Horror/Juan and Amy and more?

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Jun 3, 2022, 5:28:53 PM6/3/22
to abrigon-world, abrigo...@topica.com
Space Alien Horror 2022
(was Juan and Amy 2022?)

B-Juan and Amy 2022
B-Alien Cab Ride 2018
B-Cab 51
B-Omega Force
Droid Love:
Droid Cabbie?
B-Droid Frankenstein:
T-Combat Crop Droids
B-Why Droids and Effect
T-Droids Future 2020
B-Droid Abuse 2019
Droids for
B-Robot Western
Space Man
B-Spaced Cowboy
B-Satan's consort
I-Shadow God Controls:
I am Droid - Scott
Trevor Lemke
B-Omega Arises 2018
B-Droid Love
Alien Harvest

B-Juan and Amy 2022

Juan and Amy

True Alien and Droid Stripper

The fun things they go thru? She knows what NO means and will hold to it, no matter how assinine the customer may get. She is more lethal than many think.

Print out cab stories for ideas and themes and event?

Protector from a drunk patron, that will not accept NO!

Cab Driver pick up on the run..

Dealing with creatures of the night? Vampires and were wolves or just space aliens?

How you Remind Me: Are we having fun yet?

Gargoyles, trolls and like, but aliens or just handicapped humans?

Customers who do not realize NO means NO, I just dance nothing else.

Connections to:
- Omega Force
- what else?

What else is possible? Horror for sure. Space aliens and CN-ELF? Omega Force?
What else  is possible? Who do they work for and hope to achieve?

B-Alien Cab Ride 2018

Cab driver picks up one day or night

two customers that over the travel he comes to realize are not truely humans but aliens of some sort?

- space
- horror
- fairy
- something else and now.

what happens along the way says alot.

going from where to where?
how they to pay?
who or what else is with or to join them along the way? 
- friendly
- hostile?
- other?

humans involved or do they know what is going on?

driver is human or other? friendly with them or bad past experiences or what?

bad and in way?

human local l
- law?
- religious
- immigration?
what else?
time of year?

mission of said aliens?
- refugees
- assylum
- sneaking in?
- religious?
- scientific and how so?

Riders are:
Juan and/or Amy from Droid Love.
Juan - is playing an human, even if they are a refugee alien.
Amy - is a droid, that looks very human, but is a dancer at a local strip club or like.
They are alone with the driver, or she has a customer or some one else that is in the cab,
welcomed or they invited themselves or worth?

Not all customers understand how NO means NO and why? He Juan has to deal with the customer, or wildly Amy does, and how she does it? Same as a human, or something a droid would do?


You get one kind of story if everybody knowns that're aliens. Little
kids who are pointing at them and get told "that's not polite." Two old
geezers on the porch of the general store who are completely unfazed
when a guy with mandibles and antennas asks for directions. Flustered
waitresses who are not sure if the customer isn't inadvertedly poisoning

Another kind of story if the government knows, but not the general
public. From MIB comedy to deadly serious attempts to avoid an
interstellar diplomatic incident. Or trying to keep Earth safe for humans.

And then stories where nobody or almost nobody knows. Except perhaps the
human protagonist of the story. Does the alien try to keep a low
profile, hiding from something? And is it telling human friends or not?

Amy is an alien who can pass for human to a casual visual inspection.
She can live on human food if she watches her diet. "Sorry, I have
allergies." A medic doing a physical or a biological anthropologist
doing a lengthy interview might start to wonder. And any medical labwork
would get her sent to hospital because "how can she even be conscious
with numbers like that?"

She has been dispatched to Earth to help aliens who come by to see the
scenery or whatever. She has the papers to show that she owns a greasy
spoon in some rural town. She also has papers to show that she was born
on Earth. The identity papers will not stand intensive scrutiny, so she
had better keep a low profile.

Juan works in Amy's diner. He knows that she has strange notions at
times, from homemade sushi for breakfast to NOT fudging tax numbers. If
it had been 30 years earlier, he would have thought she might be a
Soviet spy or a defector in a protection program. Hold on to that
thought -- is she hiding from the mob? But she doesn't look like a
yakuza. But then there are the special guests, who get to rent a couple
of rooms that are not usually advetised.

Is the story about Juan finding out, and how he reacts?

Am 25.10.2021 um 07:06 schrieb Abrigon:
> I shall try..  been or was working on ideas for tourism and like by
> space aliens, here on earth to do tourism and more. Hunting/fishing
> and the possible reactions/actions on earth by some humans or other
> aliens?
> Mike
You run into the principal logic knot of the setting:

EITHER the aliens are covert, then they can try to organize human hunts
like in the movie Predator, OR they are overt, then they can compete in
the games as "the delegation from Sirius." Doing both at in the same
setting is difficult.

Perhaps there is a serial killer among the aliens, but that would be the
exception and not the rule.

Am 30.10.2021 um 21:10 schrieb Abrigon:
> One idea I had, was that there is a space olympics or like in or near
> to out solar system, and that the diner or like, is a place to go and
> visit for some fun down town? Diners, tourism, or even sight seeing,
> or even hunting of the native wild life, to include humans?
> Mike

I can think of a couple of characters for the story.

The rural sheriff, by now familiar with human drug cases but utterly out
of his or her depth with a serial killer, let alone an alien one who
does not follow the textbooks.

The profiler from the federal government (FBI? or an academic to
consult?) who applies the toolkit for human serial killers, and slowly
finds pieces that don't fit.

An agent from a shadowy government agency, who is determined to get
leverage over the aliens and won't get a few dead humans into the way.

An alien diplomat, likewise determined to make the problem go away (and
not to make too many concessions on the way).

An alien cop, who wants to get the alien and does not really understand
the human legal system. Teamed up with one of the human law enforcers

The coroner and the forensic scientists, who find something strange and
follow it to the conclusion.

The xenophobic human news personality, who grabs the case to try and
keep aliens out.

