Question: Print Tabular Column Width Error. Can Tasklist be 'reset' / 'fixed'

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Oct 24, 2018, 10:21:27 AM10/24/18
Hi all,
I have two large projekt tasklists.
On using 'File > Print ' Tabular layout with one tasklist I get a result looking like the 'Introduction' List

Long comments lines are neatly wraped.

With the other tasklist the Comments column apear to be formated much wider than the acutal pagespace.
Long textlines do not seem to be wraped or the column is much too wide.

I assume an error in the tasklist and tried to export the list into a new one in order to get rid of the problem, but the result stays the same.

Has anyone experienced a similar issue and or knows how to fix / reset the print layout???
(Since the content of the tasklists is company related I unfortunately cannot post them) 

many thanks!


Oct 26, 2018, 1:44:03 AM10/26/18
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
>> Since the content of the tasklists is company related I unfortunately cannot post them

But you could take 2 copies of 'Introduction.tdl' and add 'random' comments to then to achieve the same result, else I've very little to go on...


Oct 26, 2018, 5:33:31 AM10/26/18

Hi Dan,
I tested a few variations and think that we are not viewing a corrupt file as I was thinking but a few formating problems.

What I did in succession.
If I create a new Tasklist with a custom Attribute and texts I get something equal to the introduction tasklist.


If I add folks to the 'Allocated To' when printed they are connected with a '+', linewraping only applies if there is a space in the name itself. If the whitespaces do not come in handy it looks like this.


If additional columns are added the comments column moves out of the sheets scope like this.


If a comment contains an expetionally Long string without whitespace (a link for example) the column width also exceeds the sheet


Now these cases are rather exceptions than the rule in a tasklist, but on a 30 page protocol they happen.
Since it is not possible to cover every possible input with a flawless print layout I would suggest to approach like so
  • In the 'allocated to' layout:
    Replace the '+' inbetween allocated to members with a comma and a whitespace ',_'.
    The ',' saves some space an i.m.o. looks more "official". The ' ' gives additional linewrapping options.
  • Force all columns to fit the assigened width no matter what.
    Like so the majority of tasks will be perfectly readable and a few ones may look akward.
    If a few Long comments can enlarge the column over its limits all entries look akward. 
  • If an entry exceeds the column width and normal linewraping does not work, I find it legitimate to the split and wrap the string where necessary to fit the page.

What I would find very helpfull also would be being able to
  • arrange the column order
  • modify min/max column width
Perhaps that way you could outsource a few formating issues to the user ;)

Hope the attachments work this time and the lineout of the issues helps.

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