to have some direct access to either programs, or shortcuts, or links, or folders, or... whatever you might dream.

One of the favorite I created in this tool is a command line to create a ToDolist new task with specific attributes using command line instructions.
It works fine, and the task is created as expected in the chosen ToDolist application (multiple instances running) inside the selected database.

The only feature I still hope to find is how to ask the chosen ToDoList application window to come in front / foreground.
I did neither notice a command line parameter to trigger this behavior nor found another (easy & simple) way to do the job.

As consequence, I have to "<Alt-Tab>" through my applications to reach the instance of the chosen ToDoList application window.
Not a big deal, I admit, but... time and effort consuming where the system could do the job.

Does anyone has a hint / tip to solve this?
Did I miss something in the setup of ToDoList to achieve this "by design"?

Many thanks in advance for any feedback.
Have a nice day - Eric



Jul 28, 2017, 7:12:51 AM7/28/17
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
In response to commandline requests TDL doesn't come to the foreground unless it absolutely has to!

The easiest way to make it work for you in this instance is to NOT give the new task a name on the commandline ie. don't pass an argument to '-nt'.

This will make TDL come to the foreground so that you can type in the new name.

Let me know if it meets your needs.


Jul 28, 2017, 8:21:05 AM7/28/17
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Hi Dan,

Thanks for your quick feedback - mostly appreciated.

I had indeed a parameter '-nt' in my command line - and by the way, as well as "{my task full list path}", '-bid' for sibling reference and '-s' for status.  [2]
I did remove the argument for the parameter '-nt' as instructed, and... it works like a charm: just what I was looking for.  [3]

So, case closed - I will mark this thread as completed.
Again, many thanks Dan.

[2]  "%zDir%\Soft\ToDoList2\ToDoList.exe" "%zDir%\Data\TodoList\2do.tdl" -bid 3994 -nt "x" -s "0_New"
[3]  "%zDir%\Soft\ToDoList2\ToDoList.exe" "%zDir%\Data\TodoList\2do.tdl" -bid 3994 -nt -s "0_New"


Jul 28, 2017, 11:38:11 AM7/28/17
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Hi Dan,

Small information feedback with the usage of this tip.

This tip is working like a charm when everything tip process within the same window.
The task is created, with ad hoc parameters, and the prompt for the name is ok.

I use a virtual desktop manager (soft "VirtuaWin" by SourceForge [2] ) to have concurrent several desktops.
When I do the call to the command line process from another (virtual) desktop than the one where the app ToDoList is "hosted", there is a little issue.

The task is created, with ad hoc parameters (i.e. according to the command line instructions).
However, the prompt for the name is done on the last task selected, where the existing task name is replaced by a default "Task" label pending a validation.

The solution I found is quite simple:
    1.  press the <escape> key to cancel the ongoing rename process
    2. revert to the original name for this task
    3. go to the newly created task, currently named "Task" (by default)
    4. adjust the name label of this newly created task.

To my knowledge and understanding, it sounds like a timing issue where the instruction to edit the task label is given before the cursor had time to move to the newly created task.
I suppose this might be related either to the virtual layer system used or to the quick access system used, and do not blame ToDoList for sure - just information feedback.

If you have an idea about this one or another day, it might help to enhance the usage of ToDoList in a multiple desktop context (making command line action call through desktops).
Should you need more information to be able to start thinking about it, just let me know what could help / how I could help.

Thanks & Have a nice day - Eric



Aug 3, 2017, 12:30:57 AM8/3/17
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Thx for your feedback Eric, I'm going to try to reproduce the issue on my dev machine.


Aug 4, 2017, 4:55:15 AM8/4/17
Hi Eric

I installed both those programs on my dev machine and didn't have a problem with your described experience.

In case there's some detail I missed I have recorded my process using 'Help > Record Bug Report'.

For completeness I will also describe the steps:

1. Start 'VirtuaWin' (VW)
2. Start 'Quick Access Popup' (QAP) and configure a new item 'ToDoList VirtuaWin Test' with ToDoList.exe and '-nt -bid 17 -s new'
3. Start TDL and load 'Introduction.tdl'
4. Move the task selection to 'Importing Tasks' (ID: 19)
5. Middle-click on TDL's titlebar and 'Move to Desktop 2'
6. Left-click on VW tray icon to show TDL on 'Desktop 2'
7. Left-click on QAP tray icon and select 'ToDoList VirtuaWin Test' 
8. Task is correctly created and positioned and editing starts

In case it relates to tasklist size, perhaps you could try to replicate my steps, and I will also try the same test on my personal tasklist with 2500+ tasks.

1. No problem with larger tasklist. 
2. Could you enable logging on TDL using the '-g' command line switch and then restart TDL, close it down and send me the ToDoList.log file pls?


On Saturday, 29 July 2017 01:38:11 UTC+10, G-Eric wrote:


Aug 5, 2017, 1:33:15 PM8/5/17
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Hi Dan,

I feel quite uncomfortable...

I did the tests by applying your steps in execution (using fresh v7.1.3.5 and introduction.tdl)
I have to admit that there was no issue at all (even not one single small failure).

Then I went back to "my" database where I had noticed the issue, and the the equivalent tests again.
And this time, no more issue to report.

I am sure that there was something i the time I reported it, as I did several tests prior to report.
But today I can't reproduced it anymore so far.

I will try to find what could have change in the environment, and do some additional testing.
In the meantime, I suggest you do not spend time anymore to search further until I have more elements to provide you with.

I saw your update on the post, and did the steps to generate the log file.
The log has been sent to your Gmail address, untouched to be sure you can have all necessary details available.

Thanks & have a nice day - Eric


Aug 7, 2017, 3:17:11 AM8/7/17
I absolutely believe that this issue happened for you Eric. And you haven't wasted my time because it gave me a chance to use 'Help > Record Bug Report'.

Like you, I suspect a timing issue which are notoriously hard to reproduce. I'll close the ticket and you just re-post it if it occurs again.
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