Question: Hiding Tabs

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Oliver Sahr

Oct 16, 2015, 6:38:37 PM10/16/15
Hello Daniel,

I use ToDoList at work and also at home.

At home I have one ToDo file with my private tasks.
At work I have 3 ToDo files (tasks of our complete team, my tasks at work, tasks of a software-project).

At work I also open my private ToDo file from a USB stick.
I selected this media, because it is portable.

The only problem is my boss.
It would be horrible if he sees that I have a private file opened.
Also [Ctrl]+[Tab] to switch the tasklist is not a solution as he still can see the tab in ToDoList.

Of cause I can close my private ToDo file and just open it when I need it.
But this is a bit slow (loading the file from the stick).

In Mozilla Firefox I have an extension called "Hide Tab".
Here I can right click on a browser tab and select "Hide Tab" from the context menu.
If I have hidden a tab then I just need to right click on an existing tab and select "Restore all tabs".

If I had such a feature in ToDoList, I could have my private ToDo file opened and just hide the tab.
If my boss comes in he can not see my private file.
If I want to modify it, I just unhide it.

This would be a cool feature.
Please implement it.
Thank you!



Martin Lemburg

Oct 17, 2015, 5:40:06 AM10/17/15
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Hello Olli and Dan,

What's about saving, working with kind of workspace or grouped tabs, collapsing if not used and not being affected by a simple control-tab?
So, grouped tabs are saved as workspaces, collapse automatically on leaving, protectable with a password for re-entering.

Wouldn't that fit your, Olli's, demands?

I would use this feature to group version dependent lists and to seperate those versions and administrative lists in the UI.

Best regards,



Oct 18, 2015, 8:00:36 PM10/18/15
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Hi Olli

Have you considered enabling 'Multiple Instances', having your private tasklist use a separate instance and separate ini file and configure that instance to hide to the notification tray when minimised?


Oliver Sahr

Oct 19, 2015, 4:06:48 PM10/19/15
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Hello Daniel,

I think this will do the trick.
Especially when I can press [Escape] to minimize ToDoList to the system tray.
Thank you, you are really genious!

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