Horror Ideas?

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Jun 1, 2022, 9:02:25 PM6/1/22
to Abrigon World G
T-Horror Story Ideas 2022
June 2022
B-Wood Kid

Idea is to be a kid that is pushed out of society due to being a geek/nerd and ends up growing up in the woods near by.
Does he go to school or home schooled or not at all? Learned by finding books and figuring things out.

Nice person. Seen alot of how "normal" society can be and their violence and bullying.

Its a story I am working on for a possible novel. The kid meets along the way various types of beings..
Some very nice, be it the old veteran that got burned out by the world and now lives in the woods.
I get along well with animals of all kinds, be it bears to ravens..

One story idea is the below..

Spaz kid

forgotten and got on the city bus by accident on his first day of school, due to parent had forgotten him/her?

Got beaten by someone on his first day.

hides/gets home via the woods and not risk being hunted by the popular kids.

meets a spirit of the woods? bear or bird?

then what?

they find a serial killer or ... the serial killer is human or animal or spirit or horror of some sort?

or what else?

Ideas is the kid goes nature, knows things that most humans no longer know, such as how to hide in plain site, but since your 30 feet up, they do not see you cause most humans only see a narrow 30 degree or so right/life, up/down and if your outside of that zone, they might not see you, until you jump down and ..

The kid is very friendly with other animals but does not always do well with "normal" humans, they think him a bit odd/wierd and take advantage of his good nature, and need for social connections and purpose.

Parents, especially mother, keeps him in his room, in part due to his odd nature, hyper, and seemingly moronic or just odd nature. Reading but not very well kept, seeming they care more for their dog? Even put him in special need schools/classes and not having any friends, he is alone and has to deal with many things, runs alot, even if not being hunted.. Even put into a school, that seems they think he maybe possesed?

Sibling does not want him around, he ruins her social life and is creepy?

Spends alot of time in the library, where it is quiet, and safe.. Quiet helps him with his attention issues and he is well read.

What might else be out in the woods?

Another like him/her much the same, or very different?

Toy master or like person?

Aliens or like, friendly or not so friendly?

Droid maker?

Veteran gone to ground and just wants to be left alone?

Horror ideas or something else?


Been working with several authors and like, one a military related super natural. The other about aliens that are trading with some earth humans..
Just for fun and ideas.. Yes, once had CN-ELF, an alternate earth, where the aliens arrive on large off shore islands to build things and infiltrate things,
and then one day they rise up and take things over, and your a group of kids/young adults that are mounting a resistance against them and their habits
of turning humans into slaves and also eating them and like..

Yes, working with a local gal, on a horror story or like for possible filming..
Will see how it all goes..

I still prefer my Bus-13 story line..
Of a group of special needs kids that deal with supposed evil creatures, but often find they are just special needs themselves and pushed out due to their being
"different".. Trolls, Gargoyles and like..
The bus driver is a very dedicated to his kids, later found out that he has been undead for a while, dedicated to his kids..


Old man or person in the woods that the kid meets? Old veterans, which war or does it matter?
Alien being of some sort?
Unknown the oldster is a serial killer or what else?

Human member of Omega Force, fighting the good fight against the space aliens that have infiltrated earth? Less than MiB, more real?



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