Info: ** ToDoList 7.1 has been released **

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Jan 3, 2017, 5:23:38 AM1/3/17
Hi All

I'm pleased to report that 7.1 has finally been released to the (unsuspecting) public.

Thx to everyone who helped test the new features, reported bugs and were otherwise very patient - you know who you are.

Get it here or download it via the Help menu of 7.0 (or your pre-release build).

What's Changed (Short Version)
  • New 'Kanban' Task View
  • New 'Time Tracker' dialog
  • New Modeless 'Reminder Notification' dialog
  • New Context-Sensitive F1 Help
  • New Online Documentation
  • New Google Group for bug reports and feature requests
  • More 'Recurring Task' options
  • More 'Filter' options
  • More 'Custom Attribute' features
  • More than 100 other enhancements
  • More than 100 bug fixes
What's Changed (Long Version) 
Note: Some of these are fixes to new features introduced in 7.1 which I haven't yet filtered out
  • Add 'Copy Link' to simple and rich text comments context menu
  • Add 'Every N weekdays' to 'Daily' recurrence options
  • Add 'Icon' attribute to 'Find Tasks' dialog
  • Add 'Parent' display attribute setting
  • Add 'Populate' button to 'Fixed Columns' definition
  • Add 'QuickFind' to top of time track widget
  • Add 'Reminder' to the sort menu
  • Add 'Task ID' to Kanban 'Display Attribute' preferences
  • Add 'Tasklist' column to 'Show Reminder' dialog
  • Add 'Yesterday' to 'Start/Due' filter droplists
  • Add 'feature' to custom date attributes to also show a time field
  • Add 'pin' button to Time Tracker to control 'top most' status
  • Add F1 context-sensitive help support to dialogs 
  • Add Gantt preference to specify colour of 'non coloured' tasks
  • Add Kanban preference to show task colour as vertical bar
  • Add Minimise button to the 'Reminder Notification' dialog
  • Add Outlook field mapping dialog to Outlook Importer
  • Add Tags to 'Attribute to track'
  • Add ToDoList version number to 'Setup' dialog
  • Add UDT error handling
  • Add better support for automation
  • Add colouring to 'Colour by Attribute' droplist in Preferences
  • Add colouring to fixed columns in Kanban View
  • Add combo tooltips to Time Tracker
  • Add date field to Reminder notification dialog
  • Add error reporting to Importers
  • Add explicit date/time controls to reminder snooze dialog
  • Add explicit support for 'weekdays'
  • Add filter functionality
  • Add filter input fields for 'Started/Due by Next N days'
  • Add help buttons to all dialogs
  • Add helper droplists to 'Fixed Columns' definition
  • Add icons to 'Comments' type droplist
  • Add menu item to show/hide time-track widget
  • Add multi-file browsing to 'Comments' fields
  • Add multi-file browsing to 'File Link' field
  • Add multiline comments support to 'Outline' importer
  • Add multiple 'File Link' browsing to 'Edit' menu
  • Add new commandline switches (-st/-dt/-ct) for just setting time
  • Add new menu item for creating a dependent task below the selected task
  • Add new tool to help translate the application: TDLTransEdit
  • Add option to hide 'optional' strings
  • Add preference to control pasting of source Urls in comments
  • Add preference to control use of time-track widget
  • Add preference to display reminders as the actual date/time
  • Add preference to recalculate task due date when time estimate changes
  • Add preferences for specifying column names and order
  • Add prompt to restart after changing Windows' Regional Settings
  • Add recurrence option "On the last weekday of the month"
  • Add support for F2 editing of Kanban item titles
  • Add support for XSL reference inside taskfile
  • Add support for collapsing Time Tracker by double-clicking its titlebar
  • Add support for completing tasks by changing status
  • Add support for custom attributes to UDTs
  • Add support for custom list attributes to CSV importer
  • Add support for default task icon
  • Add support for default task reminders
  • Add support for delay-loaded tasklists
  • Add support for importing outlook email follow-up tasks (aka flagged emails)
  • Add support for multiple selection in the Show Reminder dialog
  • Add support for relative filepath links in Comments field
  • Add support for searching and filtering by task position
  • Add support for showing all file link icons in file link column
  • Add time-tracking preference to remind user when tracking is active
  • Add toolbar button/menu option to comments field for enabling/disabling inline spell checking on Win8.1+
  • Add tooltips to Gantt and Calendar Views
  • Add translation of default text strings used in $(userXXX) tool arguments
