Question: error message suggests failure in saving but was saved correctly

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ritt arch

Aug 9, 2017, 8:10:31 PM8/9/17
Dear forum members,

concerning ToDoList we are recently confronted with the following error message. But the file was save correctly.

"ToDoList has detected a backup version of file xyz, which suggests that there was previously a problem saving the tasklist.

Would you like to restore the backup?"

This happens sometimes but only when we activate the file for the first time after opening ToDoList. We have normally about 5 tasklists open in tabs. It only happens to our bigger files which are more than 2 MB. The file is located on our server on a mapped device.

The message suggests that the file was not saved correctly, but by denying the restore we found an up-to-date version of the file.

Why is he suggesting that there is a problem in saving the file we have no clue. There is no incidence while saving the file.

Other files (which are indeed all smaller than 1 MB) don't show this behaviour. PC, user interface, Server and network are for all files identical. And even for the bigger file of 2 MB this problem doesn't always happen.

Thank you for your help or any useful suggestion,



Aug 9, 2017, 9:23:04 PM8/9/17
Hi Ritt

The backup is automatically deleted after the save so it sounds like something may be interfering with this deletion.

Possibilities include:

1. You have synchronisation software installed which has locked the file for copying
2. You are shutting down your computer/rebooting which somehow interferes with the deletion

I will have a look to see if I can reduce the need to prompt to avoid these 'false positives' in 7.2.

ritt arch

Aug 10, 2017, 9:52:52 AM8/10/17
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Dear .dan.g.,

thanks for such a quick reply and you're guessing is impressing us! Yes, we forgot to mention that the folder is on a synchronisation with !

Just to be shure: Can we rely on the actual file and not fear that it may be old? (and just forget about the backup file). or just wait longer before closing up and the backup file is no more blocked by mega?

Thanks again,

ps would be perfect to include it in further updates!!!
pps and just for curiosity: how does ToDoList know that a version is older than the backup?


Aug 10, 2017, 8:17:48 PM8/10/17
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Hi ritt

The backup is really for when the actual tasklist saving gets interrupted and that usually results in a file of zero length which is also one of the checks. And in this case the backup is simply restored and you don't get prompted.

>> Can we rely on the actual file and not fear that it may be old?

The next update of the Dev Preview of 7.2 will check the filestamps on the files and if the tasklist is not zero length and is later than the backup then I will just delete the backup. The prompting will only be done for some 'crazy' unforeseen error that I can't think of just now :)

>> ps would be perfect to include it in further updates!!!

I probably won't change 7.1 because this is a change that needs decent testing before it goes out to everyone. It sounds like your team would be perfect for such testing!

>> Can we rely on the actual file and not fear that it may be old?

From the sounds of it you have already been doing this so I'd just carry on as you are since you've not had any problems so far. 


ritt arch

Aug 14, 2017, 5:51:11 AM8/14/17
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Hi dan,

thanks again!

If you want us for testing we are up to it. Just tell us what to do ;)

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