LAb Goes Dark

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Sep 12, 2022, 7:30:26 PM9/12/22
to abrigon-world
Lab Goes Dark - New 2022


Am 02.05.2016 um 02:28 schrieb Mike Adams:

Anything you all liked about what I had come up with and sent you all, or

... something you did not like or like to see more or less of? Mike... Lost

much of my notes in a computer crash, and my move south from Alaska and to

Boise.. but..

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

Hello Mike,

nice to hear that you're back online. Here are my notes regarding the
lab adventure:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Here is a recap of what I think the decisions were. Capital letters
are open questions, for now or later.


In a lab near in the Spinward Marches near the Zhodani border (decide
later WHICH SYSTEM) an Imperial megacorp (decide later WHICH CORP) is
developing psi shielding technology and psi detectors. To test them,
they are using a group of psis who are being trained is psi skills in
the process.


The patron:

[1] Fred Demetrious. Blind, old, megacorp employee.

Alive when the player characters arrive:

[2] Alexander Ivanovich Romanov aka Alex, psi, 20 years old, male, "God complex", telepath.
[3] Bertha/Alberta, psi, 20 years old, female, in love with Alex (decide if Alex loves her, too).
[4] UNNAMED lab staff, helped the psis, decide later on the MOTIVE (in love, guilt feelings, ...).
[5] Zombies, decide later on necessary NUMBERS and STATS. They wear the remains of hospital staff clothes.
[6] UNNAMED lab staff, female, surviving (decide later on REASON FOR SURVIVAL and CURRENT STATE OF MIND).

The psis are held against their will by psi shielding. They are in their late teens. The leader[2] is a recent arrival. Another psi[3]
holds an important position, too. Their quarters are mostly bare of personal possessions but otherwise not uncomfortable (decide later

A helper[4] wrecks the psi shielding. The psis break free. At first they go on a rampage of revenge, which turns some of the security staff into 'zombies'[5]. Another lab staffer is spared[6] and can provide information to the player characters, should that become necessary for the flow of the adventure. Then the psis start to think about getting a ship.

The player characters arrive on a resupply mission, contracted by the megacorp. They are hired to carry equipment to the lab, which happens to include anything that will be necessary for the adventure (decide later WHAT EQUIPMENT).

- Alternate

As they jump in, they detect a jump signature.
On approach, they notice something is wrong (sublight pinnace docked to the lab, bodies floating in space, decide later WHAT ELSE).
The player characters enter the lab. They are attacked by 'zombies' and hopefully prevail. The hospital staff garb should stop the PCs from outright slaughter.
They go around another group of zombies.

A chase scene.
The helper[3] contacts the player characters and tells them all is under control. Hopefully the players see through this.
The player characters have a chance to rescue the survivor[5] and get information.
A psi uses tele send skill to negotiate with the characters.

Depending on the success of the player characters, there can be different outcomes.

Worst Case: The psis capture the players and their ship.

Best Case: The player characters recapture the psis. They clean the mess up.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



1) Anna
2) Sue
3) Anya
4) Inga
5) Denise
6) Margaret
7) Catharine
8) Gamaagin
9) Iikush
10) Anne
11) Tracy
12) Kendra
13) Linda
14) Mary
15) Nancy
16) Kittie
17) Marina
18) Kristina


1) Mike
2) Mark
3) Ivan
4) Raji
5) Hunter
6) Bradley
7) Paulo
8) Gustus
9) Ganidiirsi
10) Mazun
11) Richard
12) Terry
13) Dwight
14) John
15) Jessie
16) Eric


1) Adams
2) Anderson
3) Petit
4) Sheals
5) Singh
6) Le Donna
7) Li
8) Sung
9) Kunayak
10) Omiak
11) Aru
12) Gemana
13) Khiikanu
14) Laragii
15) Mimrak
16) Shumim



Or variations on them.

Soldiers I have know?

Annie Sherman
Flossie Hech/Spenser

Good lights?




Personalities and write up?

Your a crew of a firefly or like ship. To do a Milk run delivery to a lab deep in space.
As you came into system, you detected a ship jumping out, but what ever. You arrive and things are not as you expected. Such as they are not returning your hailing.
What next?
I have ideas but like to see what others might like to see?



Well, yes and no. My error. Lab is a lab run by a mega-corps that is doing psionic research on often less than willing subjects. 
They have escaped but the team does not know this, the was contracted to deliver medical supplies, normal supplies and if anyone was eligible for leave or had quit or was no longer needed, to take them back to the teams home port. 
Problems is as the team slowly finds out. 

A Zhodani agent had infiltrated things and help them take over and ... not sure how they zombiezed the lab personnel and others. 
There may have been a security detail there or ... working on some ideas.. but the team is attacked by very hungry brain dead former staff/security "brains" or like (grin). The team has the choice to back off and report or .. need to work on the hook for things? such as why retake the lab? They get a small and faint distress call from the lab controller that offers them money/rewards to rescue her and maybe if they can to retake the lab and recapture the subjects..
Talking how many local are employed at the station?

