Need help with Game/Monsters/Scenario

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to abrigon-world, Abrigon World FB
(I wrote some of it but not sure if all of it?) Message: 1 Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004 03:27:00 -0900 From: Abrigon Gusiq <> Subject: Need help with Game/Monsters/Scenario Looking for some help with a world/universe design, as well as how to do the "monsters" in it.. Timeline: c.2000 US and likely other nations, find a way to create worm holes aka Star Gates and proceed to explore the universe and used the best security protocols available, problem is, they were not enough. Some how, a nanite virus got thru the filters and proceeded over the next 4 years, to infect most of the human population, who did things normally until one day. c.2004, the Weird Nite, when the bug woke up and changed people. Changed them from normal humans to all sorts of odd things (shades of Aces and the like virus). Be it Orcs, Elves, Supers (low level so far), Demons, Vampires, what ever. c. 2006 The aliens, invaded via the "star gates" that the earth had, as well as some of their own they had smuggled on to the larger islands of the world. Kodiak, Madagascar, Britain, New Zealand (south island) for example. Earth went to sleep "normal" and woke to a world gone very wrong, with most resistance to the invasion crushed or within a week crushed. Any resistance was brutally and totally whipped out, and not just the resistors, but the area around them. To include families of those who resisted, often before the eyes of the one resisting, to see their family ate by the aliens and others, and worse. (see Rape of Nanking, Fall of Hong Kong and Singapore for ideas). And then the horror began. The Aliens maintained the status quo, and tech and like, but it slowly changes, as they took more and more Earthers away, for what ever reason (experiments/slavery/food are some possible examples put forward).. c.2008 CN-ELF (Confederation of Nations - Earth Liberation Force is created, and slowly builds contacts, after all Earth is under a brutal occupation, and some of the future members have long time animosity. Players for my game are soon to be members of the local Fairbanks (Alaska ya know, but darker) area cell of the CN-ELF, they are made up of a variety of beings, but mostly for now, are 10th level in a normal profession of a normal earth class (Spy craft/Modern), but then are for now 2nd level of class in a post fall class, be it magical, super (low level), racial, and such. Mecha are possible. Vampires and Lupine are possible (low level). Trying to use Spycraft and like Stats OGL and all.. Aliens: (D20 Future or ?). The Leaders: They are for all purposes very pale elves, much like Drow in mind set, but not for Lolth, and with high tech. Especially since they have forgotten how the tech works and accept it as god given, and magic for all purposes. Shock Troops: Your basic Ogre like being, but who is I believe CR 12 or higher, has access to high tech, is lawful, they serve their masters the Leaders, and they have four arms and ambidextrous. They are either leaders of lesser forces, or as shock troops of the Leader Aliens. Need some help in fleshing them out, stats and abilities and like. Lesser forces, are normally subjected aliens, can be substituted for a D20 Magic race that has higher tech, and no magic.. Looking for ideas.. Also could be locally recruited slaves who wish to gain their freedom. Satraps: Nicely the aliens leaders, quickly divided the planet into domains, that each lord controls and governs. As long as Imperial property is not messed with, the Empire does not get involved. Concepts that are possible or likely. SG1 but a lot more brutal, and repressive. Game is designed to be LETHAL. Part of why using Spycraft rules sub-set. With possible access to SGs or like tech. PCs need a good dose of reality of late. Such as star gates are availble, but not quite yet. Players are guerillas/resistance fighters, and this can mean, just a clerk who allows his place to be used as a drop, or meeting house/safe house, or a full blown guerilla, who often lives off the land, running from place to place, hounded by the enemy, death at any turn, often with no surviving family (likely family killed by the aliens, and why he/she/it is a resistance fighter). Levels are 10th modern/spy craft, and then 2 levels of what ever the players want, with in reason. Be they racial (2 levels of ogre for example), or class (2 levels of paladin or mage, or cleric or other more exotic classes) High Tech, not accessible unless the players take it from the alien overlords, or create it themselves, and with the Earth going to "hell" quickly, what Earth has, may be gone soon. This may mean the players have to leave earth to carry on the fight, will