BUG: Filter on relative date (Start & Due ) > error of one day

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Mar 21, 2016, 8:45:23 AM3/21/16
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support

When using the filter bar option for relative date selection (either 'Started by' or 'Due by'), I understand that:
  • "Next 1 day" means from begining up to one day after today (i.e. tomorrow)
  • "Next 0 day" means from begining up to zero day after today (i.e. today)
  • "Next -1 day" means from begining up to one day before today (i.e. yesterday).
However, in the filter value box,I have to enter:
  • 2 = "Next 2 days" to have the filter on tomorrow
  • 1 = "Next 1 day" to have the filter on today
  • 0 = "Next 0 day" to have the filter on yesterday.
I suspect there is one day missing in the computation formula to filter the records to be displayed.

Thanks for your advise on this - Eric


Mar 23, 2016, 7:43:03 PM3/23/16
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Can you give me some specific usage examples pls Eric?


Apr 5, 2016, 7:57:16 AM4/5/16
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Sorry Dan, but I don't understand your question about "usage".
I report an issue, being documented in my message, not ask for a "suggestion".

By "usage" I see examples of a feature and how it is / could be used.
Here, the feature already exists and does not work as it have to, therefore the qualifiaction of "bug".

I can't catch where either my understanding or my report does fail - sorry again.
Could you please explain your expectations to reconsider this message? Thanks


Apr 5, 2016, 8:16:26 PM4/5/16
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Hi Eric

I'll try to be clearer :)

Can you provide me with:

1. A simple sample tasklist
2. The filter you are trying to use
3. A screenshot of the faulty results
4. A statement saying what you expected to see


Apr 9, 2016, 12:36:15 PM4/9/16
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Hi Dan

Thanks for your clarification - please find attached files and information to document my finding.

/!\  Please note that:
       a. version v7.1DR7 was used to make (1) a new simple database, (2) rerun the tests and (3) create the screenshots attached
       b. this report is focused on < Start Date > but the same issue exists for < Due Date >

1. A simple sample tasklist
       >>  attached file < Next(x)Days_StartDue.tdl >

2. The filter you are trying to use
       >>  filter name = < Started by > with droplist option < J) Next x Days >

3. A screenshot of the faulty results
       >>  attached files <


4. A statement saying what you expected to see

( i )  database with 3 tasks created : no filter = see file < 01_NoFilter.JPG >

- when setting variable field of < J) Next x Days > to value '0', I understand it as 'no next day' i.e. today
   / the app display tasks up to yesterday (i.e. today excluded) = see file < 02_Filter-Next(0)days_AsIs.JPG >
   \ I am expecting to see also the task of today = see file < 02_Filter-Next(0)days_ExpectedList.JPG > for expected list (i.e. don't consider setting used)

- when setting variable field of < J) Next x Days > to value '-1', I understand it as 'one day before current day' i.e. yesterday
   / the app display tasks up to the day before yesterday (i.e. yesterday excluded) = see file < 02_Filter-Next(-1)days_AsIs.JPG >
   \ I am expecting to see also the task of yesterday = see file < 02_Filter-Next(-1)days_ExpectedList.JPG > for expected list (i.e. don't consider setting used)

- when setting variable field of < J) Next x Days > to value '1' = '+1', I understand it as 'one day after current day' i.e. tomorrow
   / the app display tasks up to the current day (i.e. tomorrow excluded) = see file < 02_Filter-Next(+1)days_AsIs.JPG >
   \ I am expecting to see also the task of tomorrow = see file < 02_Filter-Next(+1)days_ExpectedList.JPG > for expected list (i.e. don't consider setting used)

So, in my opinion, I suspect there is a 'one day' shift in the computation process of the tasks to be displayed when applying the filter.

I hope this clarifies - thanks & regards - Eric



Apr 10, 2016, 10:29:22 PM4/10/16
to abstractspoon-t...@googlegroups.com
Thx very much Eric.

I think it all comes down to the definition of 'Next'.

When I implemented this feature I decided it meant 'including today'.

    eg. "I'll do the job within the next 2 days" meaning 'today' and 'tomorrow'.
    eg. "What's happening over the next 7 days?" meaning one week starting today.



Apr 11, 2016, 5:55:01 PM4/11/16
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
OK, Dan - you are in the driver seat.
I suppose that the fact that English is not my mother language might explain to me why I misunderstood the filter usage.

This said, I hope I will be the only one to make this usage error.
If not, other users might "just" miss one full day of started and /or due tasks list because of an inaccurate usage of this filter.

A workaround for this might be to have the usage of this filter reported in the help / documentation, based on a description you might provide to be in line with the way the code is processing the filter.
So far, I did not find any statement about it in the current wiki forum - Therefore I did activate the category "Wiki Change Suggested" for this topic.

Thanks - Have a nice day
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