Test E Tren And Eq Cycle

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Anna Pedal

Nov 2, 2023, 5:01:41 PM11/2/23
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hey guys looking for opinions on the power and goals of these 2 stacks. . of course looking for great results-solely lean mass gain, zero fat/water retention (yes diet plays a key role, but maybe 1 of these 2 may increase water retention)-the ability to retain, or hold, these gains after cycle (like above, 1 cycle may promote better gain during/after pct) - and of course the hardness is a great . The schematics of my cycle will log as follows---Week 1-16 Test e at 350 mg a week. Week 1-12 Tren acetate starting at 400 mg a week and may climb up to 600 towards the end. Week 1-12 Masteron prop at 400mg a week until week 6 then up too 500 mg a week until the end. Week 1-16 I'll be running EQ at 500 mg a week. 3999 + 1 Tren E Test Cyp and EQ ad STATS, DESCRIPTION, GOALS I am 6 ft 220 lbs 10 percent bodyfat. This is my 3rd cycle I just started it last thursday. I hope to drop a lil body fat and shred up nicely. Bookmark 1 0 0 I know to wait 2 weeks after last pin to start pct. #1 test E,eq,tren Cycle October 29, 2011, 06:55 PM whats a good dosage to run a 12 week cycle of test and tren? i also have eq can i add that to this cycle? Tags: None the-unnatural Behemoth Join Date: Feb 2011 Posts: 1241 Tweet #2 October 29, 2011, 07:04 PM Dosages depend on your cycle history. #1 NovaFlex Well-known Member Tren E - 600-800 /wk EQ - 600 /wk Test E - 300 /wk 16 weeks. looking to cut pretty hard. Has anyone ran these two together, and if so, what was your experience? Do you recommend the cycle? This would be my first go at EQ. I've heard differing opinions on dosages. So has anyone ever ran this cycle before? Specifically Test E, Tren E and EQ. I've ran about 5 cycles and I've been on trt for about a year now. So it's been a little while since I've done a proper cycle. But this is the first time I'll be using Tren. I know a lot of people will probably say use Tren A. #1 I am currently 20% body fat. Like to be around 15% year round. I am 5'11 and 205lbs. Been on trt since nov. 2012. Last 5weeks been on Test 375mg/wk, Eq 600mg/wk and now going to throw in some tren ace. Cycle will look like this week 1-15 test 375mg/wk week 1-12 Eq 600mg/wk week 6-13 Tren Ace 300mg/wkRECOMP CYCLE: TEST E/EQ/TREN/ANAVAR ad STATS, DESCRIPTION, GOALS AGE-25 BF-15% YEARS LIFTING-8 WEIGHT-205 HEIGHT-5'8-5'9 GOAL -BF:8% GIVE OR TAKE -190 I AM LOOKING TO ADD A FEW LEAN LBS OF LEAN MUSCLE, MAYBE 5-10 WHILE CUTTING DOWN TO ABOUT 190LBS AT 8%. EXPERTS OUT THERE. . . CAN IT BE DONE?Planning to run this for atleast 2 more months. For PCT standard Clomid and Tamixifen is planned. AI I use as I feel at this moment. Half a pill of 0. 5 EoD or E3D. Been on test and tren cycles before. And I find that little bit more test over tren works better for me. For Mass building. Test and EQ is a very versatile combo. You can use it to bulk or cut and see nice results. All you do is change your diet based on your goals. Seeing as this is your third cycle you could also throw in an oral steroid to kickstart it while you're waiting for the EQ to kick in (takes a good 4-5 weeks). 3. EQ wouldn't have even kicked in before adding the tren. Run EQ and test together for 12 to 16 weeks and don't add anything to it. EQ is bad for making your blood thick. You can crash your E2 really bad. You don't want to be running it then add more and more because you won't know what's giving you sides. #1 Current stats are as follows: 30 years old male 5'11" tall 205 lbs 10% body fat A quick history: Almost 10 years lifting experience, five prior cycles, and my previous cycle was test e for 16 weeks at 600 mg and Tren E 250 mg for the first 8 weeks but ended up running it as high as 400 mg during the last 4 weeks of it. #1 Hi there guys, Might possibly need a bit of guidance, Im about to start my 3rd cycle, I have Test E tren E EQ masteron and dbol at hand. I was thinking of running week 1-3 Dbol 50mg ed week 1-8 tren E 400mg/wk week 1-12 test E 500mg/wk week 1-14 eq 600mg/wk week 13-15 masteron 200mg/wk Do you think it is worth throwing the EQ or not??First was test e 250 mg with eq 400 which I was very uneducated on to say the least didn't use or know about pct, but still managed to gain some much desired muscle. The second cycle was Test e 250 Deca 200 and tren e 200 which gave me a lot of size and strength. but again I wish I would have known about the benefits of hcg and pct then. Week 1-4 Test E-- 250mg Tren E-- 200mg EQ-- 400mg Dbol-100mg ED Anastrazole-- 0. 5ml EOD Week 5-8 Test E-- 500mg Tren E-- 400mg EQ-- 400mg Anastrazole-- 0. 5ml EOD Week 9-12 Test E-- 500mg Tren E-- 400mg EQ-- 200mg Anastrazole-- 0. 5ml EOD PCT starting after 7 days Nolva: Week 1-- 40mg per day Week 2-4-- 20mg per dayCycle tweaks Looking to use Mast E as AI TRT lifer now at 100 mg/wk. So no PCT needed Thoughts, tweaks, or ideas for this cycle welcome and appreciated. . This will be my third cycle. Two prior cycles with tren ace and no problems or sides. Interested in using tren e to reduce pinning.

16 week all summer cycle. GAINZ TIME!! TREN, TEST E, MAST, EQ. test/eq vs test/tren cycle - Steroid . com Test E, Tren E, and EQ Cycle Proposal | iSARMS Forums test E,eq,tren Cycle - Muscular Development Forums Cycle: Tren E Test Cyp and EQ - eroid s Tren, Eq and Test Cycle | Anabolic Steroid Forums Test/Tren/EQ? | Evolutionary. org Steroids Research Forums Thinking Another Cycle with Tren, Test & EQ? Deca? Need advice on my next cycle/ TEST E, TREN E, EQ, ANADROL Forum: TEST E, TREN E AND EQ CYCLE ~bighulk3012, 2013 - eroid s Cycle: Mast E, Test E, Tren E, EQ Cycle - eroid s Anyone run Tren + EQ together? | MESO-Rx Forum Cycle: RECOMP CYCLE: TEST E/EQ/TREN/ANAVAR - eroid s Cycle: Test e & tren e cycle - eroid s Test E, Tren, EQ Cycle - Pharma / TRT - COMMUNITY - T NATION Test tren eq cycle???? - IronMag Bodybuilding Forums

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