BUG: Unknown file-specific options in ini file cause TDL to hang when restoring a task list

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May 22, 2017, 3:49:21 AM5/22/17
to abstractspoon-t...@googlegroups.com

I had trouble restoring task lists using this launch command:

ToDoList.exe "D:\Documents\Tasks\Yearly.tdl" -f "D:\Documents\Tasks\Quaterly.tdl|D:\Documents\Tasks\Today.tdl"

What happened was that all 3 tasks lists were opened, with the first one (Yearly.tdl) having been activated. The other 2 have not been fully loaded as expected. However, when I clicked on the "Quaterly.tdl" tab to load that task list, TDL hangs consuming 100% of CPU (1 thread).

At first I thought it had to do with my recent upgrade to 7.1.3, however it turned out that the issue was in 7.1.2 as well - just was not apparent till I had to reload the task lists. Then I made sure that it was not the actual tdl file that was corrupt - I tried earlier backups, with all of them causing hangs.

Then I tried launching a new instance of TDL and just using File Open to open the hanging tdl, and it worked (and opened it very quickly)! So I realized the issue must be with the ini file that remembers task-list-specific settings. And so I edited the ini file, removing all sections pertaining to the hanging tdl file. After I have done that everything worked as it always did - tdl was restored correctly w/o hangs.

Attached is the zipped portion of the ini file that had to be removed in order for the task list to be opened again. As you can see, there seems to be a lot of duplication. I don;t know if duplication caused the hang or some invalid settings. But in any case there seems to be an issue for sure.

And as an aside, it would be nice if there was overall option in TDL to:
1. Either store file-specific settings in a new section in the xml tdl file, or:
2. Continue to use the old way - stroe those settings in a single ini file as they currently are.

Personally I would prefer #1, however I think there should be a choice. In fact maybe implement it so that if there is no special settings section present in the tdl file, use the settings from ini, otherwise use settings from tdl file.

Thank you.


May 22, 2017, 4:27:05 AM5/22/17
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Hi Fitnerd

If you still have the entire 'broken' ini file, can you send it to me pls?

Looking at part of an ini file in isolation isn't much help, though I appreciate your efforts to narrow things down.



May 23, 2017, 1:33:48 AM5/23/17
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Here's the full file as you requested. Only encoding was changed from UTF16 to UTF8 as I had to replace some file names in text editor. So the hanging task list is "Quaterly.tdl".

Perhaps it somehow got screwed up because I was using several instances of TDL running at the same time (although all of them had different task lists opened at all times - so one task list was never opened in more than one TDL instance). Hope it helps.


May 23, 2017, 8:04:31 PM5/23/17
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
>> Here's the full file as you requested

Many thanks

>> I was using several instances of TDL running at the same time

All sharing the same ini file?
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