Am 31.10.2021 um 16:06 schrieb Abrigon:
> They visit, and one goes odd, due to a drug of some sort that they
> take. Much like how alcohol does things with humans?
> Mike
Opps, you wanted a good suck, but ... not into space?

Firefly adventure, dealing with space horror and psychic terror.

Captured zhodani or ...

True on the rural and what the normal crimes to deal with. Let along others, and add in an alien or super natural or just odd space/dimensional?

Harvesting humans for .... food or body parts or just to mount on the wall?


Yes add in things like crazy Trump or like hill supporters or Aryan Nation or other like group. Aryan Nation and Black Lives Matter find mutual cause when finding themselves dealing with crazed space aliens, that seems them as just dinner or wall mounting?


Oh, the air, leaking out but not quickly. Or the fun of terror when your dealing with a air venting? Or wondering why one of your fellows is passed out at the bottom of the silo? Oh carbon monoxide? 

May make for some possible fun with what I see coming back onto cable/TV and like? NCI and CSI and like crime/mystery shows and missing people and such? 

Had a friend in Nome, I could not figure out why she was often pregnant, did not know the concept of "Mule" until later, where a female shoves something to smuggle into her vaginal cavity.. Mike

B-Cab 51

Droid Stripper

Amy the cabbie. that gathers samples for Juan the alien commander.

Juan member of the Hells Angels but not the earth one?

more goes on at the club Alien Abduction? or Area 51.

cab driver that brings them in and more.

What other elements could be added for fun?

The ride of the valkyries that happens? 

Still how this might connect to other Juan/Amy stories and Bender and like?

Androids and horror or just alien mysteries?

Several scenarios:
June 2021

Near earth there is and has been an Olympics or like event in space, a sort of Space War/Games and 
from time to time, things bleed over to near Earth?

Housing for the events?
Refugees and those on the losing side of things?

B-Omega Force

Omega force deals with aliens in places on earth. 

Refugees, seeking and granted assylum. 

Earth has become a neutral place between waring space factions.

Assylum or businesses or ..

What else do they do?

Superman and who else are aliens, space and beyond and how many 
would be classified as illegal?

Reasons to keep the space aliens from or just keep them under control, or make money of them? 

INS - do they really deal with illegal aliens, or just keep them under control? As long as the illegals work in the farms and factories, then the INS does not get involved? so if a space alien comes to earth, and as long as they work, then Omega/INS does not get involved?


Very good questions, will need to look into and work  it  out.. 
Subbranch of the INS? Special Operations? 

I shared my story lines for Juan/Amy?

Some alien Story ideas:

Cab driver is an from
- Aliens

customers are space aliens
- Aliens from movie?
- what else?

Ambulance comes upon a patient's that seem to not be human but a space alien?
- what kinds?

Just cause its not human, does not mean you should not render care as best you can.

The basic story line is that as long as the alien, no matter where they are from, they pay you for the ride and do not try to eat you.. Just cause they are totally alien, does not mean they are an enemy/danger to you, that  you may have more in common than you realize.

Omega Force:
They find illegal aliens, the ones from space, and do what they can, be it just identify or arrest them or what else?

- Sorry Clark Kent, you are a good person and all, but your an illegal space alien and we need to extradite you or something else?

CN-ELF, a world where space aliens have been infiltrating earth, namely large off shore islands and using them to:
- Infiltrate
- Setting up tours, some just to see humans and Earth, but some as hunting tours to hunt humans and eat them.
- Some of  it is to gather sames of humans, be it obvious or as the case of Juan and Amy, "he" runs a strip and such place of entertainment, and she is an android and she collects samples and other things, via driving cab and sexual and like services, or just observing?

Droid Love:

B-Droid Love (title to change)

Jose a farm hand/cleaning crew member and likely illegal alien.
or name him Don, seems to be human, but in reality he is an alien on earth for assylum.

He meets Amy at a local strip club, and they become friendly, just friends,  he can not afford her.

She wants a baby, and plans how, but she makes it happen but I suspect in a wild way, since in the end it is found that "she" is a droid, that looks human female, but she is for stripping/sex.

Hot, sexy, blonde, brain dead or ...

How she has a kid? she builds one, from human body parts from her customers?
or artificial womb? she has been used as one, so that people can have a baby with out the process?
Creates issues with her? the resulting baby, connection or lack with their "mother" and what else?

current scene: he is waiting for her to get off from work so he can walk her home after work. they roomate. when a very obvious customer from the club. heh baby, want to dance for me?

or Omega Force show up, for what? work or they like the club or what? are they obvious about who they are or have a cover job?

Or Don is the one that wants a baby? human or its home race or what?

he wants a baby? or she wants one due in part to being a artificial womb in the past? he needs it for ... procreation or some thing horrific? breed or eat people or both?

Droid Cabbie?

Droid that acts as the driver?

As well artificial womb? Sperm donation as well? Wants "her" own babies?

So she has them or .... But the sperm/egg donors are some of her passengers. Well some of ones that were passengers but now just?

blow jobs that turn brutal.


drunk person wakes up in a car in the middle of no where. where the driver is at?

driver left?
was killed or kidnapped?
or the vehicle is a Tesla and never had a driver? no where or at a bar or gas station or something else? might be the tesla misunderstood the location to go and now?
it takes a while to realize things? and the tesla wakes up and takes him/her home?

anyhing else went on? a crime or just appears something happened and it plays on the passengers fears?




Droid male or female in form.

used for traditional male or female tasks especially sexual and work?
B-Droid Frankenstein:

Dr Frankenstein


making them but

love? lust? she wants a baby? droid wants something - a baby or ... to control things or a life and wants to absorb humans?

droid or toy maker.

near North Pole Alaska.

building droids for the Army and Airforce. ubermensche or other program.

he/she then builds a droid lab and her/his own droids.