Its in orbit or on the surface?
Does the locals even know it exists?



how would you classify the companion? Patron or ...

and then the passengers.

River - plot device or
who else? Former crew or ones who had ridden on the ship or ...
The Law Man, what happened to him, or would anyone come looking for him or ..
Could you see Serenity docked at Babylon 5 or ..
What about Andromeda?
Voyager or ..
Back to lab that has gone dark..
Dice roll table on what they find or
Lab goes dark:
It was being used to experiment on often unwilling subjects in matters of psionics.
The teams patron, contacted them for:
To go to the lab and see if any survivors, or to take medical supplies to the lab?
NPC is to be dropped off at the lab. Scientist but how much does he/she tell the
team/crew about what is really going on?
There is really multiple of missions going on.
One the overt ones of medical supplies, and drop off of the scientist.
But the real mission is or may turn into it?
Crew, looking for a patron or like? Or they already have one?

Crew members are: (see the suggested crew)

Ship is:

Extra info:



Original Mission

The Lab


Main Stage


Post Lab


How they met the patron:

1. Already know the patron.
2. Patron connects them.
3. Cab driver or like suggests the patron.
4. Temp agency or like advert.
5. Previous client.
6. Fellow trader/spacemen suggests one.

Patron 1: Patron for now is a pawn dealer or like.

Human with a Dryone and ... other alien partner.

Patron 2: Temp Agency.

Patron 3:


1. They need a patron.
- a. cab driver suggests one.
- b. fellow ship yard person.
- c. bartender/hotel desk clerk.
- d. who else would suggest?

cab driver is gathering information, for business, customers or for his/her intelligence agency or what? criminal or legal or .. 
gathering intelligence and making connections.


Part 1. Meeting the patron, and getting the mission.
part 2. the milk run
part 3. entering the lab.
part 4. at the lab
part 5. after the lab, depending on what the crew does or does not do or has done to them.
part 6. the sphere or where?

At sometime the milk run turns into something else.. Originally to drop off supplies and/or personnel. 
Personnel is a good way to add NPCs that have skills that might be useful for the crew or the lab rats.

Cab driver and spy or just a means to collect intelligence and what else?

Cab driver and spy or just a means to collect intelligence and what else?

Any hates, obligations, phobias and like of the ships crew that can be exploited?


Looking for deck plans for a small lab or like space station. Any ideas?


I will have to have room for 10-20 test subjects (human), 1-3 labs, training ares and housing for 20 or so staff/security.

With 1-2 space docks for a small FTL craft.

Any ideas? Looking for some ideas for a group?

Looking for deck plans for a small lab or like space station. Any ideas?

I will have to have room for 10-20 test subjects (human), 1-3 labs, training ares and housing for 20 or so staff/security.

With 1-2 space docks for a small FTL craft.

Any ideas? Looking for some ideas for a group.

Crew is sent on a milk run to a lab in deep space. Near the Zhodani or like border.

The lab as one finds out is a hidden mega corps psionics lab or nanotech..

And that the residents have taken over, with possible help from a Zhodani agent.

The crew has a possible survivor that might be available to help, but will see..

The residents, some may have already left on the ship that was detected jumping out on the other side of the system, as the crew came into system. Status and such up to later usage or interpretation?

Milk run is of what? supplies, a new resident or lab person, or just general supplies or something more inline with the labs mission.


Lab - psionic research.

Lab - new nanotech tech.

Lab - ancients tech.

Lab - ancients tech that is nanotech, and does what?

a. heals

b. turns subjects into zombies.

c. turns subjects into an ancient, either obviously or mentally.



Lab Dark 2015


Lab personnel


Mission is:

- Medical supplies

- pick up?

- Drop off a lab employee?

- drop of a lab rat/patient?

Crew hired to do a milk run.

They find the lab they are to go to is dead/quiet.

Taken over by its residents, namely dangerous psyonics.


Coming into system


Zombie attack

Finding the survivor(s)

Remove the ... As per the survivor?

Zhodani or ??

Recapture the lab rats either on the station/lab or the next step.

Who was the jump blink when they came into system.

Zhodani agent is for real or ?? Helped with the escape or more?

Subject ZERO or who/what means?

How did the staff become zombies?


Lead inn and continues?

Multiple write up of the patron and other NPCs and like.

Lab goes Dark:


Old human

Droyne sidekick

Kzinti helper

Zhodani agent stats.

Survivors stats? if needed?

Human or other?

Position is as a .... lab tech, or security or?

Lab Rats:

Leader - Zhodani or

Who else/what else? How many total are there?

Zombies, will they be human or other?

Lab techs or security?

Link to Abrigon is?

Nanites or what, and "Magic", will it express

itself in the adventure, or leave that for laters?


Elements of Serenity/Firefly:

Ship On the run.

Villains winner in a old war

Captain former soldier on the losing side. How he got the ship?


Mechanic/husband to XO


Mechanic sister of captain?




