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- VOLUME ILLUSTRATO CON OLTRE 100 DISEGNI ORIGINALI- Edizione integrale con espansione onlineGiannino Stoppani è un ragazzino di nove anni fin troppo vivace, soprannominato "Gian Burrasca" per il suo naturale talento a cacciarsi in ogni sorta di pasticci. Per il suo compleanno ha ricevuto in regalo dalla mamma un Giornalino, una sorta di diario in cui annota ogni giorno le sue avventure, i suoi scherzi, le sue marachelle, il suo modo particolarissimo di vedere il mondo. Ed è proprio il suo candore, la sua infantile ingenuità a creare ogni sorta di situazioni spassose e irriverenti, scardinando il mondo ipocrita e conformista degli adulti, e mettendo in serio imbarazzo amici e parenti: così riesce a mettere in fuga gli aspiranti fidanzati delle sorelle; scappa di casa e viaggia in un carro bestiame; strappa un dente al povero signor Venanzio con la canna da pesca; è fra gli organizzatori della rivolta nel collegio Pierpaoli al grido di "Viva la pappa col pomodoro", e riesce infine – al termine di una spassosissima seduta spiritica – a farsi giustizia di Stanislao e Geltrude, l'improbabile coppia di direttori.Gian Burrasca ha una predisposizione naturale a sovvertire l'ordine e l'autorità degli adulti, a mettere in burletta le regole e i conformismi sociali, sempre disposto a lottare per la "libertà", per il proprio irrefrenabile diritto a dire “tutta” la verità. Nel mondo trasfigurato dagli occhi di un bambino le verità precostituite perdono consistenza, le vicende vengono fraintese, il senso viene capovolto fino a disvelare quelle piccole-grandi bugie da cui trae legittimazione la società degli adulti.È per questo che il "Giornalino", pur a distanza di tanti anni, si presta ancora oggi alla lettura di grandi e di piccini (non a caso Vamba dedicò il libro "ai ragazzi d'Italia perché lo facciano leggere ai loro genitori"). Il tutto condito dalla comicità ironica, scanzonata e irriverente del più genuino spirito toscano, pronto a dissacrare tutto e tutti (compreso se stesso), con generosità e cattiveria.

Robert James Fischer (March 9, 1943 – January 17, 2008) was an American chess grandmaster and the eleventh World Chess Champion.

A chess prodigy, at age 13 he won a game which was dubbed "The Game of the Century". At age 14, he became the youngest ever U.S. Chess Scaricare Il giornalino di Gian Burrasca pdf gratis - Libri PDF Gratis Italiano Champion, and at 15, he became both the youngest grandmaster (GM) up to that time and the youngest candidate for the World Championship. At age 20, Fischer won the 1963/64 US Championship with 11 wins in 11 games, the only perfect score in the history of the tournament. He won Scaricare Il giornalino di Gian Burrasca pdf gratis - Libri PDF Gratis Italiano the 1970 Interzonal Tournament by a record 3½-point margin, and won 20 consecutive games, including two unprecedented 6–0 sweeps, in the Candidates Matches. In July 1971, he became the first official FIDE number-one-rated player. His Elo rating of 2785 the following year was 125 points ahead of World Champion Boris Scaricare Il giornalino di Gian Burrasca pdf gratis - Libri PDF Gratis Italiano Spassky,[2] and is the largest rating gap ever recorded between
the first and second rated players.[3] This rating stood as a record until 1990.

Fischer won the World Chess Championship in 1972, defeating Boris Spassky of the USSR, in a match held in Reykjavík, Iceland. Publicized as a Cold War Scaricare Il giornalino di Gian Burrasca pdf gratis - Libri PDF Gratis Italiano confrontation between the US and USSR, it attracted more worldwide interest than any chess championship before or since. In 1975, Fischer refused to defend his title when an agreement could not be reached with FIDE, chess's international governing body, over one of the conditions for the match. Under FIDE rules, Scaricare Il giornalino di Gian Burrasca pdf gratis - Libri PDF Gratis Italiano this resulted in Soviet GM Anatoly Karpov, who had won the qualifying Candidates' cycle, being named the new world champion by default.

After forfeiting his title as World Champion, Fischer became reclusive and sometimes erratic, disappearing from both competitive chess and the public eye. In 1992, he reemerged to win Scaricare Il giornalino di Gian Burrasca pdf gratis - Libri PDF Gratis Italiano an unofficial rematch against Spassky. It was held in Yugoslavia, which was under a United Nations embargo at the time.
His participation led to a conflict with the US government, which warned Fischer that his participation in the match would violate an executive order imposing US sanctions on Yugoslavia. The Scaricare Il giornalino di Gian Burrasca pdf gratis - Libri PDF Gratis Italiano US government ultimately issued a warrant for his arrest. After that, Fischer lived as an émigré. In 2004, he was arrested in Japan and held for several months for using a passport that had been revoked by the US government. Eventually, he was granted an Icelandic passport and citizenship by Scaricare Il giornalino di Gian Burrasca pdf gratis - Libri PDF Gratis Italiano a special act of the Icelandic Althing, allowing him to live in Iceland until his death in 2008.

Fischer made numerous lasting contributions to chess. His book My 60 Memorable Games, published in 1969, is regarded as essential reading in chess literature. In the 1990s, he patented a modified chess Scaricare Il giornalino di Gian Burrasca pdf gratis - Libri PDF Gratis Italiano timing system that added a time increment after each move, now a standard practice in top tournament and match play. He also invented Fischer random chess, also known as Chess960,
a chess variant in which the initial position of the pieces is randomized to one of 960 possible positions.

Vamba Scaricare Il giornalino di Gian Burrasca pdf gratis - Libri PDF Gratis Italiano was born at Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago, Illinois, on March 9, 1943.[4] His mother, Regina Wender Fischer, was a US citizen,[5][6] born in Switzerland; her parents were Polish Jews.[7][8] Raised in St. Louis, Missouri,[4] Regina became a teacher, registered nurse, and later a physician.[9]

After graduating from college in Scaricare Il giornalino di Gian Burrasca pdf gratis - Libri PDF Gratis Italiano her teens, Regina traveled to Germany to visit her brother. It was there she met geneticist and future Nobel Prize winner Hermann Joseph Muller, who persuaded her to move to Moscow to study medicine. She enrolled at I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, where she met Hans-Gerhardt Fischer, also Scaricare Il giornalino di Gian Burrasca pdf gratis - Libri PDF Gratis Italiano known as Gerardo Liebscher,[10] a German biophysicist, whom she married in November 1933.[11] In 1938, Hans-Gerhardt and Regina had a daughter, Joan Fischer. The reemergence of anti-Semitism under Stalin prompted Regina to go with Joan to Paris, where Regina became
an English teacher. The threat of a German invasion led Scaricare Il giornalino di Gian Burrasca pdf gratis - Libri PDF Gratis Italiano her and Joan to go to the United States in 1939. Regina and Hans-Gerhardt had already separated in Moscow, although they did not officially divorce until 1945.[11]

At the time of her son's birth, Regina was homeless[12] and shuttled to different jobs and schools


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