Suggestion: Support Mouse Back and Forward Buttons for Navigation

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Jan 17, 2019, 5:47:04 AM1/17/19
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Hi Dan!

I noticed that the "Move -> Navigate Back/Forward" commands can be assigned shortcuts, but those shortcuts are keyboard-only. Is it possible to support mouse buttons for these as well? The default Ctrl+Left/Right do not work id the Comments fields has focus.

Thank you.


Jan 17, 2019, 8:27:16 PM1/17/19
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Hi Fitnerd

>> Is it possible to support mouse buttons for these as well?

I'm not clear how this would work. Can you elaborate please?

>> The default Ctrl+Left/Right do not work id the Comments fields has focus.

That's because Ctrl+Left/Right has specific meaning in 'edit' fields, hence it takes precedence.


Jan 18, 2019, 3:35:50 AM1/18/19
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
The idea is that MouseBack and MouseForward buttons would work the same way as they work in a browser or in Visual Studio (with MouseNav extension) - as long as the app (TDL) has focus, Those buttons, when pressed would perform navigation between tasks.


Jan 19, 2019, 2:33:49 AM1/19/19
Are you aware that there are already toolbar buttons for navigation?


ps. The default keyboard shortcuts are 'Alt+Left/Right' and these are unaffected by focus on the comments.



Jan 19, 2019, 4:04:19 AM1/19/19
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Yes, of course I did see the toolbar buttons. The problem is you have to move the mouse to access them, whereas if it was bound to default mouse navigation buttons, it would save a lot of unnecessary mouse movement.

Oh, I thought 'Ctrl+Left/Right' was the default. I will reassign it to 'Alt+Left/Right' then. But still, binding mouse navigation buttons (perhaps as an entirely separate option) would be great. To me, it seems that it would be something quite a standard thing to do.

And since, we are onto navigation, I thought I would mention it in passing: It would be nice that when multiple Task Lists are open, 'Ctrl+Tab' would work similarly to how it works in a typcial web browser or VS - cycling between tabs (Task Lists) in the order they have been used (as opposed to how they appear on the Tab bar). That way you can more quickly switch to Task List you have been working on previously.

Thank you.
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