Lab Goes Dark, Need to edit or this the same one?

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Michael Adams

Oct 6, 2022, 4:27:35 PM10/6/22
to Abrigon World

LAB GOES DARK 02/09/2014 version based on earler 1/20/2014 version and earlier "By the Numbers".

A Module/Scenario for Traveller

Team is hired by their "patron" to investigate a lab of theirs (or someone they knows lab) that has gone dark in the (sector provided by the GM at random for ease of play/play).

The Team leaves via their mode of travel, their own Ship or one provided by the Patron.

Crew is to be the Team or any needed NPC to fly them to the labs location.

What the team may not know or be told, or their patron does not know or is willing to let them know is.

1. Its a lab for psionic research, owner is the Patron or their Megacorps or someone else?
a. Subjects supplied by hook/crook?
b. Naive people coming in to get help?
c. Its really the Psionic Institute?
d. Imperial or Government supported/supplied lab. Hidden Contract or..

2. The Subjects have for the most part not been recruited in a nice way.
a. Willing?
b. Unwilling?
3. An Imperial Marine unit was sent it, or was near by to check it out or just happened to be in the area.
They investigate but have not reported in for a while. Suspected foul play of some sort, so its likely someone will send in another team in soon from the authorities to find out what happened. Time is of the essence, since this means the lab 
and its experiments will be found out about and its not going to be pretty?

4. The lab reported in but then went dark but a psichic under the employ of the patron has been getting wierd feelings of late.

5. The cover story for the whole mission maybe true to a point but it may also be bogus, if anythings its a way to keep the team interested as well as to add any NPC that the GM may feel necessary due to the Teams skills or lack of them?
a. Medical Supplies
b. Drop of or pick up a staff member. (depends if they have a NPC or PC with the skills needed for the adventure?). NPC is to be dropped off at the lab. Scientist but how much does he/she tell the team/crew about what is really going on?
c. More possible?
d. Rescue of Station personnel or at least find out what maybe going on? 
e. Overt may not be the real stated or hidden mission.
f. This to be a Delievery? Investigative? NCIS? Horror? Mystery? Rescue? or what sort of mission?

6. The Psions may or may not know of the planet the labs is on/around is not natural, but maybe made by someone. More later on this. They might even be in contact with someone or thing in/on the planets surface? 

What the Team may find as they come into range of the station.

1. Jump signal from other side of the system, who or what it is, not known at first.
a. Someone left, but who? If the Pcions left, then its clean up at the lab.
2. Team comes up to the station and has tried to hail them more than once, so far no answer.
a. No answer
b. Finally an answer.
c. First time answer of a
- Well dressed staff members
- A unkept staff members.
- A unknown person, maybe a psion that escaped and now is playing communications.

NOTES: How does anyone on the bridge that maybe psionic feel about things?

3. Station is dark or seems to be dark.
> some power and heat.
> no power and heat. Likely in this status cause the psions have left?
> if the Psions have left, anyone still on the station? Zombies or ..

4. Station has or may have a pinance park outside at the only space port. So team may have to work around it.

5. Bodies and obvious damage might be seen but option for the GM.

6. Some on on the "Rescue" ship may get a wierd feeling from the lab or planet and not like it much, roll for reaction.

7. If the Team knows or the Patron knows the lab is doing psionic research, they might provide helmets.
a. Helmets are provided by the patron.
b. The provide possible protection from psionic attack, rating just below the strongest known psionic on the lab or they are c. They ight work or maybe not? 
d. Battery or like in the helmet is only good for a couple hours or less than an hour?
e. Its all BS..or limited.

Evac Suits

8. Lab - one docking port available, that maybe accessible to an incomming space ship. 
- Open
- Broke
- Blocked by? If blocked by what? External or Internal?

Once past the dock then what?

--. Psionics end goal once they have broken out was first.
- Revenge
- Hunt down any known survivors and execute them (mind wipe is more like it?).
Or there was some that did not like that idea and now are ... 
- To get their bearing and explore options.
- To escape especially after contact with the Marines and now the Team.
- Not all staff and like were "executed" some kept alive for various reasons.
a. Pilot
b. A friendly staff member who was friendly to the Psions, not all of the staff was brutal.
c. Possible resource for later escape and home life or refuge. Possible earlier adventure of a team who was security on the lab and ..?).
d. A brutal staff member or Marine that the psions decided to keep alive, and not for a nice reason.

Psionics depending on how you want to play it, are either gone already when the team arrives, especially if they took out a squad of Imperial Marines. Maybe still at the lab but ready to run as the team comes into view.

Where to run to?
Rumored psionic institute or like?
Home? There if possible, but they might not want to just go home but hunt down who sold them out?
Find a new home?
Go to the planet surface and find who all is there that might help? The being or thing on the surface maybe why and how they escaped?

Leaving the now brain dead/mind wiped staff and how many marines are still alive and how many are now under the psions control?

Possible issues:
Lab is illegal so if the Imperial or local government comes to investigate, the psions best tbe gone and so might the team as well, and worse case the lab goes BOOM.

Any suggestion of a MESS Claen up TEAM? Grin.

Illegal Psi Lab and dead marine, one massive mess?

Lab is owned or run by who?

Mega Corps - Directly or a subcontract?
Imperial - Directly or a subcontract?
Psionics Institute or suspected it is that or more?
or who/what and all.


Lab goes dark.

The teams patron, contacted them for:

There is really multiple of missions going on.

One the overt ones of medical supplies, and drop off of the scientist.

But the real mission is or may turn into it?

Yes medical supplies such as drugs and like can be used to psionically repress it and other things, so its open.




I got to find and review Onnos notes and see what he has to say and if possible modify/change/edit things?

- Do not blame me for your problems - Joshua

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