Re: Abandoned Space Station/Base?

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Mike Adams

Jan 8, 2013, 10:25:58 PM1/8/13
to Scott Wright,,,,
Demons are aliens from space or elseswhere in space?time or dimension or ...


someone else?
I was going to mention that series as another example of such a corrupted point of view becoming far too prevalent in our society today. Thanks for mentioning that, it gave me a chance to bring it up. It portrays a truly perverse and dark world and does so in such a way as to make the reader sympathise with it.

From: Michael Chiarcos <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2012 11:46 AM
Subject: Re: [FTL2448] Re: Abandoned Space Station/Base?

if you want to read where I got the idea that aliens and demons are same, check out the "Black Library" online and you will find entire series based on the idea.  The Horus Heresy is up to 19 books and that is just how things began to be viewed that way.
Warhammer 40K is all about corruption and invasion from space or the warp
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 11:30 AM
Subject: Re: [FTL2448] Re: Abandoned Space Station/Base?

  Interesting how you group together aliens with demons and other villains. I have noted this trend began to be prevalent around 1983 when both the tv series "V" premiered on television and oddly enough, the very same year SDI or the "Star Wars" initiative was effort to militarize take our earthbound wars into space if you will. Before 1983 aliens were often viewed positively, such as in the movies "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", "ET" and "Starman". Here is a book that addresses the issue from another perspective. Check it out...

1972     Norman Spinrad: "The Iron Dream" (New York: Avon)  A vry unsettling
                 twisted fantasy, eminating from an alternate world where
                 Hitler's beer hall putsch fails, he flees to New York,
                 and becomes a hack sci-fi writer, ultmately beating Robert
                 Heinlein for a Hugo Award.  Disguised as that book by
                 Hitler, this novel is a "Mein Kampf" as space opera, with
                 readers being seduced into cheering the battle against
                 mutants and aliens among us, while we have to remind
                 ourselves that these villains are thinly disguised Jews
                 and Communists.  Controversial is an understatement.  
                 This book was banned in Germany, unbanned, and then
                 banned again.  Read it and see why! Nebula finalist.

From: Michael Chiarcos <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2012 11:09 AM
Subject: Re: [FTL2448] Re: Abandoned Space Station/Base?

That's exactly what I was talking about.  I haven't read Rama but imagine a long-abandoned, partially intact Star Destroyer (out of Star Wars) or even the Super Star Destroyer (from Return of the Jedi).  Other Space Hulks consist of amalgams of ships that have been fused together.  Apparently the warp has very exaggerated laws of physics and a single ship alone, if it is massive enough attracts other drifting relics at an accelerated rate so that they form an archipelago of wrecks of various types and origins.  Take a guiding intelligence that wants to leave the warp (Aliens, Demons, Desparate PCs) and you will find that many or all of the ships have been "hot-wired" to fire engines together and  you have a flotilla of space garbarge, some millions of years old, emerging from Hyperspace on your doorstep.  Not really a pretty sight.
----- Original Message -----
From: Abrigon
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 3:38 PM
Subject: [FTL2448] Re: Abandoned Space Station/Base?

That might make for some fun game and wargame play for sure..

Imagine wargaming inside a space ship/hulk? Like Rama the ship by the
same name book.

Would make for some fun gaming, you the sci-fi come in to salvage or
explore and find whole cultures locked in war or conflict inside the
leviathan/hulk you thought was just a space ship/station. Always
wanted to do a fantasy RPG where the players are working their way
thru a modern or futuristic world, but its thru their eyes, so it all
seems fantasy or ...

Geiger and Aliens the movie, a fun exploration of horror and sci-fi
and fantasy?