Frankenstein lives in the works. builds their own droids they sell, some they keep and The Frankenstain prefers to live alone.
Droid maker lives in a forest cabin, originally to make droids and like for the military and like, but now it is for other reasns as well?
Droids are doing their own things or just being tested as UberDroids?
- Super Soldiers?
- Sex Bots
- Mars Mining?
- Mecha for working with humans?
Dr. Frankenstein, his/her name or just the nick name?

People are disapearing or worse or being abducted and .

Dr. is building only, or has other fetishes? Wants a baby, but for who and how?

T-Combat Crop Droids

Competition to build and operate and pick as much of a crop as possible that is normally done by persons classified as illegals?
B-Why Droids and Effect

Man tired of being forced to work jobs of a dubious nature other than they are back breaking
and everyone seems to assume he is best for them or something?

So he ends up building cheap droids that do the work he has been doing, makes billions or wipes out
humanity or something likely in between, humans are not totally worthless.

So he builds the droids, but then what? How will it effect society or not at all, or humanity
crashes cause they really wanted sex box and turned his bots into them and humanity crashed
from lack of new children or just coming out in a different form?

T-Droids Future 2020

Next generation of automation and its effects?

Food service like MDonalds with no workers other than tech and a possible cashier? security or not?

supply delivery, automatic trucks and load/unload?

plant picking and processing, why have llegals and like doing it?

sex bots?

stockers at stores?

road crew how much needs to be done by a human and how much does not?

population less or new jobs for those put out of work?
B-Droid Abuse 2019

AI takes over and runs things as the Illuminati?

Or have a droid that falls in love with its humans or the AI or the AI with it or .. love or need to possess or ..

Or the reverse of a human falling in love with the android. And how the droid has to come to grips with it? More like the droids keeper becomes obsessive and controlling and likely abusive?

Or have a droid that falls in love with its humans or the AI or the AI with it or .. love or need to possess or ..
Droids for

security normal
room detection
floor detection
ally threats

to deploy an EMP pulse under a fleeing vehicle or the reverse?

detect and negate a IED cell detonator or to nullify IEDs and like?

gps and detection.
how to detect a cell phone activated detonator and block the signal/receiver?
B-Robot Western

robot sheriff
cab drivers

colony is of semi-sentient droids only or ... a human wanders in and ... colony ship or wakes up or

human wanders in? awakes or lands and check things out?

robot humanoid female looking cab driver is in love or like with her cab or the robot sheriff or maybe also the human visitor?

what else going on? tell the fun of Nome and a company town?
Space Man:

Wakes up in what appears to be his/her old space craft, and he/she was entombed
how and why, still not sure. Memories may come.

All they know is they walked out of the craft in what appears to be a space dock and he/she meets some of the locals?

appears to be a robot/android, humanoid that appears to be the local sheriff.
of what appears to be a mining town of some sorts, full of robots/droids.

another, is what appears to be a human female, but in time it comes to the front that
she is actually a droid cab driver and has her  own ideas of life and procreation and entertainment.

Ship whats going on?
beep beep beep
crap ships dead and from the chill in my limbs
I am lucky I got defrosted.

so now what? ship seems stable and landed.

where is everyone else?

Oh good my gear is still in my room, and so far not found any one else?
Door opens with help, so off the ship I go..

The droid cabbie looks
human sexy
and psycho
wants a baby
flesh or ?
parts is parts?
in love with sheriff or "her cab" or may even the male human that landed here at the Colony.

robot sheriff
cab drivers

human wanders in? awakes or lands and check things out?

robot humanoid female looking cab driver is in love or like with her cab or the robot sheriff or maybe also the human visitor?
robot sheriff
cab drivers

human wanders in? awakes or lands and check things out?

robot humanoid female looking cab driver is in love or like with her cab or the robot sheriff or maybe also the human visitor?

what else going on? tell the fun of Nome and a company town?

Space Man

The droid cab driver, looks human female.
Bender like sheriff, in looks and personality?

What/what else

Nothing human, since this mining colony liost contact with humanity back on Earth a long time ago,
likely due to something that happened back on earth, where the automatic ships go that carry cargo/mining processed materias goes
to is up for conjecture and possible ideas on how the PC gets home or else wheres?

Other than that, any ships that come in or out is likely nothing.
Space Western:

Once was working on an idea for a space colony western. Human ship survivor, droid sheriff and crazy android driver of a cab..

The colony was a mining colony of androids where they had lost contact with the rest of the universe some how? Likely due to something going on back in normal human space?
B-Spaced Cowboy

Horror space cowboy droid:

Space colony mining or cattle or like?

Workers are all droids and as such, the one that keeps them in check is a droid.

But what to make it a story?

Rebellion, the droids decide to make a life and reality for themselves?

But now what?

Or some of the workers are droids, some aliens, some humans and their various states of status.

Free or servitude or slavery or what?

Elements of a western that could fit a space colony?

Food and shipment of it some where?
Mining and minerals and sending them some place.

Why Pandora the movie fit some of the elements of a western
or a third world mercenary drama?

Cowboy Hiphop
Gangsta Cowboys

Droids are like the slaves of old and left on some alien world to mine and grow food and ship it off to Earth.

Problem is:
B-Satan's consort

the earth AI sends out a droid to inspect the earth and report on things.
I-Shadow God Controls:

I  know in Abrigon for various reasons.. The Shadow God aka the Central AI that controls things for now. To keep the Floating Cities that are represented by a "Diety" from not only killing each other, but also putting more holes in the Dysen Sphere that is their world, but also keep them from abusing the others that was once "aliens" but are now your normal races for a "fantasy" world, with nanotech and like tech that simulates magic.. it the AI said it would give the power allocations to the cities based on the numbers of alive, conscious and sentient worshippers. so no bots/droids or sheep and like.. but real senient beings with "choice",,
Basically you have 1000 worshippers (kept based on their nanites and like) you get 1000 units of power from the central red sun... and any other power sources..


Droid male or female in form.

used for traditional male or female tasks especially sexual and work?