see. Earth tech is still there, but it is slowly fading. Changing Virus is really or likely just some very weird/mutated nanites, who seem to have come to earth for a purpose, not sure if counter to or just different than the Alien overlords. Possible other parties in this drama. Power sourse for now, is what ever the nanites can produce from the PCs body, or from what they recieve and convert from radio and like waves.. They can be very efficient, and PCs like have to eat alot to keep up power levels. Players are I hope, to set up a base in Mount Denali (McKinkley) to work on infiltrating the enemy, gather new cells of resistance fighters, and carry the battle to the enemy as much as possible. ONE DAY EARTH and Humanity (in what ever form) will rule again. But first game, they were contacted by local resistance, to retrieve a member, from the local lock up, the aliens don't know what/who they have yet, and knowing the Players, it is likely to be bloody, will see.. Classes so far: Well any you can find in Spy Craft/Modern books (D20 sorry Gurps/Hero fans), for the pre-change world. And most any in the post, that is not totally dependent on "Real" magic. But magic is simulated (Arthur C. Clarke ya know) Vampires, Lupine/Werecreatures/shapechangers, Immortals, Supers (low level) exist, just they are not undead and like, atleast not as the classic undead are, to include weaknesses. Some of the classic attacks against them, will not work, but they are also not as strong as a classic vampire/etc, and they are not undead (per se). Wooden steak thru a vampires heart will put their nanite colony in suspension for now.. Lupine, are slow to convert or .. not sure how to do it, will see.. Comments welcome.. Not my normal style of game, normally I don't go beyond 12th level, and more into the lighter side of things.. PS: Sorry for any bad grammer, just types this on the fly, well, did do it originally in word, but then typed in more.. Gaming this Friday, so will see what I can come up with. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Message: 2 Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004 09:40:06 -0500 From: "Brennos" <> Subject: RE: Need help with Game/Monsters/Scenario Couple of thoughts 1. how does the nanite virus infect the alien invaders? Does it create a rare super race of shock troops, does it debilitate a specific group making them want to quarantine earth for all time? 2. how bout trying a Caste system for the aliens, have a couple subraces under the leaders, and then add their followers, and possibly human turncoats at the bottom. 3. human resistance movements would have tried to steal/duplicate some of the alien tech, they would need labs and facilities for such. You could use this as a plot line. The resistance could have some funky stuff the aliens haven't seen (combining our tech with theirs). 4. the possibility that the nanite virus was created by an enemy of the aliens attempting to give the human race a weapon to fight the aliens with is possible. Something akin to the hand gizmos of the Ghould from stargate. The power source is inside the player, but the weapon simply focus' the power. -----Original Message----- From: Abrigon Gusiq [] Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 7:27 AM Subject: Need help with Game/Monsters/Scenario Looking for some help with a world/universe design, as well as how to do the "monsters" in it.. Timeline: c.2000 US and likely other nations, find a way to create worm holes aka Star Gates and proceed to explore the universe and used the best security protocols available, problem is, they were not enough. Some how, a nanite virus got thru the filters and proceeded over the next 4 years, to infect most of the human population, who did things normally until one day. c.2004, the Weird Nite, when the bug woke up and changed people. Changed them from normal humans to all sorts of odd things (shades of Aces and the like virus). Be it Orcs, Elves, Supers (low level so far), Demons, Vampires, what ever. c. 2006 The aliens, invaded via the "star gates" that the earth had, as well as some of their own they had smuggled on to the larger islands of the world. Kodiak, Madagascar, Britain, New Zealand (south island) for example. Earth went to sleep "normal" and woke to a world gone very wrong, with most resistance to the invasion crushed or within a week crushed. Any resistance was brutally and totally whipped out, and not just the resistors, but the area around them. To include families of those who resisted, often before the eyes of the one resisting, to see their family ate by the aliens and others, and worse. (see Rape of Nanking, Fall of Hong Kong and Singapore for ideas). And then the horror began. The Aliens maintained the status quo, and tech and like, but it slowly changes, as