On 6/5/12, Michael Chiarcos <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Best example I can think of is a "Space Hulk" out of Warhammer 40K. To
> those of you who don't get the reference, a space hulk is a completely or
> partially intact space ship that has been lost in the Warp (hyperspace by
> any other name) for anything from months to millenia. It has been since
> colonized by whatever lives in the warp as well as may have some remaining
> indigenous population (or their descendants) most of which have been
> willingly or unwillingly mutated by the warp. (new religions and belief
> systems are always fun to insert here) Depending on the size of the hulk
> there can be whole cities of people, critters, nastiness, etc all encased in
> a fragile shell that at any time could breach onto vacuum. Unless you
> check, you never know what could be behind that door. Does it open to a
> safe zone, a slathering mutant, or open space.
> Michael
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Abrigon
> To: FTL2448
> Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 6:39 AM
> Subject: [FTL2448] Abandoned Space Station/Base?
> wish my cell could do better with editing and forwards..
> How alien is the space station? Prometheus (fore thought vs Epimetheus
> (after thought) his brother, the one wh0 married Pandora. The who
> that was give the box of suffering, but hope was kept inside and ..
> Hum.. Avatar tie in or ... groan..
> how to wargame a space station? Large enough for sure?
> Could not find a break point, sorry: Some is new, some is yahoo group
> that not sure made it over here?
> Mike
> ----
> Ideas, why and how, adventures on an old abandoned star
> port/base/station?
> Sort of an old Dungeon Crawl, but in a space station? The form of
> spike and spokes and like might be the best?
> Designed from the Infestation/Invasion point and out from there? As
> you the explores find out what is left, or not or dangers and ... I
> Loved the idea of "Fantasy" races as sci-fi ones.. Grin..Orcs in
> space?
> International Space station in a post-apocalyptic world? Elements of
> Morrow Project or ... Rise of the Planet of the Apes? I know the 2nd
> movie was .. sort of like but .. not seen it.. 2nd or 3rd?
> I still like the idea of the locals finding it as they expand into
> local space and ... never know, first contact might be triggered or ..
> Prometheus sounds ... will see.. not seen it yet..
> Mike
> Alaska
> -----
> May 17:
> Space Station or Star Base, overt or covert?
> Covert, the base might be hard to find, part of an asteroid or like
> and has defenses and weapons as well as other issues oce you get
> inside?
> Overt, more open, might be out in the open but damaged due to
> collisions over the centuries, but asteroid or free floating?
> Station, more like a fueling station, place for commerce ad like,
> versus a star base, that might be near a worm hole or like, or
> strategic location and might cause issues?
> I think it would be much like an old style DnD dungeon, but having
> reasons for monsters to be where they are at, with no obvious food
> sources and like?
> Mike
> May 16th:
> Working on a station, partially abandoned much like a dungeon from DnD..
> Slime covered walls, not sure what or who made them.
> The locals are low tech, barely at our current level.
> The station is in their Oort cloud or asteroid field.
> Who built it, or why it was left?
> Possibles:
> Aliens, dud, but which kind the humanoid like, or the truely alien or
> how hostile would they be, or could be>?
> The station is not in space, but under the surface of the explorers
> world? Might go for a lower tech group for this one?
> docking clamps work? oxygen or some other gas for breathing or
> nothing? or toxic for all?
> power core still around or it needs to be powered up or even replaced.
> Weapons caches and what sort are they?
> Pods and like, anyone left in one, cryo or like and what sort of
> person? Adult? Child? Criminal or just ...
> I think, going for a Prometheus/Alien horror feel? Predators around or
> ...
> Avatar or like universe, so its possible to have what else?
> Replicants from Blade Runner or just Androids?
> Aliens
> Predators
> Star Ship trooper or what? its a Traveller Universe or Star Frotiers or
> what ?
> --------------------
> Abrigon
> View profile
> More options Mar 27, 1:10 pm
> True, after all why built it in orbit? Other than a place to build a
> ship,
> especially one that can't get up off the planet, cause of size or other
> issues.
> For ideas, its like why the US and like, had to have the Phillipines and
> Hawaii and like.. Coaling stations for one, as well as place to station
> ships and preposition things..
> Like in several foreign countries, the US has storage places of equipment