I am Droid - Scott

B-I am Droid

scott mcglasson

I usually don't do this, but I thought I'd bounce this off the group as I'm at a fork in my thought process.

Our very own Tom Evans has a wonderful tendency to fall victim to his autocorrect while text-chatting. I give him no end of shit about it, but late last week, he sent something over that got corrected to "prospecting unit". I responded, snarkily, with something like, "What is that? A drone that goes out and finds gold for you?"

Over the next couple of minutes, I banged out the following rough idea and damned if it's not sticking with me.


Anyway, here goes the setup, then I'll ask you which direction you would rather see it go.

The setting is the future, just far enough for autonomous robots to be in regular use in all aspects of society and personal life. Maybe not quite Spielberg's A.I., but close.

An old retired engineer gets into a major fight with his only daughter and leaves most of civilization behind, heading out into the Alaskan wilderness where he lives for decades in seclusion. For cash, he sets up a home business building custom 'bots for companies and the wealthy. His skills are in high demand, but he only works when he needs the money.

Almost as a lark, he builds a 'bot designed to find gold for him. From both a software and a hardware perspective, it includes a lot of experimental systems he'd collected over the years and he does it more as a hobby than actually needing the money. The 'bot is programmed to go out, find and collect gold. It's also programmed to avoid humans and other 'bots, just in case it happens to find gold on someone else's claim.

At the same time he's working on this, his real job entails building a prototype plumbing 'bot for the city water department in New York (or wherever). He completes this 'bot about the same time as the gold prospecting unit, and mails it to his customer.

Or so he thought. The prospecting 'bot is accidentally sent to NYC, while the plumbing 'bot is released into the Alaskan wilderness. The prospecting 'bot finds itself literally surrounded by gold (jewelry, teeth, stores, etc) and struggles under it's programming. The plumbing 'bot has the opposite problem: it can't identify anything in the woods that it's programming will help with...until it finds a beaver dam.

Small thread of an idea that brings the human emotional part into it has to do with the engineer and his daughter or son. Once he realizes what's happened, he gets in contact with his kid(s), who are now grown with kids of their own, and asks for their help because it's been so long since he's been a part of society, he's not exactly sure how to even move around, let alone locate and deactivate the prospecting 'bot.

SO...I could go either way with this. Disney or 2001. On the Disney side, it's written in a light tone with a target audience probably in middle/jr high. If I go the more serious, adult route, the prospecting 'bot turns into a murderer, etc.

What do you think?

Trevor Lemke

Yes. I try to write stories. Of later horror or social commentary scifi horror.
Illegal aliens and sex droids. Or more like a real alien, collecting samples?
Juan and Amy.
He is a real alien. She strips and hooks and drive cab/tesla. She also collects sperm/egg samples.. She wants a baby.
Juan and Amy.
He is a real alien. She strips and hooks and drive cab/tesla. She also collects sperm/egg samples.. She wants a baby.
He runs a strip club and more.

Kody Newton

Not unknown for old war veterans, when they was retired, to move into the woods to be away from things and build a cabin.. Not all respond well to tourists and annoying college kids or something else?

also been working on an idea for a cabin, that has been seemingly abandoned, but  is it? Space aliens have set up a base there, or something more supernatural? not all animals like it when you get to close to their home next, sort of odd..

One idea is the cabin inhabitent, was or is building droids for war and other things, and the things that inhabit the droids are:

remote control?
old soldiers, now moved to a droid?
space aliens visiting earth and maybe to invade earth and take things over?
old spirits and super naturals?
victims of a serial killer or like beast?
taking local animals and move their spirit to a droid?

Omega Arises:

B-Omega Arises 2018

Superman rescued someone today and was called to the White House and it was going well until the Omega Force rose up from the crowd
and tried to arrest him after the security, put bracers of krypton on his wrist and arrest him for being an illegal alien. 
The next week was a fast dash to arrest any possible illegal aliens from outer space and incarerate them in to a specially for them.
Omega Force rose as those who made it happen.
who of the earths supers, heros and others would be consitered as illegal aliens of Earth, let alone the USA?

Earth had/has become a neutral zone for waring groups in space. Earth has become a neutral place between waring space factions, but things maybe changing?

Assylum or business or .... what else?

JTF-13? JF Holmes and his Marines dealing with super natural? or just space aliens on Earth legally or illegally and status?

How many refugees or assylum seekers are here and what else?

Space INS?

One possible story idea is of the Cab Driver that picked up several soldiers/airmen/Marines or Seaman and takes them back to base/post.


Simone is a cab driver, working weekend nights, the scene I had was her meeting with several fellow cabbies at a local late nght/all night cafe, and she is followed in by a customer, hoping for more than just a cab ride. She takes him out back and disposes of him, she is a were being, and he had tried to ruffie her, and she took offense and disposed of the trash.

another story idea I am working on, if the story of a cabbie, that picks up a soldier at a club at night, and takes him back to post, but in the process finds out that the post has mecha, training or something more and he finds himself and his passenger in the middle of it..  Facility is much like the NTC.
not sure of the cabbie is normal, or he is one of Simones buddies that maybe were or vampire..
or just a normal cab driver..

Omega Force, a group that deals with aliens, normally such things as refugees and assylym searchers and like. or other things, 
such as persons, kidnapped and taken to the Kashmir, and now Omega has to rescue them? 
Alternate is, how many people today, realize that Super Man aka Clark Kent is technically an illegal alien? 
How would he be apprehended/dealt with in our modern today?
Omega force and how it relations to other like agencies?

JTF-13? JF Holmes and his Marines dealing with super naturals? or just space aliens on Earth legally or illegally and status?

How many are refugees or assylum seekers here or what else?

Space INS?

possible HQ is under the Idanha or like place?

B-Omega Force

Omega force deals with aliens in places on earth. Refugees, seeking and granted assylum. Earth has become a neutral place between waring space factions.

or businesses or ..
Omega to rescue some one from the Kashmir? 
I have other stories related to this?