they took more and more Earthers away, for what ever reason (experiments/slavery/food are some possible examples put forward).. c.2008 CN-ELF (Confederation of Nations - Earth Liberation Force is created, and slowly builds contacts, after all Earth is under a brutal occupation, and some of the future members have long time animosity. Players for my game are soon to be members of the local Fairbanks (Alaska ya know, but darker) area cell of the CN-ELF, they are made up of a variety of beings, but mostly for now, are 10th level in a normal profession of a normal earth class (Spy craft/Modern), but then are for now 2nd level of class in a post fall class, be it magical, super (low level), racial, and such. Mecha are possible. Vampires and Lupine are possible (low level). Trying to use Spycraft and like Stats OGL and all.. Aliens: (D20 Future or ?). The Leaders: They are for all purposes very pale elves, much like Drow in mind set, but not for Lolth, and with high tech. Especially since they have forgotten how the tech works and accept it as god given, and magic for all purposes. Shock Troops: Your basic Ogre like being, but who is I believe CR 12 or higher, has access to high tech, is lawful, they serve their masters the Leaders, and they have four arms and ambidextrous. They are either leaders of lesser forces, or as shock troops of the Leader Aliens. Need some help in fleshing them out, stats and abilities and like. Lesser forces, are normally subjected aliens, can be substituted for a D20 Magic race that has higher tech, and no magic.. Looking for ideas.. Also could be locally recruited slaves who wish to gain their freedom. Satraps: Nicely the aliens leaders, quickly divided the planet into domains, that each lord controls and governs. As long as Imperial property is not messed with, the Empire does not get involved. Concepts that are possible or likely. SG1 but a lot more brutal, and repressive. Game is designed to be LETHAL. Part of why using Spycraft rules sub-set. With possible access to SGs or like tech. PCs need a good dose of reality of late. Such as star gates are availble, but not quite yet. Players are guerillas/resistance fighters, and this can mean, just a clerk who allows his place to be used as a drop, or meeting house/safe house, or a full blown guerilla, who often lives off the land, running from place to place, hounded by the enemy, death at any turn, often with no surviving family (likely family killed by the aliens, and why he/she/it is a resistance fighter). Levels are 10th modern/spy craft, and then 2 levels of what ever the players want, with in reason. Be they racial (2 levels of ogre for example), or class (2 levels of paladin or mage, or cleric or other more exotic classes) High Tech, not accessible unless the players take it from the alien overlords, or create it themselves, and with the Earth going to "hell" quickly, what Earth has, may be gone soon. This may mean the players have to leave earth to carry on the fight, will see. Earth tech is still there, but it is slowly fading. Changing Virus is really or likely just some very weird/mutated nanites, who seem to have come to earth for a purpose, not sure if counter to or just different than the Alien overlords. Possible other parties in this drama. Power sourse for now, is what ever the nanites can produce from the PCs body, or from what they recieve and convert from radio and like waves.. They can be very efficient, and PCs like have to eat alot to keep up power levels. Players are I hope, to set up a base in Mount Denali (McKinkley) to work on infiltrating the enemy, gather new cells of resistance fighters, and carry the battle to the enemy as much as possible. ONE DAY EARTH and Humanity (in what ever form) will rule again. But first game, they were contacted by local resistance, to retrieve a member, from the local lock up, the aliens don't know what/who they have yet, and knowing the Players, it is likely to be bloody, will see.. Classes so far: Well any you can find in Spy Craft/Modern books (D20 sorry Gurps/Hero fans), for the pre-change world. And most any in the post, that is not totally dependent on "Real" magic. But magic is simulated (Arthur C. Clarke ya know) Vampires, Lupine/Werecreatures/shapechangers, Immortals, Supers (low level) exist, just they are not undead and like, atleast not as the classic undead are, to include weaknesses. Some of the classic attacks against them, will not work, but they are also not as strong as a classic vampire/etc, and they are not undead (per se). Wooden steak thru a vampires heart will put their nanite colony in suspension for now.. Lupine, are slow to convert or .. not sure how to do it, will see.. Comments welcome.. Not my normal style of game, normally I don't go beyond 12th level, and more into the lighter side of things.. PS: Sorry for any bad grammer, just types this on the fly, well, did do it originally in word, but then typed in more.. Gaming this Friday, so will see what I can come up with. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Message: 3 Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004 12:15:52 -0700 From: "Dave M" <> Subject: RE: Need help with Game/Monsters/Scenario Hi! Maybe the aliens rule like Genghis Khan. In other words they have aliens from other world come to rule the domains of Earth. That way the ruler and the ruled never get to know/trust each other. What do you mean by immortal? Like Highlander or like demon/angel or..? Some of the human/changed earth slaves will be resistance fighters. How will the party interact with them. How do they transmit their findings/get protection from the resistance movement. How do so-called normal-humans interact with the changed people? How did they act before the invasion? Any kind of racial hatred will be a great source of internal conflict for the resistance Perhaps the n-virus was sent by the invaders to sow discord and unrest among it's target Perhaps the n-virus was designed on a world in which the people looked like dwarves, elves, etc. In order that when they make first contact with earth and other world, they will be more readily accepted Spycraft-style missions will include: recon, infiltration, investigating potential inside agents, meeting potential inside agents, turning potential inside agents, delivering orders to inside agents, receiving info from inside agents, extracting agents, rescuing agents. And counter intelligence (finding agents in your organization). How does the resistance do this now? How will the expect the players to change that. What changes to that will they not allow? How do the invades deal with that? What precautions do they normally take. How will they change them if the players expose their mission to public/invader scrutiny? Caste system works for story purposes. It makes it easy for the invaders to see what is going on and know what people are supposed to be doing (e.g., what is an engineering dwarf doing in the elven medical facility?). And it provides the resistance with an "in". If they can identify someone who does not want to be in the caste they are born into (a gnome who wants to be a basketball player for instance), then they can more easily turn him. Another way to go besides caste system is Chinese-style entrance exams. Where each profession has some sort of test that a prospective student must pass in order to be taught any of its secrets. Can the gates be used to travel from one place on earth to another? What prevents the earthlings from using the gates to infiltrate invader ships? What defenses do the invaders have against magic? For instance how do they prevent an illusionist from making an exact duplicate of an invader and gaining near unlimited access to invader facilities? What facilities do the invaders have? Are their earth military bases? Internment camps? Governors palaces? Or are the facilities of the invaders all on space ships? How has religion changed with the existence of changed humans and alien lifeforms? Have the invaders used religion or suppressed religion because of the new changes or lack there of? How do the aliens keep the whole population from uprising? Are there more luxuries? Is there more sports? Is there some sort of coliseum system? How do the aliens keeps earthlings minds off of the occupation? Good luck, Dave M -----Original Message----- From: Abrigon Gusiq [] Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 5:27 AM To:;; Alaskan Gamers; United Role Playing;;;;;;; Maps Gods;;;; System Three;; Quantum Comix;; RPG Discussion;;; D20 WCGROUP; D20 Spread Sheet;; A Writers Pen; Aftermath RPG Bunker;; ADnD; Subject: Need help with Game/Monsters/Scenario Looking for some help with a world/universe design, as well as how to do the "monsters" in it.. Timeline: c.2000 US and likely other nations, find a way to create worm holes aka Star Gates and proceed to explore the universe and used the best security protocols available, problem is, they were not enough. Some how, a nanite virus got thru the filters and proceeded over the next 4 years, to infect most of the human population, who did things normally until one day. c.2004, the Weird Nite, when the bug woke up and changed people. Changed them from normal humans to all sorts of odd things (shades of Aces and the like virus). Be it Orcs, Elves, Supers (low level so far), Demons, Vampires, what ever. c. 2006 The aliens, invaded via the "star gates" that the earth had, as well as some of their own they had smuggled on to the larger islands of the world. Kodiak, Madagascar, Britain, New Zealand (south island) for example. Earth went to sleep "normal" and woke to a world gone very wrong, with most resistance to the invasion crushed or within a week crushed. Any resistance was brutally and totally whipped out, and not just the resistors, but the area around them. To include families of those who resisted, often before the eyes of the one resisting, to see their family ate by the aliens and others, and worse. (see Rape of Nanking, Fall of Hong Kong and Singapore for ideas). And then the horror began. The Aliens maintained the status quo, and tech and like, but it slowly changes, as they took more and more Earthers away, for what ever reason (experiments/slavery/food are some possible examples put forward).. c.2008 CN-ELF (Confederation of Nations - Earth Liberation Force is created, and slowly builds contacts, after all Earth is under a brutal occupation, and some of the future members have long time animosity. Players for my game are soon to be members of the local Fairbanks (Alaska ya know, but darker) area cell of the CN-ELF, they are made up of a variety of beings, but mostly for now, are 10th level in a normal profession of a normal earth class (Spy craft/Modern), but then are for now 2nd level of class in a post fall class, be it magical, super (low level), racial, and such. Mecha are possible. Vampires and Lupine are possible (low level). Trying to use Spycraft and like Stats OGL and all.. Aliens: (D20 Future or ?). The Leaders: They are for all purposes very pale elves, much like Drow in mind set, but not for Lolth, and with high tech. Especially since they have forgotten how the tech works and accept it as god given, and magic for all purposes. Shock Troops: Your basic Ogre like being, but who is I believe CR 12 or higher, has access to high tech, is lawful, they serve their masters the Leaders, and they have four arms and ambidextrous. They are either leaders of lesser forces, or as shock troops of the Leader Aliens. Need some help in fleshing them out, stats and abilities and like. Lesser forces, are normally subjected aliens, can be substituted for a D20 Magic race that has higher tech, and no magic.. Looking for ideas.. Also could be locally recruited slaves who wish to gain their freedom. Satraps: Nicely the aliens leaders, quickly divided the planet into domains, that each lord controls and governs. As long as Imperial property is not messed with, the Empire does not get involved. Concepts that are possible or likely. SG1 but a lot more brutal, and repressive. Game is designed to be LETHAL. Part of why using Spycraft rules sub-set. With possible access to SGs or like tech. PCs need a good dose of reality of late. Such as star gates are availble, but not quite yet. Players are guerillas/resistance fighters, and this can mean, just a clerk who allows his place to be used as a drop, or meeting house/safe house, or a full blown guerilla, who often lives off the land, running from place to place, hounded by the enemy, death at any turn, often with no surviving family (likely family killed by the aliens, and why he/she/it is a resistance fighter). Levels are 10th modern/spy craft, and then 2 levels of what ever the players want, with in reason. Be they racial (2 levels of ogre for example), or class (2 levels of paladin or mage, or cleric or other more exotic classes) High Tech, not accessible unless the players take it from the alien overlords, or create it themselves, and with the Earth going to "hell" quickly, what Earth has, may be gone soon. This may mean the players have to leave earth to carry on the fight, will see. Earth tech is still there, but it is slowly fading. Changing Virus is really or likely just some very weird/mutated nanites, who seem to have come to earth for a purpose, not sure if counter to or just different than the Alien overlords. Possible other parties in this drama. Power sourse for now, is what ever the nanites can produce from the PCs body, or from what they recieve and convert from radio and like waves.. They can be very efficient, and PCs like have to eat alot to keep up power levels. Players are I hope, to set up a base in Mount Denali (McKinkley) to work on infiltrating the enemy, gather new cells of resistance fighters, and carry the battle to the enemy as much as possible. ONE DAY EARTH and Humanity (in what ever form) will rule again. But first game, they were contacted by local resistance, to retrieve a member, from the local lock up, the aliens don't know what/who they have yet, and knowing the Players, it is likely to be bloody, will see.. Classes so far: Well any you can find in Spy Craft/Modern books (D20 sorry Gurps/Hero fans), for the pre-change world. And most any in the post, that is not totally dependent on "Real" magic. But magic is simulated (Arthur C. Clarke ya know) Vampires, Lupine/Werecreatures/shapechangers, Immortals, Supers (low level) exist, just they are not undead and like, atleast not as the classic undead are, to include weaknesses. Some of the classic attacks against them, will not work, but they are also not as strong as a classic vampire/etc, and they are not undead (per se). Wooden steak thru a vampires heart will put their nanite colony in suspension for now.. Lupine, are slow to convert or .. not sure how to do it, will see.. Comments welcome.. Not my normal style of game, normally I don't go beyond 12th level, and more into the lighter side of things.. PS: Sorry for any bad grammer, just types this on the fly, well, did do it originally in word, but then typed in more.. Gaming this Friday, so will see what I can come up with. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Message: 4 Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004 12:44:53 -0700 From: "Dave M" <> Subject: RE: Need help with Game/Monsters/Scenario Hi! Thought of more factors: What about nationalism? Are there people in the resistance who will only take missions that uphold American ideals/interests? A sort of "I am saving America, the rest of the world can fend for itself" attitude? How many people feel like that? Have they joined the same resistance group that the players have? Or have they formed a second resistance group with a slightly different agenda? What about previously suppressed nations (like Native Americans, Eskimos, Kurds, Ainu, Palestinians, Israelis, Tibetans, etc.)? Are they able to fight to get their lands back? For instance, will the invaders see Tibet's efforts to retake a barely usable mountain range worth sending troops to? Will the allow, deny or ignore China from sending troops to prevent that? Is there any change in how the so-called suppressed nations are treated after the change, but before the invasion, and how about after the invasion. People have a long memory. If groups used their new found magic powers to oppress suppressed nations or to fight the so-called oppressors, this will not be so easily forgotten, even under the shadow of an alien invasion. Can Vampires feed on Alien blood? If the Vampires cannot drink alien blood, how do they exist as part of the resistance? If they can drink alien blood, do they? Or would that attract too much attention from the alien shock troops? What about weres, can they contain there bestial rampage enough to stay under the aliens notice? Do the aliens tolerate the outbreaks of vicious animal attacks, or do the weres have to move around from town to town to avoid persecution? And what about travel restrictions, education and information distribution (like internet and TV news)? Are they alien controlled or forbidden or..? Especially in a highly roleplay-centric campaign, these sorts of facts make or break the players ability to get into the game world you are making and allow/deny them the ability to act their role. Good luck, Dave M -----Original Message----- From: Abrigon Gusiq [] Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 5:27 AM Subject: Need help with Game/Monsters/Scenario Looking for some help with a world/universe design, as well as how to do the "monsters" in it.. Timeline: c.2000 US and likely other nations, find a way to create worm holes aka Star Gates and proceed to explore the universe and used the best security protocols available, problem is, they were not enough. Some how, a nanite virus got thru the filters and proceeded over the next 4 years, to infect most of the human population, who did things normally until one day. c.2004, the Weird Nite, when the bug woke up and changed people. Changed them from normal humans to all sorts of odd things (shades of Aces and the like virus). Be it Orcs, Elves, Supers (low level so far), Demons, Vampires, what ever. c. 2006 The aliens, invaded via the "star gates" that the earth had, as well as some of their own they had smuggled on to the larger islands of the world. Kodiak, Madagascar, Britain, New Zealand (south island) for example. Earth went to sleep "normal" and woke to a world gone very wrong, with most resistance to the invasion crushed or within a week crushed. Any resistance was brutally and totally whipped out, and not just the resistors, but the area around them. To include families of those who resisted, often before the eyes of the one resisting, to see their family ate by the aliens and others, and worse. (see Rape of Nanking, Fall of Hong Kong and Singapore for ideas). And then the horror began. The Aliens maintained the status quo, and tech and like, but it slowly changes, as they took more and more Earthers away, for what ever reason (experiments/slavery/food are some possible examples put forward).. c.2008 CN-ELF (Confederation of Nations - Earth Liberation Force is created, and slowly builds contacts, after all