> and such, ready for people to come in and do their job. Its easier than
> having to get a fleet of cargo ships up and ready, then with warships
> protecting them and to the combat zone. Especially these days when a war
> or
> conflict can flare up quickly.. Regional needs, such as depots in lik
> Kuwait, that if Iraq or other places need action the stuff is already
> there, it does raise issues of if the host country is in danger of
> rebellion and like, or why a number of US supplied arms and such was fall
> into other than friendly hands cause the depot ours or the governments
> one
> was over run and fell into the hands of the new government.
> Space station or battle station? Ships protect it, or it has big guns and
> like of its own? Missles and like, or ..
> But yes, the idea is to use the now abandoned, cause not sure of how or
> why
> it was abandoned.. Its now unoccupied, its owners long gone or ..
> Or the former owners are now degenerated residents of the station? The
> reason for the monsters?
> Mike
> ------------------
> I see space stations the way the Elizabeth Moon uses them as ports for
> ships to large and non aerodynamic to land on the surface of a world. For
> those who may not be familiar with Ms Moons works these stations are
> giant
> cities in space whose job is like any port move cargo both for
> transshipment and to be passed down to the surface. It has shipyards to
> repair damage up to and including building a new ship and it is the home
> for the space defence forces and revenue collecting services. They serve
> all the needs of the space faring communities. Also there are stations
> out
> on the shipping routes that are were places ,in the beginning of
> exploration and trade,where you stopped for supplies ,fuel and rest on
> long
> jumps. Some of these are now border stations but most are now forgotten
> and
> mostly abandoned or taken over buy the less savory people in space
> exploitation and if you as adventurers stop there you can have adventures
> or even just refuel your ship and move on. But be careful who you trust.
> Read Elizabeth Moons Vatta Wars or her Serrano Books for more ideas.
> - Hide quoted text -
> --- In, Abrigon <abrigon@...> wrote:
> - Hide quoted text -
> > Anyone have a space station or base, that can be found and salvaged or
> used
> > as a base of operations, would be nice if it was near a planet or like.
> > Hook for an adventure to/from the planet?
> > Tech to be as average as possible. Not to alien.
> > The idea is to use it for Star Frontiers/Star Wars (not to Jedi or
> like),
> > Traveller, FTL:2448 or like game. SG1 maybe but option for stargate or
> > like, but likely not needed (Shuttles and the PCs ship). Firefly or
> like?
> > What other universes or like might it be used for? The idea is to keep
> it
> > as generic as possible, yes with options for different game/tv/movie
> > universes.
> > Yes, options for other things, but best for now generic.
> > Adventure or plot scenario and ... any ideas?
> > Game system as generic as possible, or option for 2-3? or ideas what
> > systems would be the best for something like this?
> > Mike
> > -------------------
> > Some ideas of how a space station or like could be used?
> > Smugglers?
> > Recon or forward base?
> > Salvage?
> > Base for Piracy?
> > Adventure, the base has something or may have something, not just for
> > salvage but ..
> > I think something depends on who finds it?
> > If its a ship like Firefly or like, then it might be a place to dock,
> fix
> > the ship, hide out from the Alliance and ...refuge or ..
> > IF its the locals, who have just gotten into space, either on their
> own,
> or
> > they found a shuttle craft, or like on the planet surface and then
> found
> > the starbase.
> > Commercial or military base? Human or some other race built it, used
> it,
> > abandoned it and what?
> > What would or might be left behind, going for as generic tech as
> possible.
> > Dr. Who or ...
> > who is using it for a base? Totally abandoned or ..
> > Mike
> ---------
> Abrigon
> View profile
> More options Mar 27, 4:36 pm
> True how many towns that used to service cattle are now long gone? Some
> survived and thrived but not all.
> Anchorage to the south of here, started as a port and logistical hub into
> the interior and area around it.. Or why the rail road and road network
> goes to it.
> There is other places, Valdez for one, the oil and fishing. They built
> Whittier years ago, before I think Anchorage, cause it was a deep water
> port, things change and now. Whittier you got to go thru a tunnel thru a
> mountain to get to it.
> Anchorage was also the place where the early telegraph and then phone was
> run from.
> Also it being a nice flat piece of land, was good for the Air Strip or
> two
> there for the Army and then the Air Force.
> Mike
