Info: ToDoList 7.2.RC7 is available for download

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Sep 16, 2018, 12:08:35 AM9/16/18
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Hi Everyone

Get it here or if you have any previous 7.2 pre-release you can update via 'Help > Check for Updates'.

Please only add bug reports and comments about 7.2 to this thread. 
Comments elsewhere will be ignored.

What's Changed from 7.2.RC6:
  • Fixed 'Calendar' not updating 'Time Estimate'
  • Fixed 'Kanban' to show multi-value custom attributes in separate columns
  • Fixed 'Kanban' custom attribute droplist to show attrib name
  • Fixed Gantt-Project' exporting of dates
  • Fixed behaviour of translation preferences 'Edit...' button
  • Fixed saving and restoration of last-browsed folders
  • Fixed 'Gantt Chart' column widths for 'Save Task View to Image'
  • Fixed selection flicker when switching between Tasks and Comments
  • Fixed selection flicker when switching between Task Views
  • Fixed command-line initialisation of 'Creation Time'
  • Added 'Comments Size' column to 'Task Tree/List View'
  • Improved performance selection tasks
  • Improved performance creating new tasks

Frank S

Sep 19, 2018, 7:19:22 AM9/19/18
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Hello Dan,

first of all: thank you for your hard work througout all the years!

I was very happy when some days/weeks ago the ability to resize the reminder window was implemented. So I updated immediately to the 7.2.RC6 and then 7.2.RC7. But on my System (Windows 7 64bit) , there is something wrong with the reminder window since the resize option that I will desribe here:
- after programm start the reminder window pops up and everything is ok => see annex "before_minimized.jpg"
- then I minimize the reminder window => everything ok
- then I maximize the reminder window and the whole reminder window is grey and there are no buttons or a textfield any more => see annex "after_minimized_same_size.jpg"
- then I resize the reminder window to very large and in the upper left corner the textfield appears, but very little compared to the size of the reminder window. In some tests the buttons appear, but in most tests not. => see annex "after_minimized_stretched_size_wo_buttons.jpg" and "after_minimized_stretched_size_w_buttons.jpg"
- then I minimize and maximize the reminder window again and the text field is gone again => comes back in upper left corner after resizing reminder window to minimum and the to very large again.

Hope you can fix it, so that the minimizing of the reminder window works correct and with resize option.

I tried all above mentioned steps with my personal and the introduction.tdl => same behavior.

Good luck and thanks in advance !



Sep 19, 2018, 7:24:19 AM9/19/18
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Many thanks for reposting Frank. I'll have a fix for the next update.


Sep 20, 2018, 5:32:12 AM9/20/18
Bug: 'Print Tasks' forgets last selection in 'Attributes / custom' for custom attributes  

Hi Dan,
noticed a glitch in the 'Print Tasks' Dialog.
Custom attributes are selected to be exported by default in the 'Attributes / Custom' Dialog.
If you modify the selection next time you open the dialog it is reset to default.
Alligning the behaviour to the standard attributes  would be handy.



Sep 20, 2018, 11:18:07 PM9/20/18
Yes, I can do that.

But, if you have multiple tasklists and they each have _different_ custom attributes, then each tasklist's selection will overwrite the previous one.

If they have the same custom attributes it will just work!


Sep 21, 2018, 3:18:16 AM9/21/18
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Ok, I see.
Anyway, sounds fine for me since it still would prevent reselecting the attributes if multiple shoots are needed until an export suits the user.


Am Freitag, 21. September 2018 05:18:07 UTC+2 schrieb .dan.g.:
Yes, I can do that.

But, if you have multiple tasklists and they each have _different_ custom attributes, then only each tasklist's selection will overwrite any other.


Sep 21, 2018, 3:53:48 AM9/21/18
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Having multiple tasklists with different custom attributes is probably an 'edge case' so it should handle 80-90% of cases.


Sep 23, 2018, 2:08:58 AM9/23/18
This version is freezing, I am using Windows 10

I am attaching a log, maybe it helps.

I noted it happens when I stay a long time without use the computer (more than 1 hour for instance)

The number of icon on the tray multiplied but I only opened one file and it worked normally before stop using the machine.