  • All exporters now save to UTF-8 for compatibility with 3rd-party apps
  • Allow 'Fixed Columns' to be selected from 'Attribute to Track' droplist
  • Allow Kanban column to aggregate multiple attribute values
  • Allow use of 'Options' droplist with custom filters
  • Always save translation file after 'Clean Up' to ensure correct sorting
  • Auto select first custom attribute in Kanban
  • Auto-select cell below current cell following an 'inline' edit
  • Auto-select translation for new users based on Windows UI and/or keyboard language
  • Automatically cleanup reminders for completed or deleted tasks
  • Automatically quote UDT user input data
  • Centre Time Tracker on app window on multi-monitor setups
  • Change 'File Reference' to 'File Link' in the Sort menu
  • Change 'Set Task Reminder' to 'Modify Task Reminder' as appropriate
  • Change 'Show tasklisk close button on the menubar' preference so that it can be used to hide the taskbar close buttons
  • Change 'Statistics' plugin name to 'Burndown'
  • Change 'Treat tasks without a due date...' preferences to use Start date if it is in the future
  • Change Kanban column selection when clicking on list headers
  • Change filterbar background when filter active
  • Change first line of Task Tree/List View/Gantt Chart to be alternately coloured to suit Windows 10
  • Clear 'Comments' for recreated just-recurred tasks
  • Clear 'old' reminders from preferences when closing a tasklist
  • Connect sorting to application sorting
  • Disable '.tdl' handler and 'tdl://' protocol on Linux
  • Don't remove network paths from MRU list
  • Draw column header sort direction
  • Enable 'Options' droplist for 'Selected Tasks' filter
  • Enable filter 'Options' droplist for custom filters
  • Escape invalid characters in Outlook links
  • Fix 'All Tasks' filtering bug
  • Fix 'Always show backlog' not being honoured with Fixed columns
  • Fix 'Creation Date' column to not display default time
  • Fix 'Ctrl Num+' shortcut not working
  • Fix 'Custom Attribute' ID field allowing spaces
  • Fix 'End after x recurrences' to be 'End after x occurrences'
  • Fix 'File Link' column to always display the first icon
  • Fix 'File Link' field tooltips
  • Fix 'File Open' initial path for multiple File Link paths
  • Fix 'Find Tasks' quoted strings losing their quotes on app restart
  • Fix 'Find Tasks' relative date calculations
  • Fix 'Gantt View' header redraw bug with large date ranges
  • Fix 'Icon' attribute searching in 'Find Tasks' dialog
  • Fix 'Kanban' preferences 'Fixed Columns' row deletion
  • Fix 'List View' synchronisation bug after filtering
  • Fix 'Offset by weekdays'
  • Fix 'Paste-Importing' tasks from clipboard
  • Fix 'Paste-Importing' tasks from clipboard
  • Fix 'Please enter an integer' message when adding time to log file
  • Fix 'Remaining Time' column width calculation
  • Fix 'Show Tasks Due Today' showing all tasks without due dates
  • Fix 'Sort By > Unsorted' for plugin views (specifically Gantt)
  • Fix 'Status' handling after completing a recurring task
  • Fix 'Time Estimate' editing to not recalculate 'Start' and 'Due' dates if neither exist
  • Fix 'Time Spent' button enable-state during time tracking
  • Fix 'Time-tracking' when computer is locked on Windows 10 
  • Fix 'Transforming' tasklists to UTF-8
  • Fix 'flashing' when switching between Kanban columns 
  • Fix 'invisible' Kanban items on XP
  • Fix 'jump' after editing task title and sorting by 'title'
  • Fix 'next' task selection when re-filtering in List View
  • Fix <shift> formatting of outlook drag and drops to File Link field
  • Fix About Box license translation bug
  • Fix Comments context menu 'Copy File Link' not appearing under Linux
  • Fix Gantt View 'weekday' date calculations
  • Fix Gantt View dependency drawing
  • Fix Gantt View drag cursor for 'Quarters' and 'Years'
  • Fix Gantt View to prevent auto-calculated parent tasks from being moved
  • Fix Gantt parent '% completion' not updating as subtasks are completed
  • Fix Gantt view to show calculated values
  • Fix GanttProject import message
  • Fix GanttProject import to respect weekends
  • Fix Help button position on resizable dialogs
  • Fix Kanban View Options droplist tooltips
  • Fix Kanban background artifacts in classic mode
  • Fix Kanban background colour with high contrast theme
  • Fix Kanban columns failing to appear when no filter is active
  • Fix Kanban columns not showing up when filtering
  • Fix Kanban drag and drop bug
  • Fix Kanban item height bug with large fonts
  • Fix Kanban message box title
  • Fix Kanban not updating to show newly recreated recurring task
  • Fix Kanban preferences not showing default list data
