Suggestion: Multiple "task trees"

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Feb 11, 2019, 2:21:40 AM2/11/19
Hi Dan,

Actually the attribute position in "Edit field" is automatically asigned by the app. When I change attributes visibility then this positions are reasigned. 
It's not a big deal but I have to "reprogram" my eyes-brain-hand each time. 

I suggest:

01.- Possibility to move the atribute positions by "drag and drop".
02.- Posibility to save diferent atribute fields configurations.

This suggestion is enclosed in a more general suggestion:

I'm using your app for project management. When I'm working I use the app analizing the project from different perspectives: time-planning, cost, resources asigments, tasks for me today, etc. Each perspective need diferent fields. 
When I change the perspective there are only one "task tree" I have to spend some time changing visibility and possition of atributes in the fields. 

The ideal will be have the posibility to configurate different "task tree" each one with different "Attribute fields" and column visibility and column order in "task field"

If you have interest I could prepare some screenshots simulations about it. And of course I know it's a enormeous efford

Best Regards 


Feb 11, 2019, 5:00:04 AM2/11/19
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Yes, it affects me in the exact same way.

Over the years I have considered ordering the fields alphabetically so that any newly visible fields will be more easily accommodated.

I'll give it some more thought...
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