Question: File name in " File Link" after change name or directory on target catalog

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Nov 30, 2016, 12:57:53 PM11/30/16

Many times in my adventure with ToDoList I picked up some file links for tasks (example: I have 50 task witch are names of the drawings each one have file link to target file)
During using my computer I am making some catalogue name change or some catalogue changing place on hard drive . After that links ar not working.

My suggestion is to make option where you cane change only path for catalogue and file name stay .

Maybe is already implicated and I don't know?


Tony G

Dec 1, 2016, 4:27:36 PM12/1/16
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
I'm reminded of a discussion about this in GitHub about absolute vs relative addressing. This continues to be an issue with me as well.

Dan, I believe TDL forces file names into relative mode. It would be ideal if there were a function to convert any file reference between absolute and relative paths. With that we can go absolute, move the environment around, then shift back to relative if desired. I'm thinking this would intially only apply to the filename field. We still have the issue with other places in the app where there are relative paths generated "for us" - like in some Preference fields. A built-in toggle for this would be helpful wherever file paths are found.

I don't think this can be effectively done with a UDT, as:
(a) it would only apply to the one field in tasks,
(b) I'm not sure if names are relative to the INI, the executable, or some other base
(c) doesn't $(seltid) only work with one task ID?



Dec 1, 2016, 6:53:36 PM12/1/16
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
>> (b) I'm not sure if names are relative to the INI, the executable, or some other base

They are relative to the tasklist within which they exist, as one would expect.


Dec 1, 2016, 6:54:29 PM12/1/16
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
>> My suggestion is to make option where you cane change only path for catalogue and file name stay .

How would that help you? Isn't it changes on the file system that are causing you a poblem?


Dec 4, 2016, 5:07:28 AM12/4/16
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Yes it is . But when I am doing hard drive swap or reorganizarion of my folders becouse of many resons i am makeing mess in file links. Sample " i had catalogue d:/project/company name/name of main drawing/files (drawings). I reciwed information that they made modyficafion of the machine and her name and number change and alsow is few new drawings. Now; to add aditional drawings is simple but to change "name of main drawing" is not. Even if machine will name "MILL A23-2" and i will change name of my catalogue with files to "MILL A23-2A" all of the links to file will not work. I trying have my harddrive nice and tidy as ToDoList is. Sorry for eanglish i an writing from mobile (no help from translator)
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