Members of the Force


Naturally augmented or mecha or what/how? Not easy to take on someone like Superman and others like him? Earth tech or borrowed or acquired from the aliens?

Omega to rescue some one from the Kashmir? 
I have other stories related to this?

Members of the Force


Naturally augmented or mecha or what/how? Not easy to take on someone like Superman and others like him? Earth tech or borrowed or acquired from the aliens?

Snatch Back, but from where to where and who? Classic where someone that has a baby in one country, but the sperm/egg donor does not want to leave the baby there, so they snatch the baby and take it to a place they feel safe? No extradition treaty and like for one?
Omega is brought  in to recover said child and bring it back to some place that the baby can be extradited from?

Super Man and other space aliens are illegal and need to be ....  dealt with or what?
Omega Force 2017

Omega Force, much like Delta, but more designed for dealing with space aliens and their issues.. What if when they talk about illegal aliens, they are also included Space Aliens, some coming here very illegally, some as refugees/political asylum and more?

B-Droid Love (title to change)

Jose a farm hand/cleaning crew member and likely illegal alien.
or name him Don, seems to be human, but in reality he is an alien on earth for assylum.

He meets Amy at a local strip club, and they become friendly, just friends,  he can not afford her.

She wants a baby, and plans how, but she makes it happen but I suspect in a wild way, since in the end it is found that "she" is a droid, that looks human female, but she is for stripping/sex.

Hot, sexy, blonde, brain dead or ... 

How she has a kid? she builds one, from human body parts from her customers?
or artificial womb? she has been used as one, so that people can have a baby with out the process?
Creates issues with her? the resulting baby, connection or lack with their "mother" and what else?

current scene: he is waiting for her to get off from work so he can walk her home after work. they roomate. when a very obvious customer from the club. heh baby, want to dance for me?

or Omega Force show up, for what? work or they like the club or what? are they obvious about who they are or have a cover job?

Or Don is the one that wants a baby? human or its home race or what?

he wants a baby? or she wants one due in part to being a artificial womb in the past? he needs it for ... procreation or some thing horrific? breed or eat people or both?

Omega Force:

Cartoon or what?

US military force that deals with illegal and legal space aliens and like.

Connects with JTF 13 or Bus 13?
Abductions and like

Coordinate it with other like forces that fellow gamers/writers have already? Space, super, super natural and more.

Any connection to Abrigon the world? or the Lab going Dark and what else?

Likely has some possiblity for cross over with other of my world/group ideas and other gamers I know as well.

Alien Harvest

Juan and Amy
running a bar that collects samples and good stock?
prime human well fattened and spiced up?

sperm/egg and what else for sauce?

Onno Said:
Or the barkeepers are in league with the aliens and "adulterate" the
drinks with 150-proof rum instead of the usual weak stuff.

But my question is more what the humans can do about it, and what the
aliens can do about what the humans do. The NORAD systems are chains,
not area coverage. There are joint FAA/military systems for area
coverage and AWACS on standby. The US Army has a dozen Patriot
battalions and half a dozen THAAD in the US if I googled right. That's
not sufficient to simply blanket the wheat fields and pastures of the
Midwest when effective detection ranges against stealth UFOs are taken
into account.

So the question is, atmospheric entry over the continent with a very
steep approach to "hop over" the sensor fence, or atmospheric entry over
the ocean and then nap of the earth flying to get through the sensor
fence? Are drug aircraft still a thing and if so, what does it say about
the southern coastal/border defenses? If we assume the UFO is as
stealthy as a F-22, are there enough AWACS to go around?

Europe used to have an even higher concentration of radars, but I wonder
how well they'd deal with stealth targets. Of course the UFOs could go
to Africa instead. Do they and it simply isn't reported? Or don't they
like the cattle there?


Am 10.10.2019 um 22:54 schrieb Abrigon:
> Alternate Alien Abductions, I know from personnel experience, are
> often people that have not had much alcohol to drink in a while, come
> into town and get very drunk, their blood alcohol goes up quickly,
> combined with other medical and drugs, not unknown for them to
> hallucinate and forget things and also do things that they later
> vaguely remember, and the lights at the end is the ambulance driving
> them to the ER. Used to drive ambulance in a town where people came
> into town sober, after months of not drinking and then party hard.
> Mike
> On Thu, Oct 10, 2019 at 11:21 AM John Dallman
>     > Hmm...so cattle mutilations are interrogations gone wrong?
>     It seems so, yes.
>     John
>     On Thu, Oct 10, 2019 at 6:00 PM Kurt Feltenberger <ku...@thepaw.org
>     <mailto:ku...@thepaw.org>> wrote:
>         On 10/10/2019 12:42 PM, John Dallman wrote:
>         > So the UFOs have been trying to learn the wisdom of Earth's
>         > food-producers, and getting very puzzled. They concluded at
>         one point
>         > that the cattle were the leaders and philosophers, because
>         their own
>         > species can develop in several forms that are as externally
>         different
>         > as humans and cattle, but they're given that idea up now.
>         They also
>         > wondered if grain crops were the dominant minds, and tried
>         > communicating with them in several ways, but think they have
>         disproved
>         > that too.
>         >
>         > John
>         Hmm...so cattle mutilations are interrogations gone wrong?
>         --
>         Kurt Feltenberger
>         “Before today, I was scared to live, after today, I'm scared
>         I'm not living enough." - Me

Several scenarios:
June 2021

Near earth there is and has been an Olympics or like event in space, a sort of Space War/Games and 
from time to time, things bleed over to near Earth?

Housing for the events?
Refugees and those on the losing side of things?

B-Omega Force

Omega force deals with aliens in places on earth. 

Refugees, seeking and granted assylum. 

Earth has become a neutral place between waring space factions.

Assylum or businesses or ..

What else do they do?

Superman and who else are aliens, space and beyond and how many 
would be classified as illegal?

Reasons to keep the space aliens from or just keep them under control, or make money of them? 