  • Fix Linux startup render bugs
  • Fix List and Plugin Views selection synchronisation with Task Tree
  • Fix Multi-instance bug
  • Fix Multi-sort bug
  • Fix Outline importer
  • Fix Outlook drag'n'drop dialog to enforce one-to-one mapping except for Comments field
  • Fix Outlook drag'n'drop task title composition
  • Fix Outlook file links after import
  • Fix Start/Due date fields not updating after creating a dependency
  • Fix Task Recurrence Daily radio buttons
  • Fix Tasklist importer to use display with current UI preferences
  • Fix Time Tracker synchronisation bug
  • Fix Transform dialog OK button enable-state when stylesheet does not exist
  • Fix Windows' week-number bug in drop-down calendar fields
  • Fix activation issues with the 'Reminder Notification' dialog
  • Fix background artifacts after resizing tree to zero height
  • Fix background artifacts when switching out of 'High Contrast' theme
  • Fix broken Gantt column header formatting when zooming with mouse-wheel
  • Fix bug causing recurrence counter to be decremented by 2 when 'Create a new task' is enabled
  • Fix bug repainting background of filterbar on startup
  • Fix bug showing multi-sort menu item always ticked
  • Fix cancelling new task leaving previously completed parent incomplete
  • Fix click-cycling through fixed-list custom attributes
  • Fix clicking on File Link column URL in List View opening two browser instances
  • Fix combobox close buttons up against right-side of screen
  • Fix commandline bug opening a new instance
  • Fix copy/paste not transferring custom attribute values
  • Fix crash in 'Filter' dialog when droplist-multiselection is disabled
  • Fix crash in Time Tracker dialog after removing tasklist
  • Fix crash playing long WAV file in reminder setup dialog
  • Fix crash reloading richtext comments with images
  • Fix creation of duplicate tasks in List View
  • Fix custom attribute IDs to be case-insensitive
  • Fix custom attribute value not changing after drag and drop
  • Fix custom date attribute filtering
  • Fix custom filter failing to restore on startup
  • Fix date range calculation in Statistics View when filtering
  • Fix delayed hiding of app window when closing
  • Fix deletion of task's last 'File Link'
  • Fix display attribute persistence
  • Fix dragging 'Task Tree' items by their icons
  • Fix export of Registry preferences to not prompt if the ini file is not named 'ToDoList.ini'
  • Fix file encoding of CSV task time log file report 
  • Fix filtering tasks by "Find Task" ignoring Completed flag
  • Fix grid rendering bug under High Contrast theme
  • Fix hidden custom columns when no standard columns are visible
  • Fix hidden task views not being restored at startup
  • Fix hiding of disabled custom attribute columns
  • Fix import of ini preferences to the Registry
  • Fix import/export of preferences to/from Registry
  • Fix incorrect printing of accented characters in Comments
  • Fix incorrect sort order of Find Tasks Priority/Risk droplists on Linux
  • Fix indenting of task titles when in 'Tabular' print mode
  • Fix inline spell checking causing loss of comments
  • Fix kanban selection change not triggering change in task tree
  • Fix language initialisation for new installs
  • Fix line-height mismatch on WinXP-64 bit
  • Fix loading of large task icon images from file system
  • Fix loss of Kanban 'Fixed Column' registry settings
  • Fix loss of kanban columns after undo operation
  • Fix loss of recurring reminders
  • Fix loss of recurring reminders when using 'Stickies'
  • Fix missing 'Tasks' context menu on Linux
  • Fix missing URLs when pasting 'simple text' from supported apps (Word, Excel and most browsers)
  • Fix missing priority/risk '0' Kanban columns
  • Fix moving a Gantt dependency not updating dependents dates
  • Fix multi-selection Time Units issues
  • Fix non-selectability of parent tasks in Gantt view date pane
  • Fix parsing of 'Times' under locales without AM/PM
  • Fix partial text attribute searching in 'Find Tasks' dialog
  • Fix pasting of quoted file paths to File Link field
  • Fix performance degradation due to archive size
  • Fix persistence of Recurrence option 'Every x days'
  • Fix persistence of default list data for custom number attributes
  • Fix preferences initialisation after upgrade to Windows 10
  • Fix printing/exporting of task 'Position'
  • Fix priority task colouring
  • Fix protocol registration to not keep notifying non-admin users
  • Fix recreation of recurring tasks with recurring subtasks
  • Fix recurring reminders
  • Fix redraw artifacts when moving in and out of 'Maximise Tasklists' in plugin views
  • Fix render artifacts when horizontally scrolling Tasks title pane
