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Seán ó Dálaigh

Mar 3, 2024, 5:16:47 PM3/3/24
to abjad-user
Hello all,

I was wondering what could be a way to define custom accidentals? Something like adding more values to be rounded to other than 50 cents. I could make do with the arrow up and down accidentals contained in Lily to start with for 1/6th tones in addition to the existing 1/4s that round. 

Thanks in advance!

Trinton Hlynn

Mar 3, 2024, 6:31:43 PM3/3/24
Hi Sean, 

Not an expert, but check out this abjad-ext-microtones package: 

Maybe these tools can help, if they’re compatible with your version of Abjad. It already uses the HEJI accidentals from the Ekmelos font. 

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Seán ó Dálaigh

Mar 3, 2024, 10:40:58 PM3/3/24
to abjad-user
Hey Trinton  thanks for this! I nearly got there. 

I tried a clean venv install of abjad, added  these libraries and I got as far as this error

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/Users/seanodalaigh/", line 2, in <module>

    import evans

  File "/Users/seanodalaigh/resources/evans_abjad_libs/evans/evans/", line 7, in <module>

    from .commands import (

  File "/Users/seanodalaigh/resources/evans_abjad_libs/evans/evans/", line 15, in <module>

    from .handlers import IntermittentVoiceHandler, RhythmHandler

  File "/Users/seanodalaigh/resources/evans_abjad_libs/evans/evans/", line 10, in <module>

    from . import sequence

  File "/Users/seanodalaigh/resources/evans_abjad_libs/evans/evans/", line 788, in <module>

    class Ratio(abjad.Ratio):


AttributeError: module 'abjad' has no attribute 'Ratio'

I thought I hit all the dependencies;


I am not sure if you are here Gregory and if so know how I can get around this! Thanks in advance. Is abjad.Ratio in a previous version of abjad perhaps? 


Gregory Evans

Mar 4, 2024, 10:56:00 AM3/4/24

Hi Séan,
Yes, abjad formerly had an abjad.Ratio class as well as abjad.NonReducedFraction and perhaps a handful of other tools. Most of the functionality of these objects have simply collapsed into the use of tuple pairs: (3, 4)

I’m finishing a PhD which is taking a lot of time and effort, so I have been using an older version of abjad and I haven’t been refactoring my libraries very frequently. I intend to do a big update once I’ve graduated. The good news for you, however, is that abjadext.microtones is totally free standing and does not import anything from evans, tsmakers, or any of my other personal libraries. evans.PitchHandler does some fancy formatting stuff for the special microtones but everything can be managed without it.

maybe reach out in a couple of months after May and I might have ported everything up to the current abjad. We'll see...

warm regards,


Seán ó Dálaigh

Mar 4, 2024, 2:19:46 PM3/4/24
to abjad-user
Hi Gregory,

Thanks so much for the reply! Great I will have a look into abjadext.microtones more closely. Your personal libraries look great and I will ha e a look around with an older install of abjad, thanks for making them public! I would love to speak after May, good luck with the final PhD stretch. 



Mar 5, 2024, 8:08:09 AM3/5/24
I have been following this thread with interest. Where can I can find the previous versions of abjad? It would be instructive to see these deprecated functions.

And here’s to a wind in your sails re the PhD submission, Gregory. Completing doctoral studies is such a huge demand on head-space and lifestyle.



Gregory Evans

Mar 5, 2024, 11:01:22 AM3/5/24
Thanks to everyone for the well wishes for my degree. I'm nearly at the end, just one more push.

My personal libraries are currently running on abjad 3.13 ( which is really quite old. I don’t recommend going back that far if you are planning on doing serious work with abjad. Trevor has made some incredible updates since then that I am excited to get my hands on. However if you install it in its own virtual environment just to play around with my code, that is certainly alright.

Trinton can attest that not all of my code is clean and bug-free right now. You might have fun with the Handler classes or the Sequence sub-library. The docs are here but they are also very out of date, well behind my current code base. (It has been a hectic couple of years.) However, there are a lot of doc tests in the code you can read though and anything without a doctest is probably fairly straightforward to use.

BUT because of the disrepair of my personal libraries (which I promise will be ported forward soon enough) I think it’s best to use them as a learning template and I don’t recommend deploying them for real projects.

abjadext.microtones ( on the other hand I believe is in perfect working order and I do recommend it for serious use. All the pitch math is done in python and the actual accidental representation is provided by a stylesheet. So if you want different symbols than what I have provided, all you need to do is take the microtones stylesheet as a template and replace whatever you want. Even keeping just to the ekmelos font, there are many alternatives available. (


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