Sem título.png


Sep 23, 2018, 8:29:18 PM9/23/18
This version is too slow for me too.

For instance, it takes 30% of my CPU just to scroll list view.

My CPU is a i7-6500U for reference.

Todolist version 7.1 has this peaks too, but it doesnt freeze as 7.2

Sem título2.png


Sep 24, 2018, 6:32:36 AM9/24/18
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Bug: When todolist is is running in background the "Task reminder screen" show the number of task but the window is empty (see attach picture), no name of the tasks. 
When todolist is foreground app then it's ok.

2018-09-24 12_23_02.png


Sep 24, 2018, 11:30:27 AM9/24/18
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Hi Dan,

I report an issue with the 'sort' feature.

I use the 'Mutli-sort' option, with following setings:
  1. Sort by:  Due Date  ( ascending )
  2. Then by:  Category  ( ascending )
  3. Then by: Title  ( ascending )

In the file 'Introduction' attached, you will see that record #42 'MySort_a' is ok at the top place.

But the other records are swapped: record #40 'MySort_x' should be below record #41 'MySort_d'.

The thing making this to happen is the usage of a start date and time, despite the fact that these attributes are out of the sort criteria.

When you play with the start time, you see the order being adjusted according to a rule I don't catch so far.

By the way, I also noticed when playing with start date and time that the original due time '15:00' is sometimes becoming '14:59' then back to '15:00' asif there was some rounding performed in the background.

I can't find a way to reproduce this, but I report it as it might have a link / impact on the above.

Thanks for your attention, and for the app.

Have a nice day - Eric



Sep 24, 2018, 8:12:10 PM9/24/18
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
I guess I'm on the fringe ... so what else is new? I do have different custom attributes in different tasklists for work with clients or non-client projects.
At one point I was running different instances of TDL to avoid such issues (and for version testing). If you say this is the best way to deal with this, I wouldn't have a problem.


Sep 24, 2018, 8:13:33 PM9/24/18
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support

Running RC7. Started timer, tracker visible. After over 2 hours I got another “active for 10 minutes” notification and decided to turn it off. Looking at the tracker it shows Elapsed Time “2m”. Turned it off and the correct 2.5 hours shows in the log.




Sep 26, 2018, 5:38:57 AM9/26/18

BUG: Time Tracker floating window shows all newly created tasks with just one name "Task".

Closing the window or restarting timetracking does not help. Only after the program restart these tasks are being shown with their names.

See the attached image.

Best regards.



Sep 28, 2018, 11:06:16 PM9/28/18
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Yes multiple versions with their own preferences is definitely the right solution.


Sep 28, 2018, 11:41:47 PM9/28/18
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Fixed in 7.2.RC8

On Wednesday, 19 September 2018 21:19:22 UTC+10, Frank S wrote:


Sep 29, 2018, 12:12:47 AM9/29/18
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Fixed in 7.2.RC8


Sep 29, 2018, 12:14:03 AM9/29/18
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Fixed in 7.2.RC8

On Thursday, 20 September 2018 19:32:12 UTC+10, mikro wrote:


Sep 29, 2018, 3:45:11 AM9/29/18
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Thx Eric.

Works okay to me. Can I have your preferences as well please?



Sep 29, 2018, 4:40:06 AM9/29/18
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Using 30% of the CPU during active operation of the foreground application is not generally considered a problem - The CPU is there to be used. For reference, scrolling a page in Chrome took 40% of the CPU, as did Microsoft Edge. Also scrolling is probably the most 'expensive' action you can take because tasks are constantly having to be recalculated and redrawn.

'freezing' is something else again where the application stops responding, but I have not experienced this at any time with 7.2.

However, if you can post a specific sets of steps for an action where TDL becomes noticeably unresponsive then I will look at that.


Sep 29, 2018, 4:42:53 AM9/29/18
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
>> Looking at the tracker it shows Elapsed Time “2m”

As mentioned before the tracker resets the elapsed time after every periodic notification, the point being to allow people a 'Pomodoro-like' experience.


