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abjad.persist.as_midi outputting PDF

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Andrew Rickards

Sep 14, 2024, 2:44:19 AM9/14/24
to abjad-user
I'm sure I'm making some newbie mistake but I can't figure out how to get the persist.as_midi() function to work. The persist.as_png() work just as I need it to but as_midi seems to want to save as PDF instead of a midi file.

I've tried searching the docs and this forum but I couldn't seem to find anything - at least, nothing that worked the way I need it to. None of the AI chat bots seem to be any help either.

I managed to save a midi file using show() but it saved it in the abjad's hidden output folder. I want to program I'm working on to be able to save midi files in specific locations on my computer.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Davi Raubach

Sep 16, 2024, 8:01:52 AM9/16/24

You need a midi block in your score.

import abjad

score = abjad.Score()
staff = abjad.Staff(r"c'4 d'4 e'4")
midi_block = abjad.Block("midi")
score_block = abjad.Block("score", items=[score, midi_block])
lilypond_file = abjad.LilyPondFile(
abjad.persist.as_midi(lilypond_file, "file.midi")

Best regards,


Andrew Rickards <> writes:

I'm sure I'm making some newbie mistake but I can't figure out how to get the persist.asmidi() function to work. The persist.aspng() work just as I need it to but asmidi seems to want to save as PDF instead of a midi file.

Andrew Rickards

Sep 18, 2024, 8:17:54 PM9/18/24
to abjad-user
Thank you so much. I did try something similar to this at one point but I must have missed a step.
Much appreciated.

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