INS - do they really deal with illegal aliens, or just keep them under control? As long as the illegals work in the farms and factories, then the INS does not get involved? so if a space alien comes to earth, and as long as they work, then Omega/INS does not get involved?


Very good questions, will need to look into and work  it  out.. 
Subbranch of the INS? Special Operations? 

I shared my story lines for Juan/Amy?

Some alien Story ideas:

Cab driver is an from
- Aliens

customers are space aliens
- Aliens from movie?
- what else?

Ambulance comes upon a patient's that seem to not be human but a space alien?
- what kinds?

Just cause its not human, does not mean you should not render care as best you can.

The basic story line is that as long as the alien, no matter where they are from, they pay you for the ride and do not try to eat you.. Just cause they are totally alien, does not mean they are an enemy/danger to you, that  you may have more in common than you realize.

Omega Force:
They find illegal aliens, the ones from space, and do what they can, be it just identify or arrest them or what else?

- Sorry Clark Kent, you are a good person and all, but your an illegal space alien and we need to extradite you or something else?

CN-ELF, a world where space aliens have been infiltrating earth, namely large off shore islands and using them to:
- Infiltrate
- Setting up tours, some just to see humans and Earth, but some as hunting tours to hunt humans and eat them.
- Some of  it is to gather sames of humans, be it obvious or as the case of Juan and Amy, "he" runs a strip and such place of entertainment, and she is an android and she collects samples and other things, via driving cab and sexual and like services, or just observing?

Droid Love:

B-Droid Love (title to change)

Jose a farm hand/cleaning crew member and likely illegal alien.
or name him Don, seems to be human, but in reality he is an alien on earth for assylum.

He meets Amy at a local strip club, and they become friendly, just friends,  he can not afford her.

She wants a baby, and plans how, but she makes it happen but I suspect in a wild way, since in the end it is found that "she" is a droid, that looks human female, but she is for stripping/sex.

Hot, sexy, blonde, brain dead or ...

How she has a kid? she builds one, from human body parts from her customers?
or artificial womb? she has been used as one, so that people can have a baby with out the process?
Creates issues with her? the resulting baby, connection or lack with their "mother" and what else?

current scene: he is waiting for her to get off from work so he can walk her home after work. they roomate. when a very obvious customer from the club. heh baby, want to dance for me?

or Omega Force show up, for what? work or they like the club or what? are they obvious about who they are or have a cover job?

Or Don is the one that wants a baby? human or its home race or what?

he wants a baby? or she wants one due in part to being a artificial womb in the past? he needs it for ... procreation or some thing horrific? breed or eat people or both?

Droid Cabbie?

Droid that acts as the driver?

As well artificial womb? Sperm donation as well? Wants "her" own babies?

So she has them or .... But the sperm/egg donors are some of her passengers. Well some of ones that were passengers but now just?

blow jobs that turn brutal.


drunk person wakes up in a car in the middle of no where. where the driver is at?

driver left?
was killed or kidnapped?
or the vehicle is a Tesla and never had a driver? no where or at a bar or gas station or something else? might be the tesla misunderstood the location to go and now?
it takes a while to realize things? and the tesla wakes up and takes him/her home?

anyhing else went on? a crime or just appears something happened and it plays on the passengers fears?




Droid male or female in form.

used for traditional male or female tasks especially sexual and work?
B-Droid Frankenstein:

Dr Frankenstein


making them but

love? lust? she wants a baby? droid wants something - a baby or ... to control things or a life and wants to absorb humans?

droid or toy maker.

near North Pole Alaska.

building droids for the Army and Airforce. ubermensche or other program.

he/she then builds a droid lab and her/his own droids.

Frankenstein lives in the works. builds their own droids they sell, some they keep and The Frankenstain prefers to live alone.
Droid maker lives in a forest cabin, originally to make droids and like for the military and like, but now it is for other reasns as well?
Droids are doing their own things or just being tested as UberDroids?
- Super Soldiers?
- Sex Bots
- Mars Mining?
- Mecha for working with humans?
Dr. Frankenstein, his/her name or just the nick name?

People are disapearing or worse or being abducted and .

Dr. is building only, or has other fetishes? Wants a baby, but for who and how?

T-Combat Crop Droids

Competition to build and operate and pick as much of a crop as possible that is normally done by persons classified as illegals?
B-Why Droids and Effect

Man tired of being forced to work jobs of a dubious nature other than they are back breaking
and everyone seems to assume he is best for them or something?

So he ends up building cheap droids that do the work he has been doing, makes billions or wipes out
humanity or something likely in between, humans are not totally worthless.

So he builds the droids, but then what? How will it effect society or not at all, or humanity
crashes cause they really wanted sex box and turned his bots into them and humanity crashed
from lack of new children or just coming out in a different form?

T-Droids Future 2020

Next generation of automation and its effects?

Food service like MDonalds with no workers other than tech and a possible cashier? security or not?

supply delivery, automatic trucks and load/unload?

plant picking and processing, why have llegals and like doing it?

sex bots?

stockers at stores?

road crew how much needs to be done by a human and how much does not?

population less or new jobs for those put out of work?
B-Droid Abuse 2019

AI takes over and runs things as the Illuminati?

Or have a droid that falls in love with its humans or the AI or the AI with it or .. love or need to possess or ..

Or the reverse of a human falling in love with the android. And how the droid has to come to grips with it? More like the droids keeper becomes obsessive and controlling and likely abusive?

Or have a droid that falls in love with its humans or the AI or the AI with it or .. love or need to possess or ..
Droids for

security normal
room detection
floor detection
ally threats

to deploy an EMP pulse under a fleeing vehicle or the reverse?

detect and negate a IED cell detonator or to nullify IEDs and like?

gps and detection.
how to detect a cell phone activated detonator and block the signal/receiver?
B-Robot Western

robot sheriff
cab drivers

colony is of semi-sentient droids only or ... a human wanders in and ... colony ship or wakes up or

human wanders in? awakes or lands and check things out?

robot humanoid female looking cab driver is in love or like with her cab or the robot sheriff or maybe also the human visitor?

what else going on? tell the fun of Nome and a company town?
Space Man:

Wakes up in what appears to be his/her old space craft, and he/she was entombed
how and why, still not sure. Memories may come.