  • Fix setting time estimate to automatically give a task a start date
  • Fix slow startup due to custom task icons
  • Fix sorting by 'Creation Date' to ignore time component
  • Fix sorting in 'Select Task Icon' dialog
  • Fix sorting of 'Dates with Times'
  • Fix sorting to be Date-aware
  • Fix spurious extra Kanban columns after typing new custom attribute text value
  • Fix string resource bug in 'Time Estimate' units droplist
  • Fix synchronisation of application and 'Notification Area' icons
  • Fix task time editing when AM/PM precedes the time (eg. Japanese locale)
  • Fix task title not updating after F2 change
  • Fix tdl handler not installing under admin account
  • Fix test for locked workstation when time-tracking on Windows 10
  • Fix text overwrite on '% Complete' column when displayed as a progress bar
  • Fix title editing not ending after moving selection with F7/F8
  • Fix too narrow title with Large Fonts
  • Fix tracker not updating when new task is added
  • Fix undoing of New and Recurring tasks to require only one undo step
  • Fix units display to match user settings
  • Fix unnecessary quoting of UDT placeholders
  • Fix unresponsive app after 'Kanban View' drag and drop
  • Fix untranslated CSV import message
  • Fix various minor 'Translation Editor' issues
  • Fix various translation-related issues
  • Fix vertical scroll position not being maintained after re-filtering
  • Fix vertical scroll position not being maintained after re-filtering caused by 'Undo' operation
  • Fix zero height startup on Windows 10
  • Fixing missing vertical scrollbar after changing Kanban display attributes
  • Have Rich Text comments 'remember' foreground and background text colours like MS Word
  • Hide completed flagged emails in Outlook importer
  • Hide custom attribute droplist when 'Custom Attribute' is not selected
  • Hide task selection option 'Including subtasks' for List View
  • Hide the timetracker temporarily when modal dialogs appear
  • Hide tracker when close button is clicked
  • Hide vertical colour bar for tasks with no colour
  • Hide zero value numeric custom attributes via preferences
  • Highlight title of selecteded Kanban column
  • Implement hiding of parent tasks
  • Improve filtering performance
  • Improve legibility of Rich Text toolbar under 'High Contrast' theme
  • Improve performance adding single tasks
  • Increase the height of the Preferences UDT argument field
  • Indent 'Display' attributes 
  • Infotips showing the full text of a cell
  • Make 'Calendar', 'Gantt' and 'Kanban' preference dialogs resizable
  • Make Time Tracker resizable
  • Make UDT user dialogs resizable
  • Make sure selected task is scrolled into view
  • Menu keyboard shortcuts
  • New time-tracking widget
  • Only show selection for focused Kanban column
  • Prevent Kanban bkgnd redraw during list rebuilding
  • Prevent Plugin view edits when tasklists are read-only
  • Prevent pre-release versions overwriting .tdl and tdl:// handlers
  • Redraw Reminder column after completing a task having a reminder
  • Reduce images to 8-bit before embedding in rich text comments
  • Remove 'Edit Field' checkbox for 'Icon' attribute in 'Attribute Visibility' dialog
  • Remove 'Window Fading'
  • Remove ChronicleWrap.dll
  • Remove blank line at top of Default attribute visibility preferences
  • Remove need to install Outlook protocol handler
  • Report errors if unable to install .tdl extension or tdl:// protocol
  • Respect 'Rich Text' comments preference on whether or not to use MS Word when converting HTML to RTF
  • Restore 'Close' button to Task Icon dialog
  • Restore CSV export fix for Excel to use tab delimiter and export to UTF-16
  • Rewrite reminder snooze dialog as modeless
  • Save time log files as UTF-16 when Excel is configured to open CSV
  • Save/Restore column widths
  • Save/restore last filter
  • Save/restore window position and size
  • Scroll date 'Time' droplists to show the working day
  • Select active tasklist and task when shown from the menu
  • Show Attribute Visibility dialog checkboxes as disabled when unavailable
  • Show Bold top-level items on Gantt View
  • Show Bold top-level items on Kanban View
  • Show exe path and ini path in About box
  • Show strikethrough on Kanban view
  • Show task 'Path' after task name in Time Tracker
  • Show times as well as dates in reminder column
  • Show tooltips for Kanban items whose titles are truncated
  • Show week numbers on Calendar plugin small calendars
  • Support printing of 'Task Path' when in ListView and include 'Path' in 'Custom' attributes
  • Switch over to new wiki for online help
  • Synchronise tray icon with app icon


