Question: System popup when 'Tasks have just recently started' to query about refresh of current filter (making these tasks visible or not)

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Oct 12, 2015, 7:10:58 PM10/12/15

When tasks have just recently started, I receive a system popup window asking me my preference to refresh (or not) the current filter (in order to make these tasks visible).

I did search the wiki for 'refresh' then for 'filter' without finding information / setting related to this popup behaviour - therefore my question here.
  1. Is this system popup managed by a setting (i.e. in 'Preferences')?
    If so, could you please be so kind to remind me where it is located in the 'Preferences'?

  2. Is there today a way to make the refresh automatic (i.e. no system popup + assume a 'yes' answer by default to the question)?
    If not, is this automation in the pipe for a later release? (this question to avoid an unnecessary suggestion entry in the group)
Thanks for your comments / support.

King regards,



Oct 12, 2015, 7:32:39 PM10/12/15
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Hi Eric

Before I answer your questions, can you tell on what device or browser you posted this question because GG should enforce the creation of categories and your post is category-less?



Oct 13, 2015, 3:54:45 AM10/13/15
I did use K-Meleon browser (i.e. simplified Firefox, ligthweight portable).

I can already say that:
- yes I saw the categories boxes on top of the form, and
- I did select the relevant values (i.e. Usage question / v7.0.5 / Win7) and nothing for 'wiki' as requested in the guidelines.

When I did post the question, I did not receive any error or failure message.
But I was with the impression that something was not ok, without the opportunity to review the post (as it is hidden until approved).

If you need more information, feel free to revert with expected details.

Have a nice day.

Update: found how to re-apply categories on existing post - done.


Oct 20, 2015, 4:20:58 AM10/20/15
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Hi Dan,

Now I provided tech feedback and did add the categories (some days ago), may I kindly ask to receive the answers on my 2 questions when possible for you?
Thanks you in advance.


Oct 20, 2015, 5:46:21 AM10/20/15
1. There is no current setting for this unfortunately
2. Not easily, because I suspect you would want the tasks to just magically appear without disruption whilst the current solution of refreshing the filter to make the tasks visible is necessarily a disruptive process because it rebuilds the tree in it's entirety, hence the message. To change this is non-trivial. Is there a particular situation in which the current approach is more disruptive than other situations?

On Tuesday, 13 October 2015 10:10:58 UTC+11, G-Eric wrote:


Oct 20, 2015, 6:37:08 AM10/20/15
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
  • Currently, I use the time setting of a task to manage to visibility (i.e. visible or not) with filter "started by" + "now" / "due by" + "now".
    >>  I do not need to be informed of a "date/time triggered" task when I am busy with another app / software
    - reason 1 = I will see the "date/time triggered" task when returning to TDL app to record status / changes of current work
    - reason 2 = It breaks my activity in the app I am busy with (and when typing, it catches the focus of my cursor)

  • This said, I imagine that other persons might need to be warned that a task is "date/time triggered" (i.e. even if / when busy with another job / app)
    And now you explainesd why it can't be easily managed by a setting, I conclude this has priority (i.e. it will stay 'as is' for the time being).


Oct 22, 2015, 12:11:27 AM10/22/15
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
>>  I do not need to be informed of a "date/time triggered" task when I am busy with another app / software

I'll try to add a test to determine whether ToDoList is the currently active Window. I'm not sure how easy will be.


Oct 22, 2015, 4:06:30 AM10/22/15
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
OK, thanks - in my opinion, it's not a priority as it's neither blocking nor a bug   ;-)


Oct 27, 2015, 9:18:49 PM10/27/15
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Hi Eric

Can you see if it is fixed in 7.0.7 pls?


Oct 28, 2015, 6:44:33 AM10/28/15
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Hi Dan,

I did test with v7.0.7,
on both start then due dates (not mixed),
and for each case,
with and without the preference for automatic refresh
(i.e. option box checked and unchecked - just in case it might be linked one way or another).

For all the cases tested, I have to conclude that it is not fixed so far.
When TDL app is not the foreground app, the popup is displayed (after a delay of about 20 seconds) and catching the foreground role.

I feel sorry for this bad news, and thank you for the try you did.

Daniel Godson

Oct 28, 2015, 7:38:33 PM10/28/15
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Thx for the prompt feedback Eric, I will continue to look into it.

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