> On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 3:33 PM, Warren Peters
> <>wrote:
> - Hide quoted text -
> > Your right why build it in orbit as I said you could build it anyplace
> in
> > FASA's Star Trek all the races have tugs that can tow space stations
> where
> > ever they are needed you could also build a station where you needed
> it.
> > As for Defense why was the US Navy Marines, Air Corp and Army in Hawaii
> > , the Philippines and Guam in 1941; it was to defend Hawaii the
> > Philippines and Guam from attack and to defend the people who lived
> > there. In fact Oahu and Manila Bay had some of the strongest defenses
> in
> > the area on paper.So you would use your fleet to aid in defense by
> > engaging your opponents beginning at long range and doing it for a long
> > period of time so to capture a station would be cost prohibited.and
> your
> > Revenue Service to collect your tariffs and enforce regulations around
> the
> > station.
> > The reason for abandonment can be for anything if you get on a train in
> > Portland Oregon and ride to Chicago you will find places that at
> onetime
> > had station but they closed and the town died because trains stopped
> coming
> > to town or the reason for the station never panned out so it was
> abandonedso
> > there can be any number of reasons for abandonment. Hell it's a game
> you
> > can make the reason.
> > *From:* Abrigon <>
> > *To:* Abrigon-World AWG <>; Abrigon World
> > AWY <>; StargruntsOOC <
> >>
> > *Sent:* Tuesday, March 27, 2012 2:10 PM
> > *Subject:* [Abrigon-World] Abandoned Star Base
> > True, after all why built it in orbit? Other than a place to build a
> ship,
> > especially one that can't get up off the planet, cause of size or other
> > issues.
> > For ideas, its like why the US and like, had to have the Phillipines
> and
> > Hawaii and like.. Coaling stations for one, as well as place to station
> > ships and preposition things..
> > Like in several foreign countries, the US has storage places of
> equipment
> > and such, ready for people to come in and do their job. Its easier than
> > having to get a fleet of cargo ships up and ready, then with warships
> > protecting them and to the combat zone. Especially these days when a war
> or
> > conflict can flare up quickly.. Regional needs, such as depots in lik
> > Kuwait, that if Iraq or other places need action the stuff is already
> > there, it does raise issues of if the host country is in danger of
> > rebellion and like, or why a number of US supplied arms and such was
> fall
> > into other than friendly hands cause the depot ours or the governments
> one
> > was over run and fell into the hands of the new government.
> > Space station or battle station? Ships protect it, or it has big guns
> and
> > like of its own? Missles and like, or ..
> > But yes, the idea is to use the now abandoned, cause not sure of how or
> > why it was abandoned.. Its now unoccupied, its owners long gone or ..
> > Or the former owners are now degenerated residents of the station? The
> > reason for the monsters?
> > Mike
> > ------------------
> > I see space stations the way the Elizabeth Moon uses them as ports for
> > ships to large and non aerodynamic to land on the surface of a world.
> For
> > those who may not be familiar with Ms Moons works these stations are
> giant
> > cities in space whose job is like any port move cargo both for
> > transshipment and to be passed down to the surface. It has shipyards to
> > repair damage up to and including building a new ship and it is the
> home
> > for the space defence forces and revenue collecting services. They
> serve
> > all the needs of the space faring communities. Also there are stations
> out
> > on the shipping routes that are were places ,in the beginning of
> > exploration and trade,where you stopped for supplies ,fuel and rest on
> long
> > jumps. Some of these are now border stations but most are now forgotten
> and
> > mostly abandoned or taken over buy the less savory people in space
> > exploitation and if you as adventurers stop there you can have
> adventures
> > or even just refuel your ship and move on. But be careful who you
> trust.
> > Read Elizabeth Moons Vatta Wars or her Serrano Books for more ideas.
> > - Hide quoted text -
> > --- In, Abrigon <abrigon@...> wrote:
> > > Anyone have a space station or base, that can be found and salvaged
> or
> > used
> > > as a base of operations, would be nice if it was near a planet or
> like.
> > > Hook for an adventure to/from the planet?
> > > Tech to be as average as possible. Not to alien.
> > > The idea is to use it for Star Frontiers/Star Wars (not to Jedi or
> like),
> > > Traveller, FTL:2448 or like game. SG1 maybe but option for stargate
> or
> > > like, but likely not needed (Shuttles and the PCs ship). Firefly or
