Below are some questions I used in our last round of hiring. We wanted someone who was able to work alone and enjoyed working with older seniors. Good luck with your new job!
Ed Miller
Library System of Lancaster County
1. What has your experience with public libraries been like?
2. What, in your opinion or experience are crucial elements in providing good customer service?
3. Can you describe a computer technology or software issue that you were able to resolve on your own? What are some steps you would take to try to resolve a technology issue you are encountering?
4. What experience, if any, do you have relating to the elderly, particularly those who are living in institutional settings? What ideas do you have about promoting library services to people living in these settings?
5. Conflict- Suppose for the sake of discussion, that in a couple of months after getting to know the job, you have identified some changes that you think should be made. What would you do? What would you do if I disagreed?
6. Reliability/ timliness and tardiness: From what you know of the bookmobile and libraries, why would the issue of reliablity and punctuality be important?
7. Problem solving and initiative-
Agree or disagree - When I encounter an issue or a new problem, I like the challenge of coming up with solutions that I think will work.
(ask them to flesh out their answer a bit)
8. Which statement better describes your attitudes toward rules: “There are reasons for rules and it is important to follow them,” or “Some rules are made to be broken” Please elaborate on your answer.
9. Do you have any questions for us?
How to handle vehicle malfunction when on the road? If you define it as a “weird noise” it’s really open-ended.
Factors to deal with include:
Analysis of noise(whether doomsday or trivial),
How long before they pull off the road (if they do)
Do they refer to the vehicle manual-Do they pull over in a safe place-
Who do they alert (office staff, someone at the next site, garage or maintenance people)
As with Lancaster, our bookmobile goes out with just one staff member so it’s essential to get an independent thinker.
Many times the dept is also empty so there’s no one to help with the logistical end of things(tow truck, Library web page updates, notifying missed service sites/patrons, procuring an +Extension van or personal car to collect materials that need to be returned to the office, ride for the driver back to the office, et cetera) Best of luck. Mick Clark