Sep 29, 2018, 6:53:19 AM9/29/18
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Hi Dan,

Reading you have no issue, I tested again with v7.2.RC8 to be sure.

And I have the same issue - see attached screen crop.
The files were attached - I hope this will help to track the display issue.

Thanks - have a nice day.



Sep 30, 2018, 5:39:06 AM9/30/18
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Thx Eric.

The problem is that Task 41's due date is not exactly '2018-08-01 15:00' even though that's what it says.

And the reason for this is certain decimal numbers cannot be represented exactly in computer memory, in this case it was task 41's start date which is stored internally as '43312.5833333333333'.

Combine this with the preference to keep the time estimate and start/due dates synchronised and small inaccuracies can creep in. Hence the 'twitching' of the Due Time you noticed.

The solution is for me to ignore any difference between times of less than a minute since this is the accuracy of the UI.

Great job - you have a good eye for detail!


Oct 1, 2018, 8:01:56 PM10/1/18
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support

On Saturday, September 29, 2018 at 1:42:53 AM UTC-7, .dan.g. wrote:
>> Looking at the tracker it shows Elapsed Time “2m”

As mentioned before the tracker resets the elapsed time after every periodic notification, the point being to allow people a 'Pomodoro-like' experience.

I'm sorry, I didn't see that discussion. OK, I can use it as-is - thanks! Perhaps for another cut, please consider the following.

Here's my usage pattern:
I activate the timer and start work. As I'm working I'll sometimes look at the timer to see the most recent timing. Did I forget to clock out? Should I have switched to something else? Should I credit the client for some time? The tracker notification confirms that it's still on. That's a confirmation to me that I didnt forget to activate it. It's not a signal to break.

On one hand I might ask if we can get a Preference to reset the timer on notification.
However, I don't think this is truly an application preference. I am following the above pattern now but (as everyone tells me) I really should be getting up once in a while. So "Pomodoro" mode is great, especially since people have been asking for that for years - so thanks.

This leads to perhaps allowing us to check a box in the tracker to en/disable Pomodoro mode. With that, we can start one tracker for Pomodoro mode and another for work. This requires that we have the preference set to not disable the timer in one project when we start in another.

That solution is rather elegant :  Our work tasklist tracks client time, but we can have another tasklist open for personal fitness. A fitness task can be used for our work/break habit without disturbing the timer for client time.

In summary this is the follow-up request:
1) Checkbox on tracker to enable/disable Pomodoro mode, remains set for the life of that tracker instance or for the tasklist.
2) Ensure we can have more than one tracker instance open, or just that notifications can be triggered for each active timer.
3) ?? The above binds the Pomodoro timer to the tracker, which doesn't help someone who wants notifications without the tracker.

Thanks for your consideration.


Oct 1, 2018, 10:31:18 PM10/1/18
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Discussed like a hundred times...
Ctrl-S + Ctrl-R = Save and Reload.
Then start the timer.


Oct 2, 2018, 12:59:30 AM10/2/18
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
'Help > Record Bug Report'


Oct 2, 2018, 6:01:02 PM10/2/18
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Hi Dan

Do not understand what this action does. It seems that nothing. 

вторник, 2 октября 2018 г., 7:59:30 UTC+3 пользователь .dan.g. написал:


Oct 3, 2018, 8:24:27 PM10/3/18
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support

record bug.PNG

What Windows version are you using?


Oct 7, 2018, 3:09:40 AM10/7/18
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support


I'm using windows 10 x64 1703 (15063.1356). 

Nothing happens when clicking on this button. The TDL widnow blinks couple of times and that's all.

четверг, 4 октября 2018 г., 3:24:27 UTC+3 пользователь .dan.g. написал:


Oct 7, 2018, 4:23:12 AM10/7/18
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Then you may be able to run it manually: "C:\Windows\System32\psr.exe"


Oct 7, 2018, 4:24:25 AM10/7/18
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Fixed in 7.2.RC9

On Tuesday, 25 September 2018 01:30:27 UTC+10, G-Eric wrote:


Oct 7, 2018, 4:47:37 AM10/7/18
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support

Tested and found ok on my side - cool to have records sorted in perfect order.
Many thanks for the fix (and your kind words).
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