Jan 3, 2017, 10:38:32 AM1/3/17
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Hello Dan !

Thanks for the new year gift !

By the way, I don't know if it's due to my installation method (replacing all the file by those of the new final version), but it still show 7.1 RC3 in the Help > About TodoList menu ...

Am I wrong ?

Happy new year to you !

Pierre de la Verre

Jan 3, 2017, 4:49:51 PM1/3/17
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
The "Long Version" shows 314 entries: three - one - four ......
Now imagine how long it take to add / fix / modify one single "entry" to the software.

Thanks you Dan for the great effort and the great results of ToDoList!


Paul Spaven

Jan 3, 2017, 5:31:06 PM1/3/17
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Well done! Thank you!


Jan 3, 2017, 6:10:35 PM1/3/17
>> Am I wrong ?

No you are not, I forgot to update the link from '' to ''!

Sorry, all fixed now.


Jan 3, 2017, 6:11:37 PM1/3/17
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Thx Pierre, I was surprised too by the length of the list.


Jan 3, 2017, 6:12:00 PM1/3/17
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Thx Paul, and for your generous donation.

Kore Engineer

Jan 4, 2017, 2:33:34 AM1/4/17
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Thanks. Best Software Ever!


Jan 5, 2017, 7:40:03 PM1/5/17
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Thank you


Jan 6, 2017, 4:21:37 AM1/6/17
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
WOW, very impressive and outstanding. Many, many thanks, Dan!


kai liu

Jan 8, 2017, 6:30:29 PM1/8/17
to ToDoList (AbstractSpoon) Support
Hello Dan
thank you for making such a good software.
Some text translation can not be displayed correctly.
For example: "ToDoList was unable to install the'.tdl'extension handler.\n\nYou may need to run ToDoList with administrator privileges to install the handler.\n\nOnce installed you can then revert to your original security settings." with the TDLTransEdit.exe editor for the Chinese, is still showing English.
Please help confirm, thank you
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