EGU25 HS4.11 (Call for abstracts): Hydrological forecasting in urban and regulated catchments

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Shasha Han

Dec 16, 2024, 1:44:25 PM (11 days ago) Dec 16
to AboutHydrology
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
EGU 2025 will take place in Vienna from 27 April to 2 May 2025. We would like to draw your attention to the EGU 2025 session on Hydrological Forecasting.
Session HS4.11: Hydrological forecasting in urban and regulated catchments
Conveners: Shasha Han, Qiuhua Liang, Gemma Coxon, Poulomi Ganguli, Ignazio Giuntoli
Anthropogenic activities have profoundly altered the water cycle, especially in urban and regulated catchments, leading to further changes in the frequency, magnitude, and timing of hydroclimatic extremes in a warming climate. These modifications include reservoir and dam constructions, drainage systems, urban land expansion, urban infrastructure development, water abstraction, wastewater discharge, and associated management aspects and contingency plans.
Despite recent advances in hydrology research and technology developments in the Anthropocene, our understanding of human–water interactions in both large- and local-scale hydrologic systems remains elusive. This session will explore recent advances in hydrological forecasting, considering both natural processes and human activities. Topics will cover (but not limited to) novel data generation, advanced modelling of extremes, quantitative analysis of human impacts, impact-based assessments, and effective communications.
Please do submit an abstract if you would like more impact of your work – we embrace diversity and support early career researchers!
The deadline for abstract submission is 15 Jan 2025, 13:00 CET.
On behalf of the conveners,

Dr Shasha Han
Assistant Professor in Physical Geography - Hydrology and Water Resources
School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of Birmingham
Because of my working pattern, you may receive emails from me at odd hours. I do not expect anyone to respond outside of their own working pattern.


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