Question: Gantt Chart 'Display' Drop-Down Menu is missing Entries

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Mar 20, 2017, 9:57:27 AM3/20/17

Hi all,
I am experiencing an Error concerning the 'Display' Dropdown Menu in Gantt View.

By Mistake I entered a wrong End-Date in one of my Tasks, ending in 2134.
After entering the Sate the Entries in the 'Display' Dropdown were reduced to only Years and Quaters.
After deleting the long Task Entry the Dropdown Menu did not restore the entries.

Only deleting the Entry in Task Tree and then changing to Gantt Chart restored the Dropdown List.

I can reproduce the issue by creating a new Task-List and entering one Task with a due Date of 2150.

Any Ideas why to 'finer' Entries like Days and Weeks get lost?


Mar 20, 2017, 4:45:04 PM3/20/17
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Hi Mikro

This is by design.

The underlying Windows 'header control' (which displays the dates at the top of the columns) has a limit on the total width it can display, so I have to compensate for that by reducing the options available in the drop-down.

As you discovered, reducing the overall date range allows the finer resolution options to re-appear.
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