Suggestion: Add Project Column and Filter

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Justin Marcus

Nov 9, 2017, 4:15:54 PM11/9/17

Just suggesting that there be an option for a "Project" Column and Filter as was mentioned in an old thread (which I also commented on)
As a work around I am currently using the "Category" field for this purpose, but it would obviously be preferable if I didn't have to do it that way.

The idea is to be able to view and handle all tasks from all projects if I so desire within one window without the need to tab.
For example of the usefulness of this; you can see all tasks due today at a glance - or all tasks for this week etc etc

I haven't done a mock up screen shot of this as it's so simple - however if you require me to do so please let me know and I will mock something up.
I would say that UI-wise having the filter at the left hand side so that the filter comes before the "All Tasks....etc" field.
As for the column - that could either be at the far left or be the first or second field in the right hand pane (i.e. either before or after the iD field).

FYI - from my perspective I would be happy to lose the tabs altogether...but quite happy if they remain too.

Hope this is helpful - and thankyou for all the hard work - I'm enjoying the software a lot at the moment :)


Justin Marcus

Nov 9, 2017, 4:17:35 PM11/9/17
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Sorry that I didn't put "Suggestion" in the subject ! :) 


Nov 13, 2017, 12:24:08 AM11/13/17
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Hi Justin

You'll be able to do this in 7.2 with a custom list attribute (which will support filtering).


Nov 15, 2017, 10:18:46 PM11/15/17
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Just tried that - cool feature. Thanks.
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