> like?
> > > What other universes or like might it be used for? The idea is to keep
> it
> > > as generic as possible, yes with options for different game/tv/movie
> > > universes.
> > > Yes, options for other things, but best for now generic.
> > > Adventure or plot scenario and ... any ideas?
> > > Game system as generic as possible, or option for 2-3? or ideas what
> > > systems would be the best for something like this?
> > > Mike
> > > -------------------
> > > Some ideas of how a space station or like could be used?
> > > Smugglers?
> > > Recon or forward base?
> > > Salvage?
> > > Base for Piracy?
> > > Adventure, the base has something or may have something, not just for
> > > salvage but ..
> > > I think something depends on who finds it?
> > > If its a ship like Firefly or like, then it might be a place to dock,
> fix
> > > the ship, hide out from the Alliance and ...refuge or ..
> > > IF its the locals, who have just gotten into space, either on their
> own,
> > or
> > > they found a shuttle craft, or like on the planet surface and then
> found
> > > the starbase.
> > > Commercial or military base? Human or some other race built it, used
> it,
> > > abandoned it and what?
> > > What would or might be left behind, going for as generic tech as
> > possible.
> > > Dr. Who or ...
> > > who is using it for a base? Totally abandoned or ..
> > > Mike
> > --
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> -----
> yahoogroups:
> Re: [Abrigon-World] Abandoned Star Base
> Your right why build it in orbit as I said you could build it anyplace
> in FASA's Star Trek all the races have tugs that can tow space
> stations where ever they are needed you could also build a station
> where you needed it. As for Defense why was the US Navy Marines, Air
> Corp and Army in Hawaii , the Philippines and Guam in 1941; it was to
> defend Hawaii the Philippines and Guam from attack and to defend the
> people who lived there. In fact Oahu and Manila Bay had some of the
> strongest defenses in the area on paper.So you would use your fleet
> to aid in defense by engaging your opponents beginning at long range
> and doing it for a long period of time so to capture a station would
> be cost prohibited.and your Revenue Service to collect your tariffs
> and enforce regulations around the station.
> The reason for abandonment can be for anything if you get on a train
> in Portland Oregon and ride to Chicago you will find places that at
> onetime had station but they closed and the town died because trains
> stopped coming to town or the reason for the station never panned out
> so it was abandoned so there can be any number of reasons for
> abandonment. Hell it's a game you can make the reason.
> From: Abrigon <>
> To: Abrigon-World AWG <>; Abrigon World
> AWY <>; StargruntsOOC
> <>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 2:10 PM
> Subject: [Abrigon-World] Abandoned Star Base
> True, after all why built it in orbit? Other than a place to build a
> ship, especially one that can't get up off the planet, cause of size
> or other issues.
> For ideas, its like why the US and like, had to have the Phillipines
> and Hawaii and like.. Coaling stations for one, as well as place to
> station ships and preposition things..
> Like in several foreign countries, the US has storage places of
> equipment and such, ready for people to come in and do their job. Its
> easier than having to get a fleet of cargo ships up and ready, then
> with warships protecting them and to the combat zone. Especially these
> days when a war or conflict can flare up quickly.. Regional needs,
> such as depots in lik Kuwait, that if Iraq or other places need action
> the stuff is already there, it does raise issues of if the host
> country is in danger of rebellion and like, or why a number of US
> supplied arms and such was fall into other than friendly hands cause
> the depot ours or the governments one was over run and fell into the
> hands of the new government.
> Space station or battle station? Ships protect it, or it has big guns
> and like of its own? Missles and like, or ..
> But yes, the idea is to use the now abandoned, cause not sure of how
> or why it was abandoned.. Its now unoccupied, its owners long gone or
> ..
> Or the former owners are now degenerated residents of the station? The
> reason for the monsters?
> Mike
> ------------------
> I see space stations the way the Elizabeth Moon uses them as ports for
> ships to large and non aerodynamic to land on the surface of a world.
> For those who may not be familiar with Ms Moons works these stations
> are giant cities in space whose job is like any port move cargo both
> for transshipment and to be passed down to the surface. It has
> shipyards to repair damage up to and including building a new ship and