All they know is they walked out of the craft in what appears to be a space dock and he/she meets some of the locals?

appears to be a robot/android, humanoid that appears to be the local sheriff.
of what appears to be a mining town of some sorts, full of robots/droids.

another, is what appears to be a human female, but in time it comes to the front that
she is actually a droid cab driver and has her  own ideas of life and procreation and entertainment.

Ship whats going on?
beep beep beep
crap ships dead and from the chill in my limbs
I am lucky I got defrosted.

so now what? ship seems stable and landed.

where is everyone else?

Oh good my gear is still in my room, and so far not found any one else?
Door opens with help, so off the ship I go..

The droid cabbie looks
human sexy
and psycho
wants a baby
flesh or ?
parts is parts?
in love with sheriff or "her cab" or may even the male human that landed here at the Colony.

robot sheriff
cab drivers

human wanders in? awakes or lands and check things out?

robot humanoid female looking cab driver is in love or like with her cab or the robot sheriff or maybe also the human visitor?
robot sheriff
cab drivers

human wanders in? awakes or lands and check things out?

robot humanoid female looking cab driver is in love or like with her cab or the robot sheriff or maybe also the human visitor?

what else going on? tell the fun of Nome and a company town?

Space Man

The droid cab driver, looks human female.
Bender like sheriff, in looks and personality?

What/what else

Nothing human, since this mining colony liost contact with humanity back on Earth a long time ago,
likely due to something that happened back on earth, where the automatic ships go that carry cargo/mining processed materias goes
to is up for conjecture and possible ideas on how the PC gets home or else wheres?

Other than that, any ships that come in or out is likely nothing.
Space Western:

Once was working on an idea for a space colony western. Human ship survivor, droid sheriff and crazy android driver of a cab..

The colony was a mining colony of androids where they had lost contact with the rest of the universe some how? Likely due to something going on back in normal human space?
B-Spaced Cowboy

Horror space cowboy droid:

Space colony mining or cattle or like?

Workers are all droids and as such, the one that keeps them in check is a droid.

But what to make it a story?

Rebellion, the droids decide to make a life and reality for themselves?

But now what?

Or some of the workers are droids, some aliens, some humans and their various states of status.

Free or servitude or slavery or what?

Elements of a western that could fit a space colony?

Food and shipment of it some where?
Mining and minerals and sending them some place.

Why Pandora the movie fit some of the elements of a western
or a third world mercenary drama?

Cowboy Hiphop
Gangsta Cowboys

Droids are like the slaves of old and left on some alien world to mine and grow food and ship it off to Earth.

Problem is:
B-Satan's consort

the earth AI sends out a droid to inspect the earth and report on things.
I-Shadow God Controls:

I  know in Abrigon for various reasons.. The Shadow God aka the Central AI that controls things for now. To keep the Floating Cities that are represented by a "Diety" from not only killing each other, but also putting more holes in the Dysen Sphere that is their world, but also keep them from abusing the others that was once "aliens" but are now your normal races for a "fantasy" world, with nanotech and like tech that simulates magic.. it the AI said it would give the power allocations to the cities based on the numbers of alive, conscious and sentient worshippers. so no bots/droids or sheep and like.. but real senient beings with "choice",,
Basically you have 1000 worshippers (kept based on their nanites and like) you get 1000 units of power from the central red sun... and any other power sources..


Droid male or female in form.

used for traditional male or female tasks especially sexual and work?

I am Droid - Scott

B-I am Droid

scott mcglasson

I usually don't do this, but I thought I'd bounce this off the group as I'm at a fork in my thought process.

Our very own Tom Evans has a wonderful tendency to fall victim to his autocorrect while text-chatting. I give him no end of shit about it, but late last week, he sent something over that got corrected to "prospecting unit". I responded, snarkily, with something like, "What is that? A drone that goes out and finds gold for you?"

Over the next couple of minutes, I banged out the following rough idea and damned if it's not sticking with me.


Anyway, here goes the setup, then I'll ask you which direction you would rather see it go.

The setting is the future, just far enough for autonomous robots to be in regular use in all aspects of society and personal life. Maybe not quite Spielberg's A.I., but close.

An old retired engineer gets into a major fight with his only daughter and leaves most of civilization behind, heading out into the Alaskan wilderness where he lives for decades in seclusion. For cash, he sets up a home business building custom 'bots for companies and the wealthy. His skills are in high demand, but he only works when he needs the money.

Almost as a lark, he builds a 'bot designed to find gold for him. From both a software and a hardware perspective, it includes a lot of experimental systems he'd collected over the years and he does it more as a hobby than actually needing the money. The 'bot is programmed to go out, find and collect gold. It's also programmed to avoid humans and other 'bots, just in case it happens to find gold on someone else's claim.

At the same time he's working on this, his real job entails building a prototype plumbing 'bot for the city water department in New York (or wherever). He completes this 'bot about the same time as the gold prospecting unit, and mails it to his customer.

Or so he thought. The prospecting 'bot is accidentally sent to NYC, while the plumbing 'bot is released into the Alaskan wilderness. The prospecting 'bot finds itself literally surrounded by gold (jewelry, teeth, stores, etc) and struggles under it's programming. The plumbing 'bot has the opposite problem: it can't identify anything in the woods that it's programming will help with...until it finds a beaver dam.

Small thread of an idea that brings the human emotional part into it has to do with the engineer and his daughter or son. Once he realizes what's happened, he gets in contact with his kid(s), who are now grown with kids of their own, and asks for their help because it's been so long since he's been a part of society, he's not exactly sure how to even move around, let alone locate and deactivate the prospecting 'bot.

