Question: Is it possible to link to another ToDoList?

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Patrick Skelton

Apr 4, 2019, 4:18:07 AM4/4/19

I am wondering if there is any way to link to another *.tdl file from an open ToDoList?  I'd prefer this in the task itself but could be in the Comments section.  The idea would be that clicking this link would open the linked-to *.tdl file as a new tab in the already-open instance of ToDoList?

Ah! I have just found the file-link feature.  Oddly, though, if I open a Website.tdl, it renames it to Website (2).tdl.  This is created in my \User folder.  As such, I don't see how any changes I make to this will be saved back in the original file.  This seems to allow me to do half of what I want: I can view another ToDoList but I can't edit it.

Is there a way round this?

Kind wishes ~ Patrick


Apr 4, 2019, 5:00:20 AM4/4/19
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
>> Oddly, though, if I open a Website.tdl, it renames it to Website (2).tdl. This is created in my \User folder

If you can give me a reproducible set of steps using 'Introduction.tdl' then I'll look into for you.

Patrick Skelton

Apr 4, 2019, 5:52:19 AM4/4/19
Hi, Dan,

I couldn't find an Introduction.tdl on my machine but the following steps show what I mean.

  1. File | New Tasklist
  2. Create a new task with the text 'Task 1'
  3. File | Save Tasklist As ... 'C:\Temp\TasklistAlpha.tdl'
  4. File | New Tasklist
  5. Create a new task with the text 'Task 2'
  6. File | Save Tasklist As ... 'C:\Temp\TasklistBeta.tdl'
  7. In TaskListBeta tab, highlight 'Task 2' and in the Rich Text Comments box, right-click to insert a file link.
  8. In the file dialog, select C:\Temp\TaskListAlpha.tdl.
Now I am getting a dialog I have not seen before.  It has the title 'Create Link to File' and the third option seems to be what I am looking for: 'Embed a link to the file which allows the original file to be edited and automatically updated'.  There is also a checkbox to make this my automatic choice.  I will select this option and check the box...

Yes, this now does exactly what I want!  I can open one TaskList from a link in the other TaskList and it opens in its own tab and changes are saved back to the original (i.e. no copy is made).


Oddly, if I double-click one of these new TaskLists in Explorer, it opens in its own application instance, even though the option to allow multiple instances it not checked (in fact it is greyed out for some reason).

Even stranger, if I go back to an existing populated TaskList that I have had on my PC quite a while and insert a file link in a Rich Text Comment, it again makes a copy of the target in my user folder (e.g. if I create a link to 'C:\Temp\TaskListAlpha.tdl', it creates a copy in my user folder called 'C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\TaskListAlpha (2).tdl'.  This means changes I make are not saved back to the original 'C:\Temp\TaskListAlpha.tdl').

So, in summary, this remains a problem but I don't seem to be able to give you a set of reproducible steps for you to replicate it.  It seems to work if I create a new TaskList but does not work on TaskLists I have had on my computer for some time.

I guess I could create a new empty TaskList and manually copy across the tasks from the old list.  That might work but I don't have time to do that right now.

Oh, and I am now using the latest V7.2.9.0.

Kind wishes ~ Patrick

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Apr 6, 2019, 5:29:49 AM4/6/19
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
The easiest way to create links to other tasklists and tasks is this:

1. Open 'TasklistAlpha.tdl' and 'TasklistBeta.tdl' in the same (or separate) instances
2. In 'TasklistAlpha.tdl' right-click on a task and select 'Copy As > Task Link (full)'
3. In 'TasklistBeta.tdl' select a task and paste the copied link either into the comments or into the 'File Link' field

If you are going to go through the comments context menu as you did, you want to select the first option 'Link to the file using 'file://'.
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Patrick Skelton

Apr 8, 2019, 3:03:15 AM4/8/19
Brilliant!  Thank you, Dan.  I have read the docs but didn't spot that feature.  It does exactly what I want.  In fact it is better.  I didn't expect to be able to link to a specific task in the target.

Great stuff!

- Patrick

PS - Just so you know, I'm not a complete freeloader.  I appreciate the fantastic work you put in to ToDoList.  It's by far the best application of this type on the internet and I don't expect to get it for free.  I've donated a couple of times but I am overdue another donation.  Money is a bit tough right now but I will put it in my personal ToDo.tdl for later this year.

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Apr 8, 2019, 10:12:48 PM4/8/19
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Thx for the update Patrick.
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