Info: Extending ToDoList by Writing Plugins

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Mar 13, 2017, 9:59:54 PM3/13/17
Hi All

If you are a programmer (or know a programmer), it is possible to extend the application via various plugin points. Currently these are:
  • IUIExtension     - Allows for alternative views (or editors) on your tasklist's data (eg. Calendar, Kanban, Gantt)
  • IContentControl  - Allows for alternative task comments formats (eg. Rich Text)
  • IImportTasklist  - Allows importing of tasks from other applications (eg. Outlook, GanttProject, CSV)
  • IExportTasklist  - Allows exporting of tasks to other applications (eg. FreeMind, iCalendar, Outline)
  • ITaskListStorage - Allows the storing of tasklists other than on the file system (eg. EasyFTP)
  • IEncryption      - Allows for alternative encryption algorithms
  • ISpellCheck      - Allows for alternative spellcheck engines
The interfaces are C++ Pure Virtual Interfaces (because the app is C++) but you can also write plugins in C#. I am currently developing a range of C# plugins which you are welcome to contribute or add to.

If you are interested in writing a plugin I am happy to provide some assistance.
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