SO...I could go either way with this. Disney or 2001. On the Disney side, it's written in a light tone with a target audience probably in middle/jr high. If I go the more serious, adult route, the prospecting 'bot turns into a murderer, etc.

What do you think?

Trevor Lemke

Yes. I try to write stories. Of later horror or social commentary scifi horror.
Illegal aliens and sex droids. Or more like a real alien, collecting samples?
Juan and Amy.
He is a real alien. She strips and hooks and drive cab/tesla. She also collects sperm/egg samples.. She wants a baby.
Juan and Amy.
He is a real alien. She strips and hooks and drive cab/tesla. She also collects sperm/egg samples.. She wants a baby.
He runs a strip club and more.

Kody Newton

Not unknown for old war veterans, when they was retired, to move into the woods to be away from things and build a cabin.. Not all respond well to tourists and annoying college kids or something else?

also been working on an idea for a cabin, that has been seemingly abandoned, but  is it? Space aliens have set up a base there, or something more supernatural? not all animals like it when you get to close to their home next, sort of odd..

One idea is the cabin inhabitent, was or is building droids for war and other things, and the things that inhabit the droids are:

remote control?
old soldiers, now moved to a droid?
space aliens visiting earth and maybe to invade earth and take things over?
old spirits and super naturals?
victims of a serial killer or like beast?
taking local animals and move their spirit to a droid?

Omega Arises:

B-Omega Arises 2018

Superman rescued someone today and was called to the White House and it was going well until the Omega Force rose up from the crowd
and tried to arrest him after the security, put bracers of krypton on his wrist and arrest him for being an illegal alien. 
The next week was a fast dash to arrest any possible illegal aliens from outer space and incarerate them in to a specially for them.
Omega Force rose as those who made it happen.
who of the earths supers, heros and others would be consitered as illegal aliens of Earth, let alone the USA?

Earth had/has become a neutral zone for waring groups in space. Earth has become a neutral place between waring space factions, but things maybe changing?

Assylum or business or .... what else?

JTF-13? JF Holmes and his Marines dealing with super natural? or just space aliens on Earth legally or illegally and status?

How many refugees or assylum seekers are here and what else?

Space INS?

One possible story idea is of the Cab Driver that picked up several soldiers/airmen/Marines or Seaman and takes them back to base/post.


Simone is a cab driver, working weekend nights, the scene I had was her meeting with several fellow cabbies at a local late nght/all night cafe, and she is followed in by a customer, hoping for more than just a cab ride. She takes him out back and disposes of him, she is a were being, and he had tried to ruffie her, and she took offense and disposed of the trash.

another story idea I am working on, if the story of a cabbie, that picks up a soldier at a club at night, and takes him back to post, but in the process finds out that the post has mecha, training or something more and he finds himself and his passenger in the middle of it..  Facility is much like the NTC.
not sure of the cabbie is normal, or he is one of Simones buddies that maybe were or vampire..
or just a normal cab driver..

Omega Force, a group that deals with aliens, normally such things as refugees and assylym searchers and like. or other things, 
such as persons, kidnapped and taken to the Kashmir, and now Omega has to rescue them? 
Alternate is, how many people today, realize that Super Man aka Clark Kent is technically an illegal alien? 
How would he be apprehended/dealt with in our modern today?
Omega force and how it relations to other like agencies?

JTF-13? JF Holmes and his Marines dealing with super naturals? or just space aliens on Earth legally or illegally and status?

How many are refugees or assylum seekers here or what else?

Space INS?

possible HQ is under the Idanha or like place?

B-Omega Force

Omega force deals with aliens in places on earth. Refugees, seeking and granted assylum. Earth has become a neutral place between waring space factions.

or businesses or ..
Omega to rescue some one from the Kashmir? 
I have other stories related to this?

Members of the Force


Naturally augmented or mecha or what/how? Not easy to take on someone like Superman and others like him? Earth tech or borrowed or acquired from the aliens?

Omega to rescue some one from the Kashmir? 
I have other stories related to this?

Members of the Force


Naturally augmented or mecha or what/how? Not easy to take on someone like Superman and others like him? Earth tech or borrowed or acquired from the aliens?

Snatch Back, but from where to where and who? Classic where someone that has a baby in one country, but the sperm/egg donor does not want to leave the baby there, so they snatch the baby and take it to a place they feel safe? No extradition treaty and like for one?
Omega is brought  in to recover said child and bring it back to some place that the baby can be extradited from?

Super Man and other space aliens are illegal and need to be ....  dealt with or what?
Omega Force 2017

Omega Force, much like Delta, but more designed for dealing with space aliens and their issues.. What if when they talk about illegal aliens, they are also included Space Aliens, some coming here very illegally, some as refugees/political asylum and more?

B-Droid Love (title to change)

Jose a farm hand/cleaning crew member and likely illegal alien.
or name him Don, seems to be human, but in reality he is an alien on earth for assylum.

He meets Amy at a local strip club, and they become friendly, just friends,  he can not afford her.

She wants a baby, and plans how, but she makes it happen but I suspect in a wild way, since in the end it is found that "she" is a droid, that looks human female, but she is for stripping/sex.

Hot, sexy, blonde, brain dead or ... 

How she has a kid? she builds one, from human body parts from her customers?
or artificial womb? she has been used as one, so that people can have a baby with out the process?
Creates issues with her? the resulting baby, connection or lack with their "mother" and what else?

current scene: he is waiting for her to get off from work so he can walk her home after work. they roomate. when a very obvious customer from the club. heh baby, want to dance for me?

or Omega Force show up, for what? work or they like the club or what? are they obvious about who they are or have a cover job?

Or Don is the one that wants a baby? human or its home race or what?

he wants a baby? or she wants one due in part to being a artificial womb in the past? he needs it for ... procreation or some thing horrific? breed or eat people or both?

Mike Adams 2000

- Do not blame me for your problems - Joshua
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