> it is the home for the space defence forces and revenue collecting
> services. They serve all the needs of the space faring communities.
> Also there are stations out on the shipping routes that are were
> places ,in the beginning of exploration and trade,where you stopped
> for supplies ,fuel and rest on long jumps. Some of these are now
> border stations but most are now forgotten and mostly abandoned or
> taken over buy the less savory people in space exploitation and if you
> as adventurers stop there you can have adventures or even just refuel
> your ship and move on. But be careful who you trust. Read Elizabeth
> Moons Vatta Wars or her Serrano Books for more ideas.
> - Hide quoted text -
> --- In, Abrigon <abrigon@...> wrote:
> >
> > Anyone have a space station or base, that can be found and salvaged or
> used
> > as a base of operations, would be nice if it was near a planet or like.
> > Hook for an adventure to/from the planet?
> > Tech to be as average as possible. Not to alien.
> > The idea is to use it for Star Frontiers/Star Wars (not to Jedi or
> like),
> > Traveller, FTL:2448 or like game. SG1 maybe but option for stargate or
> > like, but likely not needed (Shuttles and the PCs ship). Firefly or
> like?
> >
> > What other universes or like might it be used for? The idea is to keep
> it
> > as generic as possible, yes with options for different game/tv/movie
> > universes.
> >
> > Yes, options for other things, but best for now generic.
> >
> > Adventure or plot scenario and ... any ideas?
> >
> > Game system as generic as possible, or option for 2-3? or ideas what
> > systems would be the best for something like this?
> >
> > Mike
> > -------------------
> > Some ideas of how a space station or like could be used?
> >
> > Smugglers?
> > Recon or forward base?
> > Salvage?
> > Base for Piracy?
> > Adventure, the base has something or may have something, not just for
> > salvage but ..
> >
> > I think something depends on who finds it?
> >
> > If its a ship like Firefly or like, then it might be a place to dock,
> fix
> > the ship, hide out from the Alliance and ...refuge or ..
> >
> > IF its the locals, who have just gotten into space, either on their own,
> or
> > they found a shuttle craft, or like on the planet surface and then
> found
> > the starbase.
> >
> > Commercial or military base? Human or some other race built it, used
> it,
> > abandoned it and what?
> >
> > What would or might be left behind, going for as generic tech as
> possible.
> >
> > Dr. Who or ...
> >
> > who is using it for a base? Totally abandoned or ..
> >
> > Mike
> >
> >
> Re: Space Station abandoned
> Ever checked out FTL:2448, its space ships and like are more modular
> in construction.. I forget what movie or two, that had ships like it?
> Cargo ships that are a bridge compartment, and then its has a girder
> that goes back to the engine module. Along the girder is latch points
> for cargo connexes and like..
> Mike
> 4a. Re: Space Station abandoned
> Posted by: "warnerd_x" warnerd_x
> Date: Sun Apr 8, 2012 12:34 am ((PDT))
> It is possible in a zero-G habitat only with careful long range planning.
> It would be a nightmare to implement in a rotating habitat with all
> the problems of shifting centers of mass and rotation, vibration, and
> torque issues. You also have to stop and restart the rotation when
> adding or swapping out modules.
> --- In, Matthew Taylor <taylorsmatthew@...>
> wrote:
> >
> > Have you considered the effects of a more modular assembly of space
> habitats? I could see a situation where you basically have a central "hub",
> collectively owned and managed, supported by dues (think homeowners
> association on steroids) surrounded by greater or lesser habitation and
> commercial modules. Long term modules would be owners, there might be
> renters as well.
> >
> > Such a "can" might be in a state of constant upgrading and evolution
> without ever being abandoned wholesale for one big renovation.
> >
> > Matthew
> >
> ------------------------------------
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> Unstarred iandalhuisen Thu, May 17, 2012 at 7:51 AM
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> Abrigon
> <> Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 2:29 AM
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> wish my cell could do better with editing and forwards..
> How alien is the space station? Prometheus (fore thought vs Epimetheus
> (after thought) his brother, the one wh0 married Pandora. The who
> that was give the box of suffering, but hope was kept inside and ..
> Hum.. Avatar tie in or ... groan..
> Mike
> --



Sep 22, 2022, 8:16:20 PM9/22/22
to Scott Wright,,,,

Reasons for why, how and why it was abandoned or taken over or what else?


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