Earth is under a brutal occupation, and some of the future members have long time animosity. Players for my game are soon to be members of the local Fairbanks (Alaska ya know, but darker) area cell of the CN-ELF, they are made up of a variety of beings, but mostly for now, are 10th level in a normal profession of a normal earth class (Spy craft/Modern), but then are for now 2nd level of class in a post fall class, be it magical, super (low level), racial, and such. Mecha are possible. Vampires and Lupine are possible (low level). Trying to use Spycraft and like Stats OGL and all.. Aliens: (D20 Future or ?). The Leaders: They are for all purposes very pale elves, much like Drow in mind set, but not for Lolth, and with high tech. Especially since they have forgotten how the tech works and accept it as god given, and magic for all purposes. Shock Troops: Your basic Ogre like being, but who is I believe CR 12 or higher, has access to high tech, is lawful, they serve their masters the Leaders, and they have four arms and ambidextrous. They are either leaders of lesser forces, or as shock troops of the Leader Aliens. Need some help in fleshing them out, stats and abilities and like. Lesser forces, are normally subjected aliens, can be substituted for a D20 Magic race that has higher tech, and no magic.. Looking for ideas.. Also could be locally recruited slaves who wish to gain their freedom. Satraps: Nicely the aliens leaders, quickly divided the planet into domains, that each lord controls and governs. As long as Imperial property is not messed with, the Empire does not get involved. Concepts that are possible or likely. SG1 but a lot more brutal, and repressive. Game is designed to be LETHAL. Part of why using Spycraft rules sub-set. With possible access to SGs or like tech. PCs need a good dose of reality of late. Such as star gates are availble, but not quite yet. Players are guerillas/resistance fighters, and this can mean, just a clerk who allows his place to be used as a drop, or meeting house/safe house, or a full blown guerilla, who often lives off the land, running from place to place, hounded by the enemy, death at any turn, often with no surviving family (likely family killed by the aliens, and why he/she/it is a resistance fighter). Levels are 10th modern/spy craft, and then 2 levels of what ever the players want, with in reason. Be they racial (2 levels of ogre for example), or class (2 levels of paladin or mage, or cleric or other more exotic classes) High Tech, not accessible unless the players take it from the alien overlords, or create it themselves, and with the Earth going to "hell" quickly, what Earth has, may be gone soon. This may mean the players have to leave earth to carry on the fight, will see. Earth tech is still there, but it is slowly fading. Changing Virus is really or likely just some very weird/mutated nanites, who seem to have come to earth for a purpose, not sure if counter to or just different than the Alien overlords. Possible other parties in this drama. Power sourse for now, is what ever the nanites can produce from the PCs body, or from what they recieve and convert from radio and like waves.. They can be very efficient, and PCs like have to eat alot to keep up power levels. Players are I hope, to set up a base in Mount Denali (McKinkley) to work on infiltrating the enemy, gather new cells of resistance fighters, and carry the battle to the enemy as much as possible. ONE DAY EARTH and Humanity (in what ever form) will rule again. But first game, they were contacted by local resistance, to retrieve a member, from the local lock up, the aliens don't know what/who they have yet, and knowing the Players, it is likely to be bloody, will see.. Classes so far: Well any you can find in Spy Craft/Modern books (D20 sorry Gurps/Hero fans), for the pre-change world. And most any in the post, that is not totally dependent on "Real" magic. But magic is simulated (Arthur C. Clarke ya know) Vampires, Lupine/Werecreatures/shapechangers, Immortals, Supers (low level) exist, just they are not undead and like, atleast not as the classic undead are, to include weaknesses. Some of the classic attacks against them, will not work, but they are also not as strong as a classic vampire/etc, and they are not undead (per se). Wooden steak thru a vampires heart will put their nanite colony in suspension for now.. Lupine, are slow to convert or .. not sure how to do it, will see.. Comments welcome.. Not my normal style of game, normally I don't go beyond 12th level, and more into the lighter side of things.. PS: Sorry for any bad grammer, just types this on the fly, well, did do it originally in word, but then typed in more.. Gaming this Friday, so will see what I can come up with.
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