Doctors sister


Sort of imagine, your a sailing ship, and you come to Sitka and the Mount Edgecom school and its now a setting for a horror story, and someone has taken things out and ... they are trying to steal your ship or just your mind?



Well, yes and no. My error. 
Lab is a lab run by a mega-corps that is doing psionic research on often less than willing subjects. 
They have escaped but the team does not know this, the was contracted to deliver medical supplies,
normal supplies and if anyone was eligible for leave or had quit or was no longer needed, 
to take them back to the teams home port. Problems is as the team slowly finds out. 
A Zhodani agent had infiltrated things and help them take over and ... 
not sure how they zombiezed the lab personnel and others. 
There may have been a security detail there or ... 
working on some ideas.. but the team is attacked by very hungry brain dead former staff/security "brains" or like (grin). 
The team has the choice to back off and report or .. need to work on the hook for things? such as why retake the lab? 
They get a small and faint distress call from the lab controller that offers them money/rewards to rescue her 
and maybe if they can to retake the lab and recapture the subjects..
Talking how many local are employed at the station?

Its in orbit or on the surface?

Does the locals even know it exists?



Moved to Lab Goes Dark New.doc

Lab goes Dark:

Old human
Droyne sidekick
Kzinti helper
Zhodani agent stats.
Survivors stats? if needed?
Human or other?
Position is as a .... lab tech, or security or?

Lab Rats:
Leader - Zhodani or
Who else/what else? How many total are there?
Zombies, will they be human or other?
Lab techs or security?

Link to Abrigon is?
Nanites or what, and "Magic", will it express
itself in the adventure, or leave that for laters?

So we have Alex or like person.

Female or male?

And another who is Alex or not?

Age around 20 or so, the leader(s).

Someone what has the skills and powers to be the leader
or atleast the one to break them out?
And now who is leader? The other one?

I think I should go with some possible chances..

1. The Psi totally escape, but its not likely to happen unless the team is slow, or its a splinter group that leaves?
2. The one group that is still there, has defeated the Marines, so how, not sure all how, but suspect they caught them
unaware and took care of things.. Marine came in as a rescue and they did not think it would be combat and they got jumped.
3. The machine is what kept the psi under control, yes with help of drugs, depending on the psios powers and power level and skill with their "Gift".
4. Survivor, staff or marine? Likely staff, which is best, one that is hiding or that was captured by the Psi and is being kept under control but ...
at the opportune moment come "alive" and helps defeat the psi or .. turns on them and ...
5. Quarters, that does depends on how and why the psio are there?

if they are their unwillingly and was stolen, then quarters are not all that good, but if they are the children of someone of interest and power 
and there to be trained and kept under control or to learn how to control things, then they would be very good quarters or it could be lousy 
but that depends on the psi? Some might live in filthy, just cause they are mental and more?
Sadly not played much of anything now days, let alone Traveller..
So been trying to find someone that is an expert or like at NPCs and like to help and maybe provide NPCs and like?
Such as the survivor? Zhodani or ..

I still like the idea of zombified staff members but ... still debating who is the "owner" of the lab and its real intention and usage is to be?

I got to find more of my notes and share I think.


Lab goes dark

Dead bodies at the docking bay.
Pinnance is on the other end of the lab,
Lab is linear and one-two levels, maybe old container or like?
spun for gravity, but is gravity working at the time the PCs show up?
Staff has been zombiefied, a possible outgrowth of the tech that
the lab was using/testing/perfecting.
Surviving staff member was part of their break out. Likely a Zhodani agent but will see.
Alex is the leader or appears to be, he has a wild talent, so maybe part of why he is here
and how they broke out.

Survivor is female or ..
Could reverse things, Alex is female and survivor is male?
Now under her spell?
Staff is now zombies, mindless or worse?
They attack the PCs at entry, BRAINS! BRAINS!







how would you classify the companion? Patron or ...

and then the passengers.


River - plot device or


who else? Former crew or ones who had ridden on the ship or ...
The Law Man, what happened to him, or would anyone come looking for him or ..
Could you see Serenity docked at Babylon 5 or ..
What about Andromeda?
Voyager or ..
Back to lab that has gone dark..
Dice roll table on what they find or
Lab goes dark:
It was being used to experiment on often unwilling subjects in matters of psionics.
The teams patron, contacted them for:
To go to the lab and see if any survivors, or to take medical supplies to the lab?
NPC is to be dropped off at the lab. Scientist but how much does he/she tell the
team/crew about what is really going on?
There is really multiple of missions going on.
One the overt ones of medical supplies, and drop off of the scientist.
But the real mission is or may turn into it?
Cab driver and spy or just a means to collect intelligence and what else?
Looking for deck plans for a small lab or like space station. Any ideas?
I will have to have room for 10-20 test subjects (human), 1-3 labs, training ares and housing for 20 or so staff/security.
With 1-2 space docks for a small FTL craft.
Any ideas? Looking for some ideas for a group.


- Do not blame me for your problems - Joshua
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